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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] [x9] The Adventures of Doctor Jeremiah James and Bob Corvine -- Time Travelers Extraordinaire

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 18:19
this pic showing the char with the shader in game

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 18:29 Edited at: 24th Aug 2010 18:32
I'm not using the character in this way of course. Bob's a wizard and doesn't need guns. Also, I have a re-texture without the blood.

Decneo, are you going to have him available in the TGC store or on your website store?

What shader effect are you using? That really makes him look good.

BTW, I'm still plugging away at the scripts. As I suspected it is going to take a while.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 18:44
Quote: "I'm not using the character in this way of course. Bob's a wizard and doesn't need guns. Also, I have a re-texture without the blood. "

yes,i've known just to show this char with the shader it will look better without using shader

Quote: "Decneo, are you going to have him available in the TGC store or on your website store?

Now I'm not planing to sell it , why?

Quote: "What shader effect are you using? That really makes him look good.

I use bumpbone effect

Quote: "BTW, I'm still plugging away at the scripts. As I suspected it is going to take a while."

i really like the way he open the door i saw in your vid,bro awesome.

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Seth Black
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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 19:06
...this looks very interesting, F l a t l a n d e r.

I look forward to see how it evolves, and would like very much to take it for a spin, once you release it.

Nice job.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 19:15
Quote: "I use bumpbone effect"

Thanks for the compliment on the door opening trick, Decneo.

I tried it and got a black character. Then I realized that when I placed the new re-texture in a different folder I forgot the 'N' and 'S' textures for the shader effect. Looks great.

@Seth Black

Thanks Seth. Glad to see you back. I'm not much around the forums lately but once in awhile I pop in. I'm probably going to have to refrain from browsing so I can get some work done on this.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 19:23
@F l a t l a n d e r

I just calls 'em like I sees 'em. Your game's gonna be a blast.

Thanks for the friendly nod. I appreciate it very much.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 20:17
Quote: "I just calls 'em like I sees 'em."

I'm totally aware of that. That's why I appreciate your thumbs up.

BTW, I think I will have a video available soon. I wasn't going to do it but I believe I will. It will be the start of level 1. And since I now have shaders working for Bob, he'll look a lot better.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 21:58
I sent your panel and different wand versions as requested.
If the panel looks poop it's your fault, for asking a poop modeller to make it :p

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 22:59 Edited at: 24th Aug 2010 23:22
Nbt, you are not a poop modeler and the panel looks great! Here are a couple of images showing off his panel which will be featured in this level. It is a closed panel that can be opened. It is animated and the tubes glow. Great job. BTW, the panel is on a segment wall also created by Nbt as is the ceiling and floor.

The following is a link to another youtube video. This is a conversation between the doctor and Bob at the start of the level. I read the text before I click the mouse button so don't try clicking the mouse button to get to the next dialogue text. This conversation sets up the level objective and gives clues for the human player as he makes contact with various characters (janitor, security guard, secretary, and President of the company).

Adventure of Dr. Jeremiah James and Bob Corvine - Level 1a

I will be updating the level 1 pics again as I have done some tweaking.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 23:21 Edited at: 24th Aug 2010 23:22
Glad you like it then

Oh if you look closely the screw/bolt on the left unscrews before the door opens in case you wanted to have the doctors hands reach out and unscrew it?

I get this when trying to view your video
Quote: "Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
If you see them, show them this information:"

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 23:30 Edited at: 24th Aug 2010 23:36
Nbt, your too hard on yourself.

Quote: "Oh if you look closely the screw/bolt on the left unscrews before the door opens in case you wanted to have the doctors hands reach out and unscrew it?"

As if I will be able to create hands that can do that. :LOL: I have seen games that have hands appearing to do things like open a door. I'm sure it can be done in FPSC. The hands just have to be rigged to do the animation.

I am currently uploading a video showing the animation of the panel.



My highly trained monkey tells me that it is because of your poop computer.

Just try it again. I have gotten that message even with my highly trained computer. If still a problem try it in the middle of the night since you're a night owl.

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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 02:22 Edited at: 25th Aug 2010 02:29
Thanks again Blackfox. Nbt did you ever get to the youtube video to work?

