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Work in Progress / Competition entry: Mercenaries in Space

David T
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Posted: 27th Aug 2003 22:03 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2003 22:06
... or so the game will be called during development

MiS is a space rts being made by me for the competition. This time i'm determined that nothing shall stand in the way of me this time no more new 3d pipelines to worry about.

I started this way back in march and have been doing little bits on it every so often. When I read about the competition and the alien requirement, this seemed a natural choice

Features so far:

- 3 races in there
-- Humans (blue) have 3 ships : scout, colony and fighter
-- Human rebels (red) have 3 ships : same as above
-- Aliens (no name yet ) have 4 ships : same as above and the wraith, a mysterious ship that can cloak and involves lots of sphere mapping!
- Unit AI (as opposed to player AI. unit concerns when units do if there's attacked, who to fire at etc. player AI concerns itself with building bases, ships, attacking other players etc)
- Point-n-click moving
- Planets - 5 types of planet, can have moons (which weven orbit the planets!)
- Flexible system for adding new units, heavy usage of types.
- Minimap - red polygon shows current viewable area
- Star Trek style shield effect
- Static units such as sentry turrets have been added
- Beautiful explosions + particle effects
- Pixel shaded planets + units
- Volumetric nebulas

Here are updated screens.

More info when available

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Posted: 27th Aug 2003 22:42
That looks very good david - cant wait for it!

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David T
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Posted: 27th Aug 2003 23:53
thanks the laser effects are abit samey at the mo but that will be fixed soon

I've started on explosion now - i've got a really nice effect done - the only problem is that set alpha mapping on doesn't work (in the code at least)

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Posted: 28th Aug 2003 15:04
Its kinda funny that ive seen those ship models somewhere....

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Posted: 28th Aug 2003 15:30 Edited at: 28th Aug 2003 17:15
You should have if you've got T3DGM

Here's another screen. Note the lens flare from the sun, planets, and a moon that goes around the planet

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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 02:21
dont post your in progress game shots!!!!!!!!
Every1 knows that the most anticipated games never make the cut
lets just hope you havent already been cursed

the artist formally known as darkfluff
David T
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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 13:30
Quote: "dont post your in progress game shots!!!!!!!!"

Well I'm sorry but to post in this forum you need screenshots.

If it bothers you, turn off images in your browser or find another place to post pointless messages.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 14:37
lol i just mean that u people who post their games tend to
spent more time on the forums and less time on the games
dark metroid
dark gear solid

the artist formally known as darkfluff
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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 14:52
Nice can you build units from structures like shipyards etc??

David T
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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 14:57 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2003 22:12
Quote: "lol i just mean that u people who post their games tend to
spent more time on the forums and less time on the games"

I have spent way more time on this than the forums... I've been developing it since march and solidly this week.

Quote: "Nice can you build units from structures like shipyards etc??"

Yep - I modelled a shipyard yesterday and put it in. Once I get full construction working (shouldn't be that hard) then I'll add another screen.

Due to the structure of the engine new buildings are very easy to put it - drop a model into a folder, add a couple of lines of code and it's done.

Everyhing is done with stupidly large types and a lot of for loops!

Edit: For whoever wants to see shipyards - I based the design on the start trek ones but it tuned out more like a cage
A list of the units you have selected appears at the top right, just like age of empires / mythology.

Image removed - see above for better shots

If I get anything humungously good done today I might post, otherwise bye until tomorrow

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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 15:08
Cant wait to see more shots of this (and obviously to play this )

Quote: "Its kinda funny that ive seen those ship models somewhere.... "

Yea, they kinda look like the ships from Lylat Wars on the Nintendo 64.

Anyway, keep up the good work David.


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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 15:35 Edited at: 29th Aug 2003 20:26
Thanks yeah the human fighter does look like fox's ship

[edit] Added 3 new units: Turret, Sensor relay station, Moonbase

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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 22:44
where does the alien come into this?

