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2D All the way! / Health Bars

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Joined: 7th Dec 2008
Posted: 7th Mar 2009 09:20
Hi, i need some help how exactly would i go about creating to health bars opposite each other on the screen like in any fighting game when you have to characters vs. each other and how would you have the health bars increase in the proper direction like the bar on the left side of the screen decreases to the left and the bar on the right side of the screen decreases to the right, id appreciate nay help you guys can provide thanks
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Joined: 30th Dec 2005
Location: E:/ NA / USA
Posted: 7th Mar 2009 17:16
Just make two sprites that look like the health bars would full. Then you can use SIZE SPRITE to shrink the bars as the players lose health.

You can use the command OFFSET SPRITE to make sure the bars shrink in the right directions. Just set the offset of the left sprite all the way to its left, and the offset of the right sprite all the way to its right.

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