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Work in Progress / CodeSurge 2 - Coming Soon

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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 16:10 Edited at: 5th Nov 2010 08:03
(Download the latest beta here.)

I've been promising a WIP on CodeSurge 2 for some time now, so here it is. I don't know why, but for some reason, I just have this incurable obsession of creating the best DBP IDE ever in existence. It's been in development for almost 4 years now, and I've never had this sort of commitment to any other project before.

I've been hard at work, and I now almost have code-completion completely working. It still has a few odd bugs and things, which should be easily squashed. But here are some screenshots for your viewing.

Command Completion
Label Completion
Variable Type Completion

As you can see, I'm working to make the variable completion as smart and useful as possible. It will soon have code completion for UDTs (so you type Player.[command help shows up, like Visual Studio]) Of course, it's optional, and you will have the option to set how long of a delay you want before it pops up. So, if you're coding fast, it doesn't get in your way, but it's there when you just can't remember the exact function name, etc.

Here are a few other features I'm working on as well:
Search/Replace across multiple files
Make the code explorer searchable with a keyboard shortcut. Need to jump to a function? Hit ctrl+whatever_shortcut_I_decide, type part of the function name and hit enter. Bam! There you go.
Jump to declaration. Need to look at the function code you're calling? Hold down the ctrl key and click on it. You'll jump to the function's code.
Automatic completion of code blocks -- if/endif; function/endfuction; do/loop, etc.
Auto-fixup of command case. Similar to how VB works in keeping your variables capitalized the same way, etc., so that you can more easily spot errors.

Many other things, and I'm sure you will all have plenty of ideas.

As I mentioned before, CodeSurge 2 will be a paid upgrade from version 1. Version 1 will always be free as a good, solid little IDE for DBP, but if you want a few more of these nice features, then I want your money.

I'm trying also to get an idea of what would be a reasonable amount to charge for this IDE. I'm thinking in the area of $25-$30. What are your thoughts? Would it be worth that to you? Thanks everyone for all your support so far.

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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 16:35 Edited at: 1st Dec 2009 16:37
@ hyrichter
As a regular user of the Codesurge IDE, my professional response would have to be summed up in 1 word.

Oh although, I'll only like Codesurge 2 if all the extra features have options to switch them on and off. xD

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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 16:44
Quote: "I'll only like Codesurge 2 if all the extra features have options to switch them on and off. xD"

Of course. I realize a feature to one person cab be annoyance to another.

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dark coder
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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 16:52
This sounds good in theory but after reading the OP I noticed a rather glaring issue you need to address:

Quote: "I just have this incurable obsession of creating the best DBP IDE ever in existence"

You seem quite deluded... because you've actually already done this ages ago.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 17:00 Edited at: 1st Dec 2009 17:01
Quote: "As I mentioned before, CodeSurge 2 will be a paid upgrade from version 1. Version 1 will always be free as a good, solid little IDE for DBP, but if you want a few more of these nice features, then I want your money.

I'm trying also to get an idea of what would be a reasonable amount to charge for this IDE. I'm thinking in the area of $25-$30. What are your thoughts? Would it be worth that to you?"

Nothin' wrong with wantin' money. With the sound of the features, the price range you posted sounds about right. I don't think I'd pay more than $30 tops, or possibly $28.75.

I totally agree with Dark Coder. Even though I've only been around a little while and have only started with DBP, CodeSurge is definitely the best code editor I've used for DB.

Lukas W
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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 17:02
Great! As I know CS1 was exceptionally good, I believe I wouldn't pay less than $25 for CS2. I also want you to get a good amount of money because you rock, so $30 is a good deal.

I like that you decided to implement the Auto UDT Code Completion, I always forget what I name my variables.

If it isn't too much of a bother to you, a feature that would be ..not necessarily useful.. but cool would be color themes. For example a drop-down box where you can select some pre-defined color themes (your blue keywords on white background) and as well make and save new themes. I prefer a dark canvas with orange text. (see img).
With this there could be downloadable themes as well, lol. Well maybe I'm the only one who likes to customize the look of my code?

