Hi everyone
I want to present my WIP called Lab rush. It's (like most of my games) a topdown 2D-shooter merged with a nice puzzling part
The goal of each level (which is divided in sectors) is to eliminate all enemy spawnpoints by simply sliding over them (inthe end there will appear a yellow gate to the next level).
The tricky part of the game is to color yourself to fit to the spawnpoint's color (eliminate spawnpoint: player color = spawnpoint color). To achieve this, there are several brushes which change your color for about 10s.
You also need to change your color to pass barriers.
There are currently 4 levels with 3 different types of enemies with different behaviour. Sometimes you get health when killing them. After each level you have to beat a boss which is a little tricky sometimes because you have to learn how to use the level/environment/add. enemies to kill him (his health bar is too big to survive by simply shooting him) or how to get rid of his shield :-P
If you think that the levels are a bit too long, don't stop playing: Level 3 and 4 are alot shorter and esp. the bosses are worth playing
Controls are:
WSAD --> Movement
left mouse button --> shoot (double click + hold down to overload weapon)
right mouse button --> grenades (will automaticly regenerate after some time)
SHIFT --> speed boost
Below the health bar there is an indicator which fills up when killing enemies, depending on their health. When it\'s full, a powerfull attack is released. Maybe it can be also usefull for beating bosses!? ...
The soundtrack I used is from Quake2
Anyway, here are some screenshots:
EDIT: Forgot download link, so here it is
Comments and criticism apreciated.