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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] [x9] The Adventures of Doctor Jeremiah James and Bob Corvine -- Time Travelers Extraordinaire

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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 03:21 Edited at: 7th Apr 2011 18:52
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The Fantastic Adventures of The Professor and Bob Corvine: Time Travelers Extrodinaire

When the Universe needs help, the professor is there. Whether to save a whole planet, an entire solar system/Universe, repair the time-line, or defeat the forces of evil.


1.) Name of Game: The Fantastic Adventures of The Professor and Bob Corvine: Time Travelers Extrodinaire

2.) Developer name: Terry R. Cox

3.) x9 v1.18 beta 10 with RPG Mod v4.01.01

4.) Storyline: This game is based on the extremely popular SciFi show Dr. Who. I will not have any exact replications of stories, however, I may take bits and pieces and intertwine them in my own story. The TASDIM is where the player will decide on which adventure to take. He will not have to take these adventures in consecutive order. This is one of my favorite features of RPG Mod. I use the "quest" feature to identify each of these adventures and there will be -- more than likely -- two to four levels; although, there could be some that are just one level.

The game starts out in the TASDIM where the Professor returns from his last adventure. He is met by Bob and is told that he had received an audio message for help. The Professor knows approximately where the message was from and he quickly goes into his hyper mode and is off to setting the TASDIM in motion. Soon he will at the destination where the game will take off.




Here is the new reception area:


Note: I do not take credit for any of the models used. All have been made by TGC or other Third party modelers.

* Cosmic Prophet - Teleporter used as Time Machine (TASDIM)
* Decneo (KoKo) - Created Bob Corvine, the time traveler
* Nbt - The RPW: Rhythmical Phase-Wand(aka sonic screwdriver), Office Segments and doors
* Nbt - The Panel - this is going to be very important for the game :wink wink:
* Starmind - The bubbly tube in the TASDIM
* Starmind - The aliens.
* BeFun - SciFi Segments
* anayar - 3 from overlay pack (envelopes, efolder1, and enote2)
* Gunn3r - Music - Electrica #1 (Intro)

* If anybody recognizes their work please let me know so I can give credit

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WWIV Studios
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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 03:28
Cool! I like the use of CP's teleporter!

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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 03:34
Thanks WWIV. You also might recognize Starminds purple bubbly cylinder.

To those who don't like stock.

Yes, I'm using stock segments and some stock entities. But I like them and they work very well for me.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 04:33
It looks interesting.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 04:52
Meybe add a few entities to populate the teleporter room a bit, bit overall it looks great!
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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 05:27 Edited at: 13th Aug 2010 05:38
Thanks for the suggestion Hamburger. However, there is only one person along with the player (Dr. Jeremiah James) who will normally be in the time machine and he is Bob. There, of course, will be more characters in the levels when the TASDIM arrives to it's destination. Some will be hostile, some will not.

Remember Role Playing will be a large part of this game and that means decision making on the part of the human player.


I'm glad you think it at least looks interesting. BTW, I like the name the service Foxtia. I'm not sure if there is a meaning but that name brings to mind another possible name, Foxtasia.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 05:55
Quote: "Role Playing will be a large part of this game"

Hmmm...I wonder why that would be

starmind 001
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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 06:57
Quote: "You also might recognize Starminds purple bubbly cylinder. "

I noticed. Looks good!

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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 07:05
Quote: "I noticed. Looks good!"

Exactly what i was thinking! lol

michael x
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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 08:29
nice work.

more than what meets the eye

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Posted: 13th Aug 2010 11:17
I grew up on Dr Who (yes even the Very! early black and white ones ) I still have nightmares over the Cybermen in the sewers

This should be fun

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Posted: 16th Aug 2010 06:40
Posted 4 images for level 1. They can be found in the first post. I don't want to show anymore or even talk about level 1 because there is something this office is hiding from the public. You will have to play the demo to find out what it is.

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Posted: 16th Aug 2010 07:51
Quote: "I'm glad you think it at least looks interesting. BTW, I like the name the service Foxtia. I'm not sure if there is a meaning but that name brings to mind another possible name, Foxtasia."

Thanks lol, you have no idea how many hours of thinking it took to come up with that. I think its a really nice name I hope to expand in other internet fields under the same name someday.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2010 05:04
Quote: "
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Good ol' Adam Savage!

Game looks great, can't wait to see more!

What if your toaster was possessed?
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Posted: 17th Aug 2010 08:16 Edited at: 17th Aug 2010 08:17
Quote: "Good ol' Adam Savage!"

Yes, I love MythBusters and Adam is hilarious. His partner in crime might be a little to serious but they seem to work together.

Oh, and thanks for the compliment!

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Posted: 17th Aug 2010 13:56
I'm a big Dr Who fan at heart - it's a shame about Tennant leaving...

This looks like a very good tribute to it, I assume you're going to use the Famous People pack?

