Just his arrogance. I don't know him personally, but I do know that after posting something like that, I will probably never work with him. Be it right wrong or different from your opinion of him.
I made a comment earlier about some so-called proffesional websites making me want to vomit, here is a list of great web development resource sites.
http://www.alistapart.com (Live it, learn it, love it)
http://www.cssbeauty.com/gallery/ (Great resource site)
http://www.smashingmagazine.com (just about everything you need, including free templates, fonts, tutorials)
http://www.opensourcetemplates.org (a few nice free templates for those who can't design)
If you are going to buy templates, don't ever buy them from templatemonster.com or any subsidiary of template monster. Some may look nice, but the code is atrocious and they steal other designers and photographers hard work and pass it off as their own.
Look at the sites I have provided, study and learn what it means to have a professional site. Stop creating 3d text to use as your headers and logos. It looks like crap. Look at the logos on smashingmagazine to get an idea of what good work looks like.
Learn color harmony and about semantically correct markup.
Learn to appreciate accessibility. While most gamers can see and are not deaf, there are some who have problems with color blindness. Don't use colors that interact to create problems for those people.
Don't spam, don't fill your site full of google ads, don't ever have a popup advertisement on your site and for the love of god NEVER use blinking text.