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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 18:27

This is so awesome of you! I'll really by looking forward to this!

I have only noticed one bug from CodeSurge 1. When opening a .dbpro file with CodeSurge (double click on the file), and if you then press F5 while the source is loading in the IDE, it somehow deletes everything inside the .dbpro file... Did you get that bug fixed?

Also, I've never seen the logo of CodeSurge up close before... Do you have a bigger image of the icon?


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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 18:34 Edited at: 1st Dec 2009 18:35
@dark coder,
You really did make my day. Thanks Even the best can always get better.

@Lukas w,

I was actually thinking of something like that, where you could save multiple profiles of your IDE settings. That way, if you change computers, or whatever, you don't have to spend the time setting it up again how you like. Or maybe your brother uses your computer and likes a different color scheme than you, or you have a different profile for each project, or whatever.

Edit: @The Comet,
Yes that should be fixed if you download the latest version. If you try to compile before it's loaded, it will tell you to wait. This is usually only an issue on rather large projects.

Version 1.0 finally released! Code your DBP projects in style. (And save the kittens!)
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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 18:53
If it will have the ability to fold/unfold functions, that would be wonderful.
Lukas W
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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 23:56 Edited at: 1st Dec 2009 23:59
That sounds good Hyrichter. I took my time to upload all the themes I have created until now in CS1 to my website. If you are interested, or if anybody else is interested in a new look to their CS1, have a look. [link]

As for other features that I thought of:

(fixed grammar)

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2009 00:32
Synergy may have some cool features, but now CodeSurge also has cool features (Except that CodeSurge's ones actually work)

Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2009 04:31
Hey, if you make it really easy to jump to your variable declarations, or any where else, be sure to include a "back" button, so you can jump right back to where you were writing the code. Pretty please?!?

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2009 06:29 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2009 06:30
Codesurge is great, I'm glad to hear you're making a new version.

I'm curious, what did Smart Tabs do in the original version? It seemed sort of random to me, so I just kept it off.

For this new version, could you maybe have a function that detects when you're in brace statements like function . . . endfunction; if . . . endif; etc. and then auto-indent accordingly?

For example, I'd start by typing:

"if 1"

Then I hit return. Now, assuming I haven't typed "then", as above, then it'd be cool if it automatically added the closing statement, and tabbed over the line between the two.

I know it sounds lazy, but using IDEs like VS, Netbeans, and Eclipse, you get used to these niceties.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2009 06:39
Quote: "Hey, if you make it really easy to jump to your variable declarations, or any where else, be sure to include a "back" button, so you can jump right back to where you were writing the code."

Of course, I wouldn't think of doing it without a way to go back.

Quote: "If it will have the ability to fold/unfold functions, that would be wonderful. "

I'm going to try my hardest to get this figured out. It will require modifying the SynEdit control on my own, but I've already had to do some of that.

Quote: "I'm curious, what did Smart Tabs do in the original version?"

Smart tabs is a kind of interesting thing that's built into the editor control I'm using. Basically what it does is indent to the level of the last word on the previous line. Here's how it will indent:

Quote: "For this new version, could you maybe have a function that detects when you're in brace statements like function . . . endfunction; if . . . endif; etc. and then auto-indent accordingly?"

Ummm, yes. That's what I was talking about in my first post.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2009 14:42
@ hyrichter
Quote: "If it will have the ability to fold/unfold functions, that would be wonderful."

I tell you what I'd find really useful is being able to place folders in the guttering or something, so you can fold any part of your code at ease. That would give it the cutting edge, all cause so many times I've had to scroll up and down through large loops of code to compare something when I'd rather just fold a section of the loop.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2009 05:34
Quote: "Ummm, yes. That's what I was talking about in my first post."

I should really learn to read.
Looking forward to it!

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2009 16:51
Quote: "I tell you what I'd find really useful is being able to place folders in the guttering or something, so you can fold any part of your code at ease. That would give it the cutting edge, all cause so many times I've had to scroll up and down through large loops of code to compare something when I'd rather just fold a section of the loop."

