From the people who never quite managed to give you such games as "Forgotten", "Mental Snowboarding" and "SuperSpeed" comes...
The all new FPS adventure! [/corny sales pitch]
Ok, this is an FPS where you play as John Hale, an ex-military man who has been recruited by a secret government agency to spearhead it's latest anti-terrorist operation - "Operation Second Flight". The year is 2016. The war on terror is practically over with all the major terrorist cells having been destroyed. The US and UK governments let their guard down. 2017. Out of the rubble of the old large terrorist networks, A new one forms, "Hezcalar", A Cell so big, powerful and wanting revenge that It's first attack, A large bombing on the American capital of Washington D.C, leaves the nations in fear of what might happen next. Operation Second Flight is launched and it is up to you to use stealth, tactics and your weapons to destroy this group.
I currently have the following:
Done and working
Working on
Just an idea/Coming soon
Tried it but not working
first training level
shooting system
Second Training Level
More sounds
Intro video
Voice acting
and more!
Known Bugs:
You can shoot through walls
The sliding collision Doesn't work on the back wall of the target range. (I know why this is, and i'm fixing it now.)
when you go up stairs, You shrink down until you are just head hight on the floor (because of the collision detection.)
The main menu (The white circle will have the intro video playing inside it eventually).
Showing the first training level - The target range.
All your objectives are highlighted in blue by your special DID (Digital Information Display).
I do have an old demo but it's missing a fair few features so i'm going to wait until I have more levels (The full training stage) until I post it.
Unless alot of people want to see it of course.