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David T
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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 22:50
He'll he the leader of the aliens he fits in well with their ships - I might even include a level where he escapes from his ship by taking a space walk, and you have to track him down

Just got pixel shaders and an AMAZING smoke effect into this. Will post up a screen later tonight. Units now die also

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David T
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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 23:02 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2003 22:06
Okay here's a shot showing pixel shaders (look at the planet - lightfrom sun reflecting off it), and buildings. there is a ship yard, sentry turrets and a moonbase. Moonbase is a bit dark, that will be fixed

Minor improvements: minimap showsp lanets as circles.

Image removed - see top of post

Coming up next, explosions...

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Preston C
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Posted: 30th Aug 2003 04:16
Pretty displeasing to know I've already lost the contest but...

All I can say is, IT LOOKS FRIGGIN AWESOME! Now if you excuse me, I'm off to continue programming my loser.

(Please dont give me any sympathy, I dont need it, thanks)

Hell Begins September 2nd at 7:30 AM. Yep, schools starting soon.
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 30th Aug 2003 08:06
hmm ... would be good to note NWC that i have a feeling that the current shader has been lifted directly from the DxSDK.
though early days yet and alot of the shaders are likely to *ahem* improve aren't they David?

also take a note that currently the stipulation is to use the alien dude heavily, yet i don't think davids got him in there yet.
and the fact that the rules & regulations clearly stated that although yes merits will goto good graphics, there is far more emphasis on making a game which plays extremely well.
Remember this is a games competition not a tech demo comp

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Posted: 30th Aug 2003 13:15 Edited at: 30th Aug 2003 13:20
Quote: "Remember this is a games competition not a tech demo comp

Exactly. But if that game playes as good at it looks, your in with a winner, please excuse me also, as i continue to program my looser hehe

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David T
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Posted: 30th Aug 2003 14:54
Well actually I've worked for about a month on the actual gameplay side - lots of the graphical effects are recent additions.

The alien will be coming in soon, but there ae a few more things I want to get sorted out first (the AI has a tendency to choose a target and stick to it, rather than shoot at whoever's attacking it).

Oh, and the pixel shader was a little etra. I wanted to see if I could get one to work (well it was nicked from the darkbasic fx showcase, and we can use any media from DBP)

I don't want any of you to think you've lost already because you haven't. Once I have things like the alien in, better AI and more scenery I might release a demo.

Then it's off the progam the real AI

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Posted: 30th Aug 2003 23:02
remember to make the alien, the 'main' kinda guy, youll get plenty of browny points for that - under construction
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David T
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Posted: 30th Aug 2003 23:15
My only worry is that they'll end up with 97 games all with the same main character

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Rob K
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Posted: 30th Aug 2003 23:27 Edited at: 30th Aug 2003 23:28

It looks like David's game is well into development, in which case it seems perfectly reasonable to assume that it could be completed before the December 31st deadline.

The mistake to make is to publish screenshots long before your game is ready.

I suggest that people wait until their game is in a fairly playable state before posting anything. I made that mistake with the retro competition.


Looking great so far, look forward to playing this one

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Posted: 31st Aug 2003 04:44
NWC, you lost before the competition started because his game ROCKS!!!. lol, I'm just kidding.

Yea, I'm interested on how the alien dude is going to be implemented in this game. Maybe you could...WAIT... I gotta hold
me-self back.

A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.
David T
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Posted: 31st Aug 2003 20:59
Quote: "The mistake to make is to publish screenshots long before your game is ready.

Looking great so far, look forward to playing this one "

Thanks again to all

The game has a sturdy underlying engine - while there may not be any missions, many buildings etc it's very easy to implement this sort of thing. adding a new unit to the game literally takes 2 mins because all you do is copy a few lines of code and it's in.

I'm still wondering about the alien. My original plan was for him to lead the bad guys though I'm worried this may not be enough. As I've said before, TGC could be swamped with 90 odd games where you control the SAME main character - maybe I could do something different?

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Rob K
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Posted: 31st Aug 2003 21:04
If you want something zany, You could have it that the alien is an important statue / key, the alien's body parts are scattered over each level and you have to collect them - when you collect all the parts, they fly together and form into the complete alien statue. Level finished!