That would be amazing. My current project is currently rocking in at around 8,000 lines (and I've barely got the basic engine up and running, so it's going to get a lot longer) and it seems that most of my time is spent simply navigating through it all. Any features such as folding that make it easier to navigate through long programs would be much appreciated. For example, how about the ability to insert tags, or bookmarks, or things like that, so you could jump straight to certain sections quickly and easily?

Another idea that might be helpful, if it's possible: when your cursor is on the first line of a loop (IF, FOR..., etc.), have a little highlight appear on the last line of that loop (ENDIF, NEXT, etc.). And vice versa (move the cursor to the last line of the loop and have the first line highlighted). That would make it easier to work out what's going on with some of the more extreme nests of loops.
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2009 23:41
Waiting for this thread for quite awhile. I had several suggestions for this thread, but thay have all been covered already except one.

Line Concatenation: I am currently doing this in CodeSurge 1 using a precompiler. It also reduces some of the lag on really long lines if you can split them into multiple lines. I do understand, however, that it will probably make syntax highlighting and auto-completion coding more difficult. If nothing else, I can still use my precompiler to achieve this.

Would I pay? Most certainly provided the feature set outweighs the cost, which is the problem with many of the DBP plugins right now.

Alfa x
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Posted: 4th Dec 2009 16:09 Edited at: 4th Dec 2009 17:07
My Suggestions:

I prefer that all the line is red instead of a red underline (or maybe an option to switch from them??): Can you put a red marker somewhere to make easier to spot the places where there are this errors on large files where you dont actually see the underline?

Code completion for functions?.

When you manage multiple files, can you think of something like the name of the file - dot - name of the function(with auto completion)? for example for shapes.dba something like shapes.cube()

Diggsey said something in your other thread:

Quote: "@Hyrichter
I have a suggestion to make compiling even faster

There are quite a few seconds spent just waiting for the compiler to load, so why not execute the compiler before hand. (It's possible to start programs in a suspended state). Then, when the user presses compile, you can just resume the compiler. That will speed up the compile time significantly (at the expense of some memory).

Have you thought of doing this?

About the price I don't agree with the others. Although I will pay the price to use these jewel, I see a price between 10-15$ to fit better in what a person is willing to pay to edit with ease. (Maybe you can point to a bigger market?)

[EDIT] I you can improve Debug mode, it will be ideal. If you can go line by line, like you do in eclipse or VB, variable watch, e.t.c. I don't know if you can do it or not, but it can be very nice and maybe worth paying more than I suggest above [/EDIT]
flashing snall
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Posted: 5th Dec 2009 01:16
word completion looks really sweet. Its always fun to code in xna or something, because the editor for it has word completion, which makes typing code REALLY easy and REALLY fast.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2009 19:12 Edited at: 5th Dec 2009 19:15
I've just about got the auto-suggest finished. There are just a few minor tweaks to make it perform well on large projects across multiple files.

I'll keep you posted on my progress and let you have plenty of screenshots. Hopefully by January, I will have a trial version ready for people to download and see if it's worth it.

Quote: "When you manage multiple files, can you think of something like the name of the file - dot - name of the function(with auto completion)? for example for shapes.dba something like shapes.cube()

I'm going to have all your functions across multiple files inside the auto-suggest (with a way to easily jump to them), but I don't like the idea of prefixing it with a filename, mainly because I don't like to do anything to the code that has to be changed before the compiler sees it. I like the idea in theory, it makes DBP seem a little more object oriented, so I'll think on it for a while.

Edit: Just wanted to address this:
Quote: "About the price I don't agree with the others. Although I will pay the price to use these jewel, I see a price between 10-15$ to fit better in what a person is willing to pay to edit with ease. (Maybe you can point to a bigger market?)"

You said yourself, you'd be willing to pay for it. I think I can honestly say you'll definitely get what you pay for.

I gladly paid about $70 for a PHP editor that I really like because it was easily worth that much or more. Maybe some others can weigh on on their opinions about the price.

