ok, it works for the most part but when I keep on turning in any direction for about a full turn the camera starts going the opposite way for another full turn the locks on again. It's really weird
Here is my current code
sync on
sync rate 60
autocam off
`Setting up the variables
set ambient light 50
`Load Object and add animation data
load object "C:\Users\Caleb\Documents\ratifylevel1.x",32
position object 32, 500,1150,500
scale object 32,30,30,30
load object "C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\entitybank\ww2\characters\officer.X", 1
append object "C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\entitybank\ww2\characters\officer.X",1,total object frames(1)+1
TEXT 0,0,"FPS - "+str$(screen fps())
if upkey ()= 1 then up=1
if upkey ()= 0 then up=0
if downkey()=1 then down = 1
if downkey()=0 then down = 0
if spacekey()=1 then space=1
if Spacekey()=0 then space=0
if keystate(17)=1 then move object up 1,3
if keystate(18)=1 then move object down 1,3
if space=0
if up=1 or down=1
loop object 1,235,257
stop object 1
set object frame 1,228
`Moving + moving slower while jumping
if down=1 and space=0 then move object 1,3
if up=1 And Space=0 then move object 1,-speed +0.3
if down=1 and space=1 then move object 1,0.5
if up=1 And Space=1 then move object 1,-1
if leftkey ()= 1 then turn object left 1, 2.5
if rightkey ()= 1 then turn object right 1, 2.5
rem crosshair
sw=screen width()/2
sh=screen height()/2
line sw-10,sh,sw+10,sh
line sw,sh-10,sw,sh+10
if space=1 and Object playing(1)=0
play object 1,190,209
position camera object position x(1),object position y(1),object position z(1)
xrotate camera 30
yrotate camera -object angle y(1)
move camera -150
"The Beginning is the end."
Windows Vista Ultimate SP1
INTEL PENTIUM DUAL E2200 2.2 GHz 2 Gb RAM GeForce 9600 512 mb