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Posted: 17th Aug 2010 14:47
It's good but you should use static lights and it's way too empty.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2010 16:46
F l a t l a n d e r, What does TASDIM stand for?

Only comment for the first level screens, is that the walls could do with boarders along the floors. Looks good other than that.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2010 19:02 Edited at: 17th Aug 2010 19:02
Quote: "F l a t l a n d e r, What does TASDIM stand for?"

From 1st post
Quote: "4.) Storyline: You are Doctor Jeremiah James. Using the Time And Space Dimensions Interactive Machine (TASDIM)"

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Posted: 17th Aug 2010 23:35

The borders would be nice but they didn't come with borders. This is from the model pack #32 (office). So you get what you get.

Would you like to re-texture it for me? I am not capable of that.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2010 23:50
Quote: "Good ol' Adam Savage!"

Apologies for going off topic, I couldn't resist! Who else thinks that Adam Savage looks like Gordon Freeman from Half-Life?!

Back on topic; looking nice, I too was brought up on Dr Who, my favourite will always be Tom Baker.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 00:07 Edited at: 18th Aug 2010 00:15
Quote: "It's good but you should use static lights and it's way too empty"

Thanks for the comments; but, too empty?

The office level (#1) is a much larger level than the pics I am showing and I'm already at about 1834MB for map lighting calculations.

Offices are known for no shadows. If I use static lights (which I tried) you get shadows and that is not very realistic. Even though I would be the first to say that not everything needs to be realistic. Also, using the static lights will make the VM increase so this is a good compromise. There are other reasons why I went with dynamic lighting in the office which I don't feel I need to explain.. TASDIM (level 2) has static lights.

BTW Level 2 is only the TASDIM. Nothing else. Remember this is not a standard FPSC game. It is a RPG using FPSC and my mod.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 00:14
Quote: "This looks like a very good tribute to it"

Thanks. I do know they actually have two or three official Dr. Who games. I think it is with Tennant. Of course, I can't use any of the names like TARDIS or sonic screwdriver (in fact the names are copyrighted). NBT was extremely kind enough make me sonic screwdriver but I'm not sure what I will call it yet. Also, I have to come up with my own stories. That is going to be the challenge.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 00:57
The Sonic Screwdriver. I love the humour in this name but can't find a name that would be just as good.

So, it is called the Multifunction Sonic Tool or MST for short.

Anybody else have any ideas?

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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 01:03 Edited at: 18th Aug 2010 01:06
Rhythmic Phase Wand

p.s. sent you a room for your office with boarders (skirting boards) and properly scaled carpet.

If you need some basic doors, the kind you get in offices, let me know.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 06:55
Some Basic Doors (and a few rooms) sent El Tel.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 15:29
Quote: "Yes, I love MythBusters and Adam is hilarious. His partner in crime might be a little to serious but they seem to work together."

I think it's cool, other being funny and other being serious, kinda makes them both funny... I'm a dumbass, I know.

But the game looks very good! I like the teleporter scene very much, but I don't know about your "source material" so much. Maby I should look it up. :-P

My old YouTube account got deleted. My new account is called MetalFPSC. thanks for your time!
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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 22:41
It's the typical good cop bad cop, cept it's "blow it up!? Do it scientifically."

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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 00:02 Edited at: 19th Aug 2010 00:08
Quote: "It's the typical good cop bad cop, cept it's "blow it up!? Do it scientifically.""


Also can look at it as the typical good against evil, where the Doctor is good.

Speaking of blowing things up and using scientific methods (this is where the it will be difficult game-wise), as far as I can remember, Dr. Who does not ever hold an actual weapon - like a gun. This is something I am considering. Dr. James does have the RPW and it is going to be very multi-functional.

What I haven't decided yet is should Dr. James be able to kill the bad guys with it or Should he have other weapons?

Anybody have thoughts on this?

BTW, I have updated level #1 images showing some changes and showing a couple of new images.

Who did the scifi toilet found in the TASDIM?

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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 00:58
I always liked how the Dr would always come up with some madcap, ingenious scheme to solve problems, so a puzzler would work better than a shoot 'em up...

Even in the new ones, the only times he uses a gun is to shoot a diamond to send the Time Lords back into the abyss...

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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 01:07
Quote: "I always liked how the Dr would always come up with some madcap, ingenious scheme to solve problems, so a puzzler would work better than a shoot 'em up..."

I agree. So, I have made an executive decision. The doc will not use weapons or even kill someone with his RPW. However, since we now can have allies I might have allies at times shooting a weapon, like in the werewolf episode. (The title has "claws" in it but I can't remember the name in its entirety.)

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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 01:36
He could use his wand to hack defence systems and patrol bots and let them also kill stuff for him

Normally it is his sidekick that does any of the dirty stuff ^_^

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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 02:23
Tooth and Claw, I think the bullets had no effect...

Alot of episodes had the army doing alot of massacring, like The Poison Sky. Might be cool to show that mankind sorts it's own problems now and again...