Version 1.0 finally released! Code your DBP projects in style. (And save the kittens!)
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2009 18:36

I'm using CodeSurge right now, and I want to save my project into an .exe but I can't find the option. Am I just blind, or is CodeSurge not able to do this? If not, then how do I make it happen on Windows 7, since I can't get DBPro's IDE to run properly? Thanks!

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Posted: 8th Dec 2009 18:45 Edited at: 8th Dec 2009 18:49
Every time you compile and run your project, it creates an exe for it and then runs that exe. If you click Project -> View Project Folder, you'll see a file that's probably named Temp.exe. You can change the name of this file in the Project Manager where it says Executable Name.

If you don't have any project loaded, CodeSurge will create the .exe in a temp folder from wherever CodeSurge is located.

Edit: You were asking about the CodeSurge icon. Here's what it looks like:

Version 2 coming soon!


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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2009 18:52
Thanks, that helped!

I think that one day (after I get my financial things in order) I'll pay for CodeSurge 2; what you're planning to do with it is just awesome, and would be totally worth $30.

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Posted: 15th Dec 2009 21:56 Edited at: 16th Dec 2009 19:42
So what are we saying Codesurge2 is going to be sold at after all that?

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Posted: 16th Dec 2009 04:06
Well, I'm thinking $27.95 right now. Right now, I'm more concerned about getting all the features programmed and getting it working right.

Version 2 coming soon!
Alfa x
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Posted: 16th Dec 2009 18:34
I have another idea/feature.

ATM when an error occurs the compiler says in which line the code compilation process failed. If there are various files it concatenates the Lines Of Code (LOCs)and says for example 3650 when there is not a file that reach that quantity. Its is possible to say in which file it failed and in which line of that file?.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2009 22:52
Quote: "Its is possible to say in which file it failed and in which line of that file?."

Yes, it's possible. CodeSurge will take you to correct line in an included file. That's actually the number 1 reason I started writing my own IDE was to have proper error reporting across multiple files. Unfortunately, the compiler doesn't always get it right.

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Posted: 28th Dec 2009 05:44
Woot! UDT type completion is now working wonderfully.

One more:

I'm thinking I can probably have a trial version ready by the end of January. Hopefully I can keep my motivation up.

Version 2 coming soon!
Jeff Miller
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Posted: 28th Dec 2009 14:07
Some DBPro users (including me) gripe about DBPro's lack of an Option Explicit command. Could you include a Codesurge option to simulate it? Perhaps call it "Force Declarations" or the like. If selected, Codesurge would highlight the line or do something to warn you that you typed a word in a command or expression that is not a declared variable (or reserved word).
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Posted: 30th Dec 2009 03:16
This is the message i receive when i try to do something after a compiler error

Look the file attached.
Nice to help you all.

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Posted: 30th Dec 2009 05:30
Quote: "Some DBPro users (including me) gripe about DBPro's lack of an Option Explicit command. Could you include a Codesurge option to simulate it?"

I'm not going to promise anything on any feature request, but this one is a very definite "maybe." Now that I've got the variables figured out for the intellisense, it shouldn't be that hard to implement.

Version 2 coming soon!
Jeff Miller
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Posted: 30th Dec 2009 17:20 Edited at: 31st Dec 2009 01:44
If you are storing the variables in a table for the intellisense feature, then it seems possible to store with each variable the pointer to where it is declared (or first used if declaration is not forced). If an additional tab named "Variables" were added to the Code Explorer (where clicking on the variable name navigates you to the line in which it is declared or first used), you have actually made a partial index to a data dictionary, which is a powerful programming feature. I try to simulate this, with globals at least, by grouping them in a section and arranging them alphabetically. A similar tab for constants and the data dictionary index is complete.
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Posted: 30th Dec 2009 17:25 Edited at: 30th Dec 2009 17:29
You've been reading my mind, Jeff. That's exactly what I've been thinking and working on.

