Hello again! I bring excellent news!
Very very soon, this will be more like a playable game. You know what this meaning? A demo. Keep your panties on though. It might still be another week or so. It's hard to say.
Well. What am I waiting for? New screenshot times.
What are you looking at?
Well, to put it simply. A new type of tower, called "Pinkflower"!!
Another thing to notice is the buttons in the upper-right hand side of the screen. This is such a great features!!! You will soon be able to buy the towers (right now I kinda got unlimited gold.. don't tell no one. got it?
Another great feature that has recently been added is the ability to select a tower! You know what that means.. I hope. You got it! Now we don't have to stare at all those red circles. And in a couple days... you got it. Upgrading a tower!!
Almost forgot to mention. The research team has asked me to try out some tower defense games in order to help with balance issues, as well as get other ideas. Any suggestions?
They also recommended that I make a large list, using emoticons to make it easier for people to quickly see what is complete, what is being worked on, and what is being planned. What do you think? Good idea?
Alright. That's all for now. Stay Safe! It's a dangerous world out there!
This is BHFaI Games!! People are out to get ya!
Quote: "This is the most entertaining WIP post I've seen in a long time!"
I hope that's a good thing.