That would be an unusual use for them.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2003 21:18 Edited at: 1st Sep 2003 01:15
Wow. Thanks, mind if I use that idea

It's a bit like the latter part of age of mythology, where ou have to collect bits of some god.

Edit: daily roundup

Nothing much done today, added anice volumetric nebula. Doesn't slow down too much, though it slows very slighly (not stuttery, you can just detect the slight drop).

Let me know what you think. Two more ships also, Resource gatherer (selected in screen) and repair ship. Both function like villagers / labourers in other games.

[Edit edit
Hehe nebulae now glow and undulate too

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Posted: 1st Sep 2003 01:12 Edited at: 1st Sep 2003 01:14
Ill look forward to playing this, o yaa

Maby once you build the alien statue, you have to fight it With all the masses of units you have built and seige space ships - under construction
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Posted: 1st Sep 2003 12:07
How did you do that amazing looking nebula ?? please share your secrets.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2003 15:02

This is a nice looking game. Was it made in DBC or DBPRO?
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Posted: 1st Sep 2003 15:24
Wow David that is looking great. Is that based on the code that I started many moons ago? It's a fantastic progression if so!

Give me a mail, I'm interested to know what you're up to (and it's good to see somebody I recognise after ignoring DB for about a year!). If memory serves you were working on a mercenaries game when I left. How'd that turn out?

David T
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Posted: 1st Sep 2003 17:33 Edited at: 1st Sep 2003 17:55
Hi all, and especially hi to Wriggler

- My amazing volumetric nebula? Give aay secrets? No way..... It's quite simple - took me about 30 mins. It's all down to deception, it's not really that complex in wireframe mode. Tat said, it is 3d and not some image stuck onto a plain!

- This is DBPro

- Ben it isn't based on your code, but greatly influenced by it. Especially the green zero-grid
The attack ai is nowhere near as good - your ships turn round for attack runs etc. mine sit and shoot at each other well maybe they'll be given a new lease of life soon. I'll "drop you a mail" some time soon

The original mercenaries was going to be compiled in dbpro to get a speed boost, but when that arrived dbp's famous backward compatability trapped me (and many others) so I decided to rewrite a mercenaries in dbpro, as a first person shooter.

That was going great until patch 4, when it all went wrong. BSPs looked awful (always had on my card), bugs appeared, it crashed for no reason etc. so I gave up and made random little projets until now and this biggie

As for frame rates:
- normal: ~80-100
- nebula: ~50

at highest detail (all shaders, minimap, nebula etc)

ps - There was some music included with project aqua, valse de concerto, that i'd like to use in my game. Can I? Is it copyright free?

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Posted: 1st Sep 2003 19:15 Edited at: 1st Sep 2003 19:15
Just to show explosions:

Start of explosion on right, end of explosion on left.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2003 20:27
looking bloody amazing!!!! keep it up, or don't, give some other people a chance

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2003 07:08
the nebula and other effects are simply particles really or atleast billboarded sprites.

the only thing that really gives it that looks is the texture... pretty simple to achieve the logistics, but can be a nightmare making it look right.

personally i think they look a tad to garrish, and overly bright rather than relying on subtle tones to accentuate whats going on but it is better than most peoples attempts i've seen from the first step.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2003 07:15
Hey David89 whats your computers specifications?? Just wonder cause you mentioned before the fps you were getting and where wondering what kinda computer you got to compare the speed to what specs you got.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2003 12:13 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2003 12:15
My spec:

althlon 2800+
geforce 4 ti2800
1 gig ram
win xp

When I release it i'll add options to turn down effects etc. and so -that should speed things up a LOT.

- Well the nebula isn't particles and they're not billboarded sprites but we're getting close

- I think I'll turn down the colours on the nebula, I added a green tone as well yesterday aswell.

- The smoke does look garish I admit, however with too few plains there it looks rubbish, and too many it looks too bright though I suppose it gives the game a unique graphical style.

