I am thinking of ways I can make it so that the player cannot go past certain areas in maps, like hilly area not going up certain parts, etc. I though of 2 methods that this can be done, and I want to see what you guys think. I would test this if I had terrain to test it on, but I have nothing, and can't make them. I can make the terrain in 3D modelers, but applying a texture is where the problem comes in.
First thought, and assumed worse method, but more flexible.
This uses math to calculate the slope of the hill/mountain, if the angle is to high, you cannot go any higher. This method makes it a lot more flexible and easier to implement to a certain extent, but from what I noticed, math is pretty slow in DBPro.
Second, assumed easier, less flexible, but takes longer to do.
For every map, you basically make a second image of it in bird's eye mode, and take it to photo shop. You make lines where you cannot pass, and make the rest another color. Texture the result to a plane below the terrain, make it invisible to camera 0, and sits there. Then, make another camera above the character, place an arrow where the character is, and check for some form of collision on colors with the lines somehow (with terrain and player hidden from camera 1 or whichever you made it) and disable the character from traveling there, and you can use the other camera to use as a radar too, placing the camera's frames on the screen to see the locations. But the more difficult part about this is the collision with the line, if that can be done, is this better or worse than the other one if you just want basic collision?
The reason I ask this is because I am about to get T.ED (I only have a $30 limit, and I already have Cartography shop, so I do not need 3DWS right now.) and I want to make some form an "invisible" wall system where you cannot go. Is there a specific method you use? Why do you use it? Why is it better than the other options? If possible, can someone upload a simple, hilly with a path 3D landscape textured for me to test with, I would use matrices, but they are to slow. I like speed with decent quality looks. But if anyone can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.