I never saw your post until just now (must be on post approval or something.) That image is one of my worst nightmares. Any extra details you can give me would be helpful...Do you have admin privileges? Is CodeSurge not able to find the DBP installation, etc.

Version 2 coming soon!
Jeff Miller
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Posted: 31st Dec 2009 02:00
A Data Dictionary! That feature alone is worth whatever you settle on as a price. The impact on development time, especially for larger projects, would be substantial.

Uh - hate to be piggish about this, but I think I should have also included Arrays in my prior post concerning tabs for Variables and Constants for the Code Explorer to complete the Data Dictionary, unless you wish to group them with Variables. You already have Types, Function names, and subroutine names (included in Labels) covered.

Incidentally, in the current Codesurge, if I put a comment after the Label it vanishes from the Code Explorer:

E.g., This shows -


This does not show -

Label_1: `subroutine for readjusting ..blah blah blah
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Posted: 19th Apr 2010 21:37
I think $27.95 is a bit much. How many features are you really adding?
I don't use Codesurge(1) because I feel it's even more bugy than the regular IDE.
Sorry to have darkened the mood everyone.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2010 04:11
This thread has got to be coming dangerously close to the Lock Out time so I want to keep it alive.

Been awhile, any status updates on this?
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Posted: 7th Aug 2010 17:24
I took a very long break. I've had a demo sitting around for a while that I want to test a bit more, fix a few minor things, and then release to you guys to test.

Version 2 coming soon!
Uncle Sam
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Posted: 11th Aug 2010 02:51
I've been using Codesurge for a long time now, and it's so awesome. I look forward to this. My only recommendation is to fix the error error (that is, the error where it does not show you the appropriate line that caused the error ).
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Posted: 11th Aug 2010 08:56
Quote: "My only recommendation is to fix the error error (that is, the error where it does not show you the appropriate line that caused the error )"

I have precompilers that run on my code that do some automation for me, so the final source output is nothing like what you see in the editor, and the error line numbers are really messed up. I feel your pain there.

@hyrichter: Any ballpark on when we can see a release for this?

Oh, and to delay the release EVEN MORE, (muahahaha), can we get syntax highlighting when we print the source code as well? I love taking other people's work and printing it out and mulling over it at work, but if it was colored like in the editor it would help greatly. Also, a "Print all included source files" would be neat.
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Posted: 11th Aug 2010 19:19 Edited at: 11th Aug 2010 19:22
Ok, everyone. It's only 8 months late, but here is a demo of taking 8 months to accomplish about 3 weeks worth of work.

The main thing you'll notice is the auto-complete help thingy, whatever it's called when you hit ctrl + space. And the next best thing is the jump to declaration. Put the cursor on a label name, function, or global variable, hit F2, (or right click->Find Declaration) and enjoy. There's a back and forward button so you can jump back to where you jumped from. Everything works (or it SHOULD) across multiple source files, too.

The code complete works for commands, labels, and types. Please try it out; I think you'll really, really like it. You can hit ctrl+space any time in the middle of a command if you can't remember exactly how it went. The other IDEs I've seen have a hard time with this.

This isn't totally perfect and there are a few odd bugs I've found here and there.

Now, a few disclaimers:
This is a beta. It shouldn't eat your code, but I'm not making any guarantees!
The code complete will not work if you were possessed to declare a type all on one line like this:

That's straight from the FPSCreator code. What were you thinking, Lee?
Yes, I know that nothing shows up under "variables" in the code explorer. I'll get to that eventually. But the jump to declaration *should* work for all your global variables if they are declared as such.
This beta will expire on Sept. 30, 2010, but I plan on releasing more before that time.

If you (or anyone) have a good idea how to keep line numbers straight after going through a precompiler, please let me know. Oh, try printing now. I always thought that it printed with syntax highlighting, but I'd forgotten to turn that option on. I really need to give you a few printing options. It was just something I threw in there in a couple minutes because some people were asking for it.

Sorry for being gone so long. I won't give any exact dates for a release, but let's aim for before Christmas.