Here's the animated panel video:

Animated Panel

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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 02:52 Edited at: 25th Aug 2010 02:58
Well I added an unscrewing and opening type motion to the hands, but can't trigger the animation to play as yet

edit: cool video

You could use a dynamic red light in front of the panel and let the panel turn it on off as it opens/closes, as I included the activeifused commands in the panels AI script. Just place a light near it give the light the lightoff.fpi and place the lights name in the "IfUsed" property of the panel.

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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 03:00
Hmmm? Seems like it should. This is certainly a small project to learn more about animation and especially animation that is not typical. Like ONLY hands. If it can be done you'll figure it out. You're better than you think.

I have not idea what the carrot means except . . .

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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 06:21
Quote: "I tried it and got a black character. Then I realized that when I placed the new re-texture in a different folder I forgot the 'N' and 'S' textures for the shader effect. Looks great."

Hehe, now it's better than before.

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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 20:18 Edited at: 26th Aug 2010 02:18
Ok new hands with the new animations sent. If you get stuck let me know.

Edit: Here is a short video of the hands pushing doors open.


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Posted: 26th Aug 2010 06:29
Nice. I'll put this to good use. I wish there was a thumb's up icon.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2010 19:12
We now have the hands showing an unscrewing motion. See the youtube video.

This is not a part of my game, however, the panel box and the unscrewing of the panel will be. I just wanted to showcase this now and thank Nbt for the animated hand.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2010 20:23
he go Boom!

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Posted: 26th Aug 2010 21:58
Quote: "he go Boom!"

Was that a Dragonball Z reference?

Anyways. Looking really good Flatlander . I like how you are making the environment more interactive with stuff like just the exploding booby trap.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2010 23:20
I have been having extreme ups and downs and at times I can get very angry. I was going to have this thread locked but I am in an up mode now and will not do so. Despite my downs I've been continuing working on this game.

I am getting close to being able to upload the next youtube video. It is the sequence after Bob and the Doctor have their conversation and the doctor leaves the closet (as long as the human player makes him do so) and confronts the janitor in the hallway.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2010 23:31
This is great news, been looking forward to seeing more updates to this project ^_^

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 03:38
Quote: "This is great news, been looking forward to seeing more updates to this project ^_^"

I think you are the only one who cares.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 04:07
I think there are quite a few interested, but here in the UK it's been school holidays (like your spring break), so many kids are out and about wrecking the country

The boards in general are pretty quiet of late, which is quite normal for many boards in the summertime. Will pick up again soon I should think

I've been wanting to see a WIP that is not the normal "if it moves shoot it" type FPS affair and as this is using RPG Mod, should be interesting ^_^

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 04:43
And because Dr. Who is quite different as well . . .

There are lots of conversations between his "side-kick" and himself as well as other people. There is also humour. Although I do not want to duplicate Dr. Who, I would like to be able to be true to certain aspects of the show.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 14:21 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2010 14:21
Good Morning Fans! The Son is shining brightly within me today.

I finally have the second installment of the game finished and have uploaded a youtube video of it. This is when the doctor comes out of the closet (no not in that sense!) and sees the janitor for the first time. We go from there. Remember from the first installment, the doctor had a remake from Bob and is now wearing a telephone repairman (BT Engineer for you UK followers) uniform. It is still a WIP and even this will be tweaked some more. For example there is an entity wall that is too dark and I will replace it with a different texture. In the video, I apologize for the long waits on the conversations. I was thinking about our non-English speaking friends. Hopefully some will be able to understand. Perhaps not some of the humour though.

The link follows:

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 14:41 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2010 14:42
Damn YOU!!! what was on the piece of paper?

Gonna have to tune in next week I guess.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 15:04
I knew I could count on you, nbt, for a response. However, what do you think?

Here is another short youtube video that shows the human player giving a response to the janitor. In the installment #2 video the player gave a "no response" to the janitor. You will notice that the human player can backspace in the response box if he/she makes a mistake.

Link follows:

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 15:47
The Nobody Knows the trouble I've seen part is still in my head!

Very nice!

By the way how do I get rpg mod for 117?

Abdul Ahad
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 18:22 Edited at: 20th Mar 2011 15:50
Quote: "The Nobody Knows the trouble I've seen part is still in my head!"

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 18:43
Thats pretty awesome Flatlander

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 20:35
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 22:42
Quote: "I knew I could count on you, nbt, for a response. However, what do you think?"