As soon as they get set alpha mapping on working properly, it won't look like that. The smoke fades away very quickly, which is good.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2003 14:29 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2003 14:30
Amazing. I'm not entering the comp this time so I'm not worried.

Lookin' great!!!! I hope the gameplay is as good as the graphics, but seeing as you've done these graphics in 1/20 of the time given, I dont see any reason why this shouldn't win some sort of prize.

p.s. Alien = points.

Brains are for idiots.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2003 18:09 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2003 18:10
Is that all? 1/20? I haven't got much time then!

Well I hope the gameplay is as good. The gameplay will only start to show when I get missions in, etc. Before that is one massive
hurdle: AI.

ps will be in there

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2003 22:03
Added a beautiful new volumetric nebula for those who didn't like the gaudy first attempt

It swirls, undulates etc. and is fully volumetric. As you go past it goes past too, like swirls of cloud. AT full zoom you are inside it

I coloured the backdrop black so you could see the effect clearly.

I might be releasing a little visual demo soon. Just to show off some visual effects, etc.

Keep your eyes peeled! (hmm, weird one that. wouldn't translate well literally )

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Posted: 4th Sep 2003 11:38
Any more developments with this??

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Posted: 4th Sep 2003 16:56
Good luck david.

but... where is the alien????

this is an advice. The game is a pubblicity to alienware , and the alien is like to use mario for nintendo, sonic the edgehog for sega, ecc ecc...
So, no alien to see, no prize.
You was very rude with eek, who adviced you before.I think you're more pleased to show what you're developing than win the prize .

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David T
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Posted: 4th Sep 2003 21:00
Any more developments with this??

Yes, I'm just not posting on the forum every few hours any more I have an alternate life, you know

Where is the alien? Coming.
He will not be the main character as there are many games using him as the main char, I'd like to stand out.
An RTS doesn't really have as much emphasis on a main character as games like tomb raider or mario.

You was very rude with eek, who adviced you before.I think you're more pleased to show what you're developing than win the prize .

I made some developments I was proud with and decided to show them.

If, eek decides to, no offense eek, post rubbish in a forum I responded with a serious reply. He was more trying to joke more than anything. If he wanted to give advice he could have worded it better.

Quote: "dont post your in progress game shots!!!!!!!!
Every1 knows that the most anticipated games never make the cut
lets just hope you havent already been cursed "

and here was robk's reply

Quote: "@eek
It looks like David's game is well into development, in which case it seems perfectly reasonable to assume that it could be completed before the December 31st deadline.
The mistake to make is to publish screenshots long before your game is ready.
I suggest that people wait until their game is in a fairly playable state before posting anything. I made that mistake with the retro competition."

And even eek responded with a lol

I don't want to get into an argument and I won't.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2003 22:22

, correct image address.

Brains are for idiots.

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Posted: 5th Sep 2003 01:50
Gotta love that nebula. And the radar looks great too. What framerate are you getting with all effects turned on?

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Posted: 5th Sep 2003 10:52
right to use alien as a secondary character, 99% of the game will sure be with the alien as main character. how boring.

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Posted: 5th Sep 2003 11:59
It states in the rules that the alien must be main charachter or main villian....

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Posted: 5th Sep 2003 18:58
yes yes, main villain or main character....

alien superstar!!!

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Posted: 5th Sep 2003 19:46
Alien biggg boss, yea.

consider the idea ^ above ^, with the collecting of his body parts, to complete him, thats sure to stand out - under construction
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Posted: 5th Sep 2003 20:25
Quote: "consider the idea ^ above ^, with the collecting of his body parts, to complete him, thats sure to stand out"

Alien will be boss.

You will have to collect him though beforehand.

Quote: "Gotta love that nebula. And the radar looks great too. What framerate are you getting with all effects turned on?"

About 50-60. Though that'll be at a max detail level. I'll make the detail 'turndownable'.

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Posted: 6th Sep 2003 08:13
How do you get that kinda speed?


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