Hey everybody,
OMG i forgot [DBP] in the topic name can a mod please put it there i'll never do it again pleas?
I needed i slidebar, so i thought i'd code one. and it seems kinda easy and handy so i though lets post it here
Here's the code with some comments. I'm not sure of you'll understand it, cause i really suck at comments :p
Sync On
Sync Rate 0
Backdrop On
// UDT For a SLider
Type Slider
X // The X position
Y // The Y Position
Width // The Width of the Bar
Height // The Height of teh Bar
Min# // The minium value. Must be lower than the Max# Value
Max# // The maximum Value. Must be more than the Min# value
Value# // The current value. Alter if needed
BarColor // The color of the Bar
IndiColor // The color of the Indicator
Used // indicates if the bar is in use. 1 = On, 0 = Off
// The array
Dim Sliders() as Slider
// Make a slider and store the ID in a value, so you can get the value
// of that slider using Sliders(Slider1).Value#
Slider1 = MakeSlider(10, 10, 0, 100, 100, 10, RGB(255, 255, 255), RGB(0, 0, 0))
Set Cursor 0, 30
Ink RGB(255, 255, 255)
Print Screen FPS()
// This is all you need to update the SLiders
Function MakeSlider(X, Y, Min#, Max#, Width, Height, BarColor, IndiColor)
// Here we just add another array item and
// Fill them with the parameters
Array Insert at Bottom Sliders()
Ar = Array Count(Sliders())
Sliders(Ar).X = X
Sliders(Ar).Y = Y
Sliders(Ar).Min# = Min#
Sliders(Ar).Max# = Max#
Sliders(Ar).Width = Width
Sliders(Ar).Height = Height
// Give it a random value between the min and max parameters. alter if needed
Sliders(Ar).Value# = Rnd(Max#-Min#)+Min#
Sliders(Ar).BarColor = BarColor
Sliders(Ar).IndiColor = IndiColor
// A slider is standard enabled
Sliders(Ar).Used = 1
EndFunction Ar
Function HandleSliders()
// Loop through the SLiders
For Ar = 0 To Array Count(Sliders())
// If used = 1
If Sliders(Ar).Used
// Make sure the value isn't more than Max or Min
Sliders(Ar).Value# = CapValue(Sliders(Ar).Value#, Sliders(Ar).Min#, Sliders(Ar).Max#)
// Set the right bar color
Ink Sliders(Ar).BarColor, 0
// Draw the Bar
Box Sliders(Ar).X, Sliders(Ar).Y+Sliders(Ar).Height*0.33, Sliders(Ar).X+Sliders(Ar).Width, Sliders(Ar).Y+Sliders(Ar).Height*0.66
// Set the Indicator Color
Ink Sliders(Ar).IndiColor, 0
// calculate the difference between min and max
Diff# = Sliders(Ar).Max# - Sliders(Ar).Min#
// Calculate the difference between Current Value and Min
Val# = Sliders(Ar).Value# - Sliders(Ar).Min#
// Calculate the percentage of value
Perc# = Val#/Diff#
L = Sliders(Ar).X+Sliders(Ar).Width*Perc#-2
T = Sliders(Ar).Y
R = Sliders(Ar).X+Sliders(Ar).Width*Perc#+2
B = Sliders(Ar).Y+Sliders(Ar).Height
MX = MouseX()
MY = MouseY()
Box L, T, R, B
// Do the mouse slider thing
If MX => Sliders(Ar).X AND MX <= Sliders(Ar).X+Sliders(Ar).Width AND MY => Sliders(Ar).Y AND MY <= Sliders(Ar).Y+Sliders(Ar).Height AND Mouseclick() && 1
// Calculate the mouse offest from the slidebar's X
MDiff# = MouseX() - Sliders(Ar).X
// Save the Width variable
Diff# = Sliders(Ar).Width
// Calculate the percentage of the MouseOffset in the Total Width
MPerc# = MDiff# / Diff#
// Calculate the value with the percentage
MVal# = (Sliders(Ar).Max#-Sliders(Ar).Min#)*MPerc#+Sliders(Ar).Min#
// Apply the Value
Sliders(Ar).Value# = MVal#
// Displays the current value. can be removed if not needed.
Ink Sliders(Ar).BarColor, 0
Text Sliders(Ar).X+Sliders(Ar).Width+5, Sliders(Ar).Y, Str$(Sliders(Ar).Value#)
Next X
Function CapValue(ValO#, Min#, Max#)
Val# = ValO#
If Val# < Min# Then Val# = Min#
If Val# > Max# Then Val# = Max#
EndFunction Val#
Its really easy. You declare an empty array, Dim Sliders() as Slider. After that, you call MakeSLider as Many times as you want. It'll return the slider ID. In the main loop you call HandleSLiders to update the sliders. That's all! And if you want to get the value, you do something like Val = Sliders(SliderID).Value#. If you find any bugs be sure to post!
Oh No, there's too much blood in my caffeine system!
Stack Overflow: Too many pancakes...
The programmer's national anthem is 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH'. -Weinberg, p.152