I am asuming that the program gave you some code like this to cut and paste.
PHY ADD VEHICLE BODY ID 0.84,0.69,1.14, 0,0.00,0
PHY ADD VEHICLE WHEEL ID,3, 1.14, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00, 0.79, 0, 0 :`Cylinder
PHY ADD VEHICLE WHEEL ID,6, 1.14, 0.40, -0.70, 1.00, 0.79, 0, 1 :`Cylinder_003
PHY ADD VEHICLE WHEEL ID,4, -1.14, 0.40, -0.99, 1.00, 0.79, 1, 0 :`Cylinder_001
PHY ADD VEHICLE WHEEL ID,5, -1.14, 0.40, 0.98, 1.00, 0.79, 1, 1 :`Cylinder_002
your model produce an error for which is it could not give the correct ride height, working on fixing that.
it would give a -0.68 just took the - off.
can you tell/show which way the model looks when its in your model making program.
If I import in into AC3D it looks right but will not export out correctly(could be my settings).
If I am looking at the top view in AC3D it show the wheels like so
[----] <-- x
which should be correct if they are on the x axis.
How do you see wheels in your package.
Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.