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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 05:22
looks great man cant wait in till it comes out
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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 06:35 Edited at: 19th Aug 2010 06:35
Quote: "Normally it is his sidekick that does any of the dirty stuff"

Well, I question Rose helping too much in that regard. She just seems to get into trouble.

Quote: "Tooth and Claw, I think the bullets had no effect..."

Yea, didn't help. No effect.

NBT and CG. Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to need all the help I can get.

I'm going to have to start re-watching the good Doctor again.

CG, what is cool about the new Dark AI is that you can actually have the allies and enemies fighting each other without ever getting involved as the player.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 15:39
Ahh cool, never actually looked into Dark AI. Just moved into UDK, haven't touched FPSC since...

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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 22:35
Quote: "Ahh cool, never actually looked into Dark AI. Just moved into UDK, haven't touched FPSC since..."

I understand. I've noticed you had gotten pretty involved using UDK so probably no reason to jump back into FPSC/FPGC. Unless you want to make a game real fast. I'd wait until at least v1.18 is stable.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2010 00:39
Yeh, been using UDK for about eight months, so I've gotten pretty into it. Even helping out on a possible commercial project, all very fun until you get to those bits that just won't work for you - no matter what settings and such you use...

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Posted: 20th Aug 2010 06:13
Quote: "all very fun until you get to those bits that just won't work for you "

Reminds you a little of FPSC then don't it?

I'll probably never leave FPSC because I'm too old (and health reasons) to start something new again -- and don't tell me different as I won't listen.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2010 15:28
I won't, you seem to be doing fine with it anyway.

Any new updates? I wanna see more of this project...

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Posted: 20th Aug 2010 23:04
Yea, enough off topic, eh?

I'll do a short fraps of the RPW unlocking a door. I've been helping the "older than dirt" guy test his hud menu application, so kinda got side tracked. I have trouble with doing more than one thing and it is not because I'm a guy. Multi-tasking is worse than ever for me.

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Posted: 21st Aug 2010 00:28
Quote: "I've been helping the "older than dirt" guy test his hud menu application, so kinda got side tracked."

I never had any hud menu application trouble ??

- he he he

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Posted: 21st Aug 2010 06:41 Edited at: 21st Aug 2010 06:54
Silly Nbt.

Drum roll please. And here we go a video showing Dr. Jeremiah James using his Rhythmical Phase-Wand to unlock a door.

I finally figured out how to upload to youtube. However, it is a little scary because I used RPW in the name of the video and I guess this also refers to female wrestling association so your going to get RPW suggestions in that area. It scared me at first because I though it might be R rated stuff.

If anybody knows what is the separator used when indicating tags? Commas or blank spaces?

Using RPW


Now that I know how to upload videos and FRAPS is working very well now. I will make some that are longer.

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Posted: 21st Aug 2010 07:22
Quote: "This game is based on the extremely popular SciFi show Dr. Who"

Was just about to say, "This reminds me so much of that show Dr. Who", but then I read that

Very nice work, love the wand with the tuxedo hands. You might want to retexture the hands themselves though, they don't look like they fit in. Maybe black leather gloves?

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Posted: 21st Aug 2010 07:32
Thanks PW. I commented over on your new web-site thread. I really like the new look.

The wand was created by Nbt and he did the hands. What do you think Nbt? I'm not sure they look like tuxedo hands but then I don't wear tuxedos everyday either.

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Posted: 21st Aug 2010 15:22 Edited at: 21st Aug 2010 15:26
Quote: "The wand was created by Nbt and he did the hands. What do you think Nbt? I'm not sure they look like tuxedo hands but then I don't wear tuxedos everyday either. "

They are meant to be typical English driving gloves colour (like Pertwee wore with his RR) along with a pinstripe suit. Nothing to stop you turning the Dr into hitman if that's the look your going for, just a matter of removing all colour from the gloves.

On the note of the hands:
I never made the hands or the texture as a whole, I used EAI's hands, edited his texture, edited the mesh and changed the animation. The only thing I made was the wand (as can be seen by the lack of EAI quality )

EAI's hands are the best in town, so why fix what aint broken ^_^

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Posted: 21st Aug 2010 17:36
Quote: "I never made the hands or the texture as a whole, I used EAI's hands"

I stand corrected. I apologize to EAI.

No, I don't want to change the Dr. into a hit man. I personally like the look. Thanks Nbt.

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Posted: 21st Aug 2010 18:29
wow, awesome nice game . can't wait to see it done.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2010 09:45
Thanks Decneo. When you are finished with your current studies, I would like to ask you about another model or two.

Sorry, everybody, I am having a time making simple decisions with my AI scripts. I'll try to get some videos on-line soon -- and a couple more pics.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2010 10:25
Quote: "Thanks Decneo. When you are finished with your current studies, I would like to ask you about another model or two. "

you're welcome , I'm going to get graduate on 04/09/10 soon.

Personal 3D Modeler for your game.

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