***** UPDATE 2***** Scroll down for the Early Beta #2 (11.2MB .RARzip) Description of update in the newest post...
Here's a screenshot of my current WIP. This game will be very similar in many ways to the classic Solar Winds released by Epic Megagames in 1992. Of course this game will be much better looking graphics-wise with more toys to play around with.
Another thing that is important to me is to make this game user-intuitive. What bugs me about some games are that they look awesome, well polished but you have to take a virtual online study course just to get the gist of playing that game.
But the most important thing to me about the game is that it has to be really polished as well as inviting eye-candy for the player.
This game isn't so much about being a WIP more than a Concept In Progress (CIP). I am open to ideas to make this game even better than whats already stated.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Main Concept~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The main concept of the game is to fly around the "top-down" universe and capture star systems and expand your empire. Your empire wont be the only one as you build Orbital posts over stars and planets to gain energy and resources to build stronger, faster, and more tech-improved ships to defend your territory.
Explore planets and nebula's for hidden items to gain an advantage over your enemies or entice new contacts to form alliances.
This universe will be quite large, upwards of 100+ systems to explore and exploit for resources. Some systems will be more valuable for resources/recon/strategy or worthless rubble for cloaked pirates to hide them ambush you. So many possibilities
Once the concept gets nailed pretty much down and the polishment near completion, I will look into making this an multi-player game as well. But that's down the road around the corner in the next town.
I hope this better explains the main concept a bit better. Thoughts??
I attached an updated image of my current status...
Home is where my souped-up computer is...