I like it, especially the way the guard comes out of the door all set to blow your brains out

It's cool that you can enter text in response, as this opens up a whole world of puzzle based action etc.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 23:25
Quote: "I think you are the only one who cares."

Hardly! I've just started enrolling and such at college, add to that my schedule that's divided between scraping employment from my local area, and helping people on UDK, I'm pretty full...

However, I'm really liking where this is going. It's more gameplay and character than another showcase of lighting and really, really dark places with zombies.

It's refreshing, and Dr Who. Sadly, I'm a bit of a nerd for Dr Who, but I was one anyway, I mean, hey, I frequent a game design and programming forum, of course I'm a nerd!

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 00:53 Edited at: 4th Sep 2010 00:55
Thanks, Vent, FPSCGames.

CG, ignore me; I'm old. Just have some cheese with that wine.

Yeah, it's that time of year for the students. Is this your first year of college? Or do you have a year or two under your belt already? So, CG, how many 70 years olds do you know that are nerds for Dr. Who?

I just hope my brain holds out so I can finish it.

Quote: "It's cool that you can enter text in response, "

Nbt, I wrote my own AI to determine the response of the player. It's very simple but I think effective. Also, in RPG Mod I have another command structure for more simple questions just for puzzle type questions. The response I have in the video is for more sophisticated conversations. Also, I have a quiz command structure for actual quizzes which can be utilized as well for puzzles. Just a multiple choice kind of thing. Then I have the general selection command structure for "what would you like to do now" types of questions or if you want the human player to make any type of selection such as what character he would like to play or anything along that line. I may have to revise this capability because for now I only have up to 4 different selection type possibilities within one game. I wasn't thinking about the what would you like to do now scenario. I may just add a whole new command structure for that.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 01:13
Quote: "Yeah, it's that time of year for the students. Is this your first year of college? Or do you have a year or two under your belt already? So, CG, how many 70 years olds do you know that are nerds for Dr. Who?"

First year - so I'm a bit nervous about it, should be okay...

Sadly I don't know many 70 year old Dr Who fans though.

Does the typing system look for keywords, or match against exact sentences? Keywords would be pretty awesome and very durable.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 01:35
Quote: "Keywords would be pretty awesome and very durable."

Keywords. When I get back home I will give you an example of the setup.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 03:03 Edited at: 4th Sep 2010 03:04
nbt will probably recognize this from an email I sent him.

I have used this in very complex conversations but I'll use this as an example because it is very simple. All I will want from the human player is two possible keywords: Telephone repairman. I could make the sentence structure more complicated but the human player will probably use a sentence structure and all that is needed are several possible keywords that would mean the same thing.


This is the chat number that is associated with this response. There can be several possible chat statements that would require these keywords. The bar is an or. If there is only one there needs to be a placeholder for at least a second one. 0 does nicely.


This is all the possible keywords.


This is the total number of keywords.


This is the total number of keywords in any combination that can match.


The dash is a logical "and". The bar is a logical "or". So the app will look for telephone|phone|bt-repairman|engineer

("telephone" OR "phone" OR "bt") AND ("repairman" OR "engineer")

The player can then input "telephone repairman," or telephone engineer," or "phone repairman," or "phone engineer," or "bt repairman," or "bt engineer" All of these will return true and then the character can be made to respond to that input.

The coding logic in DBPro for this fpi script took me a long time and a lot of frustrating trial and error. There is quite a few lines of code in DBpro plus looping to accomplish the simple one line of fpi script.

It is not easy to get one's head wrapped around this but it is actually quite powerful. Also, it may not be very pretty.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 03:56
It sounds very versatile indeed. Worth the hard work in the end I suppose? It makes the interactivity just that little bit better...

I mean commercial games like Fallout and Mass Effect 2 use preset conversation options, this is arguably better than that, it let's the player get that little extra input in the situation.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 07:21
You can also add little Easter eggs in the keywords here and there too

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 08:51 Edited at: 4th Sep 2010 08:56
Quote: "You can also add little Easter eggs in the keywords here and there too"

I know this is humorous but it went over my head for the moment. I remember the Coffee Cup web apps company had a promotion where if you found Easter eggs that were scattered about their web-site and you found one you get a reward of some sort. I found a couple but it was too late, so I quit looking. Is this type of thing what you are referring to nbt?

