To each his own, I suppose...
I like the physics because they are more realistic this way. Play the original (and commercially successful) Bluemoon game SkyRoads for a reference []. An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. If you're in the air, you can't modify your left/right force; the only active force is gravity. I did, however, bend these rules a bit: you do have limited mid-air control during the beginning of your jump. But for sake of realism, I will not make the car anywhere near as easy to control in air as it is on land. Doesn't sound "mindless" to me, but rather challenging. Get the hang of the controls instead of getting mad at them... you'll enjoy yourself more.
That said, the game is not for everybody. I DO NOT aim to please everybody with this game: if I did, I'd have a very mushy and dulled game (same reason I hate pop music). Certainly not everybody is like you, as I have talked to many a player who got the hang of the game physics and controls and enjoyed the game thoroughly. I know I'm doing something correct when I get Paypal donations.