Yea man, I've been working. Lets see.... Since last I posted, I have added in some new weapons, baddies, a menu system, power ups, and polished up a lot of lil' things.
The final list for weapons includes the standard machine gun, the plasma cannon, the laser rifle, the rocket launcher, and something akin to a rope gun. The rope gun is pretty much like the machine gun, only its bullets are small and do less damage. The trade off is that it shoots at ridiculous speeds and has a really small coolDown time.
The final enemy list is as follows
-Mine : chills until the player gets close enough, and then hurls itself in the the direction of the player until it gets so far away again.
-Tracker : Constantly tracks the player with wide arcing paths
-Foxys : A tracker-style unit that is have invisable until it gets close to the player
-Shark : The shark will only change direction when its x units away from the player, but it turns to hit the player dead on, so it ends up flying past the player alot at high speeds.
-Lemmy : Lemmies are like the Shark, except that once theyve been close enough, once they get far away again, they go BOOM
-Dasher : the dasher is like a mix between the tracker and the Shark. However, if you LOOK at the dasher, it will turn around and run away.
-Spy : Whilst the spy is alive, all the images of the enemies swap to reflect something else, but they still behave the same. The player himself turns into an enemy image, and the spy itself turns into the player image. The background also goes all funk-tastic
-Gravity Monster : (this is what was the end of the video) Its a sorta huge eye ball, that if unchecked, will steadily grow to huuuuge sizes. If you shoot it, it will start to shrink, and once its small enough, it will die. When it dies, it creates a black hole and everything is sucked into it, including the player, so he has to be ready to swing around it.
-Fatty : This guy is sorta the opposite of the He is mid sized, but when you shoot him, he gets bigger. Once hes too big, he explodes, unleashing a horde of a randomly picked enemy class. The incentive to kill the Fatty is because he gives loooots of points, resets your health, and because when hes huge, he messes with the player controls/visuals.
So far for powerups, I have a bomb and a fullHealth pickup. The only other powerUp I have plans for is a weaponUpgrade powerup.
And if I look to the right, Ill see the "TEBAC : **** LIST 2.0" taped to my computer. I still need to cram in the fifth game mode, which Im still playing around with, but I think its going to be something like having a constant black hole in the center of the map. I need a game over screen that presents score and asks if the user wants to play again, I need high scores, I need a solid scoring system (I have it down on paper, but its not in yet), I need to make my own gore sounds. And that might actually be it.... Im sure Ill think of other little polish things, but for major things, thats all...
The IGF Student deadline is Nov15th, so hopefully it will be done by then
Lemme go snag some screenshots for you, so this post isnt completely boring.
Here is a pic of the gladiator mode.
Here are some super explosions caused by the Bomb and HealthUp
Here is a pic of the Weaponless mode.
And here we see the map tripped out by a spy.