I totally forgot to mention this, but CodeSurge is now multi-threaded. So, that should make everything seem MUCH faster and more responsive, even on a huge project.

Version 2 coming soon!


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Posted: 11th Aug 2010 19:56
Taken it for a quick spin just now; adding to the end of long lines of code (especially, I think, those with many sets of brackets, parameters, strings etc.) would pretty much cripple the old codesurge, and this was more or less my only real complaint.

Happy to say CS2 remains steadfast even on unfeasibly long lines now

(I did notice while testing this that while the editor stops you adding more characters to a line after 1024, you can still copy-paste far beyond that. Not a problem that'd ever really come up in real coding though)
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Posted: 14th Aug 2010 07:03
Nice, got the whole weekend to try it out. I've only used it for 5 minutes, and the first thing I noticed is the "Open" dialog. I don't like it. I much prefer the older one.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2010 12:14 Edited at: 14th Aug 2010 12:15
Comments within type declarations screw up the listings:

When the popup appears for the above type, "completed" is one of my options.

That is the only problem I found all night while using the new version, although I was distracted by a movie.

And as I pointed out in my post above, the "Save" dialog is good, the "Open" dialog is bad. The "Open" one reminds me of old Windows 3.11.

I will get to play with this more tomorrow, but so far I really like it. And I havent tested printing yet, but I will


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Posted: 14th Aug 2010 14:59 Edited at: 14th Aug 2010 17:17
The Open Dialog turns up fine in Vista. Might be that there's a number of ways to call up an Opener but a few not common across platforms, I guess

edit: left CS open for a while (hadn't done anything in it other than check the open dialog). When I went to close it, it flashed an "Invalid Index" message, closed the empty file, but kept the editor open. Repeated tries gave the same error and in the end had to go the task manager route :X
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Posted: 15th Aug 2010 04:53
I noticed after awhile of being open the explorer area that shows your functions and whatnot stopped refreshing. Reopening a project did nothing, had to completely restart the editor to get it back running.

As far as precompilers, the only real way is to open up the _temp.dbsource file and display the line on it that the error occured since it will be the actual line. You could run a check to see if the _temp.dbsource is the same as when the editor saved it. If it is, display the error in the editor, otherwise display the error in a new window. /shrug
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Posted: 16th Aug 2010 08:33 Edited at: 16th Aug 2010 08:38
Sorry it's been a few days, but thanks for the feedback. I had no idea the open dialog did such a thing! It looks fine on Windows 7. I probably have a setting checked somewhere that I didn't notice.

So far it looks like rather minor bugs that hopefully should be easy to fix.
Quote: "When I went to close it, it flashed an "Invalid Index" message, closed the empty file, but kept the editor open. Repeated tries gave the same error and in the end had to go the task manager route :X"

How very odd. I wish I had time to look into it, but I probably won't for a few more days.

Edit: That open file dialog thing was very simple and totally stupid. Somehow that "Old style dialog" option had been checked, but on Windows 7, it showed up normally, so I never noticed.

Edit2: It appears that using tabs in your type declaration messes up the code completion. Something I wasn't even thinking of. This is why it's so good to have a few people testing.

Version 2 coming soon!
freight hopper
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Posted: 11th Sep 2010 17:22 Edited at: 13th Sep 2010 01:06
Glad to hear you're back in the saddle. This beta no longer gives me the weird exit popups and I am excited to try it. Farewell CS 1.0 . . . .

[edit] Not a huge deal, but after I close a project, I can't alter the name of the project directory. I have to exit CodeSurge before I do this.

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Posted: 21st Sep 2010 09:57
When I want to select a full line of code, I click in the line numbers panel and the code is selected.
The fact that I can't do that in codesurge is very frustrating and is perhaps the only reason I don't use it.

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Posted: 25th Sep 2010 18:32
Love CodeSurge1, and now testing CS2.

First error I encounter: (did the same in CS1 i believe)
When I try to "Associate DBPro files with IDE" i get an error that says:

Failed to set data for "

Maybe I have been doing something wrong all this time, but just wanted to mention it.

- enderleit

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