I forgot to mention that the two words do not have to be next to each other. The player could enter something like the following:

"I'm a repairman from the phone company and have come to fix your phone service."

The two keywords are present and therefore will return true. The above input will not fit into the box but will still accepted as input. I at first thought that the inputs should be fairly short. Perhaps I should increase the width of the response (input) box?


Quote: "It sounds very versatile indeed. Worth the hard work in the end I suppose?"

The whole project took me a solid year. This exercise had two purposes. 1) It kept my brain from going into mush. People who have had strokes need to make themselves become mentally active and I mean not just watching TV. 2) I really wanted to use FPSC as it was easiest for me to develop a game. However, it lacked RP capabilities and therefore that was my goal in writing the mod. The code is well over 10,000 lines.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 15:10
An Easter egg in a game etc just means a little surprise, not generally an actual egg. Many games and a few applications have them. Like the old flight sim that was hidden in Excel years ago.

Sometimes it would be little more than a scrolling credits of people who made the game, or snaps of them etc.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 16:15 Edited at: 4th Sep 2010 16:16
Thanks for the lesson on Easter Eggs

Quote: "what was on the piece of paper?"

To tell you the truth, I don't know yet. But it will be a real clue that is garnered.

I'm now going to work on installment #3: what happens when the player answers the janitor correctly.

@CG, I wish you well in your first year of college. I know it can be a little nerve wracking but it should also be a little exciting. One should always meet the challenges in life with their heads up, with determination that they will succeed and then focus on solving the situation at hand. At the same time, have fun and enjoy life without destroying yourself -- if you know what I mean. Also, True Faith helps tremendously. I speak from experience.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 21:16
Thanks mate, I think I'll need it.

Although I'm doing a game design course, should be a little ahead on that I hope...

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 21:17 Edited at: 4th Sep 2010 21:22


An apology might be warranted here.

You said, "The Nobody Knows the trouble I've seen part is still in my head!"

I just realized something and my response with a laughing smiley might have been offensive because you may not know why I was laughing. You might not know but there is an old spiritual song sung by the black folk during their day's of slavery that had those lyrics. It is not funny in itself but some will possibly use it in a lighter sense as is the case here. We know that the doctor is going to get out of jail and Bob is taunting him by singing that.

OK, now that I explained that, I realize that there is lots of trouble and sorrow in your country. I did not want to offend you in thinking that "I think" that this phrase is very funny.

I would like to ask if you are effected by all that flooding that is taking place in Pakistan. I hope not. I also hope that all of your family is safe from harm.


I widened the response box. However, the required response should still not be very long.

Also, I now have up to 200 general selection possibilities per game so that they can be used in the way I am using them in this scenario.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 21:24 Edited at: 4th Sep 2010 21:24
CG, we posted about the same time.

Anyway, your welcome.

You definitely will be ahead with game design.

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Posted: 5th Sep 2010 02:54 Edited at: 5th Sep 2010 18:41

It's cool. Just chill. Have some

By the way thanks for asking about my family. We are safe thanks to God.

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Posted: 5th Sep 2010 03:46
Good to hear it Abdul Ahad... We don't want to lose another member of our forums to anything other than old age

Terry: I can't wait to play it... This is one of the first interactive fpsc games I've seen, and I hope you finish it without quitting in one if your bad moods


P.S: Which of my overlays are you going to be using (just trying to figure out which one would go with that scene )

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Posted: 5th Sep 2010 07:05 Edited at: 5th Sep 2010 07:13
Quote: "Which of my overlays are you going to be using"

I'm glad you noticed the credit. I'll put the names in with the credit now that I looked them up.


All will be clues in some way to pick up. Just like that paper in the jail cell. They will be in the office which has not been really seen yet.

@Abdul Ahad

Quote: "It's cool. Just chill."

Thanks for cooling me off. I'm chillin' Just was concerned there because I know how easy it is for miscommunication between cultures.

I'm doing a lot better here lately. The Son is shining brightly on me and am having cloudless clear days.

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Posted: 5th Sep 2010 07:56
Cool, cant wait to see them in-game

I am available for any free 2d work you may need as the text huds look too much like plain text to me (Dont mind me, im a very picky guy ). You can shoot me an e-mail sometime, though i wont be available till around Thurday or Friday (On vacation in New Orleans).

As I said before, wish you the best of luck with this and

For KeithC

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