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Program Announcements / Windows Text Editor - Syntax Highlighting - Programmable

jason p sage
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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 23:47 Edited at: 9th Sep 2010 08:20
I wrote this text editor and was thinking it might be of use to folks writing code in DarkBasic - because the compiler can be configured, and programs run from within like an IDE of sorts.

Its free - current version: 0.6

DARKBASIC and HLSL Programming languages have been added in version 0.6! Plus neat color and hex to decimal tools, revamped search-n-replace and find etc. Also - now all languages have a default theme - so you get colored syntax out the box even before you hit the configuration (color etc.) options.

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2010 19:47 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2010 19:47
Any screenies of the actual editing environment, and maybe any project features?

Check out this WIP flash game from the Global Game Jam!
jason p sage
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2010 20:55 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2010 20:57
Well... I've been strapped for time, so I haven't got a ton yet.. but I do have some screen shots in the help document (that is a work in progress) here:

Let me spend a few minutes trying to program DarkBasic into it...
This is what I got so far and with DarkBasic, the comment character ( the Tick: ` ) isn't coded in as a possible commenting mechanism.. so that part doesn't jive to well.

Here is a gallery I just put up for you and anyone else wanting to take a peak:

Now most think my high contrast color schemes stink - but this is my first stab at Dark Basic Pro:

I hope this helps. But note: I made this editor with a focus on mainstream programming languages... so for C++ for example there is function folding etc. Same for Python and FreePasca, Pascal and Visual Basic. what I did here is utilize the "Generic" syntac highlighter and plugged in some colors and the keywords for Darkbasic.

The editor allows you to set up external applications you can fire at a click of a button, and also includes Compile and Run commands you can tailor to fit your needs and not the compiler output is captured and displayed under the source code so you can see errors from compiling etc.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 00:42 Edited at: 24th Aug 2010 00:45
My only suggestion is change the colours a bit. The yellow burns my eyes. Make the background something along the lines of FFFFC2 It is a whitish/yellow colour, I use it all the time.

EDIT: Just ignore my post, I was just looking at the screenshots, you have changed the actual colours. :p I downloaded it.

jason p sage
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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 03:33
thank you for checking it out!

I am currently uploading a patch that fixes a few things. There is a hotfix available on the product page for it. (The list of options in the Editor Page of the options dialog window were saving in the wrong order - so they were plain wrong. Fixed that and I'm publishing it right now.)

It's actually easier to uninstall and reinstall the new version. You don't lose your settings because they aren't saved or modified unless you implicitly save your options in the options panel. The setup doesn't mess with it. the configuration lives in your user files area... Local Settings for the current user.

We're up to Version 0.3

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Posted: 24th Aug 2010 11:20
There are a million screen-shots of option pages but only one image of the actual editor!

jason p sage
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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 20:20
True.. I put up a showcase screen shot below.

Note - Just release version 0.4 which adds a lot more syntax color control - particularly for some of the more complex ones like xml and perl. Added like 40+ new configurable attributes.

What I need now are "themes" .. because folks don't like my dark looking color scheme... but those that do - I'll gladly share my config file


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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 21:34 Edited at: 25th Aug 2010 21:35
Please don't take this the wrong way but, what can this do that Notepad++ cannot?

If you can get yours to have syntax highlighting for HLSL code, I might use yours, since I can't get N++ to load any HLSL hilight setting files for the life of me, so I always end up with black, unhighlighted text.

jason p sage
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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 22:36 Edited at: 25th Aug 2010 22:38
Hi Syncaidius,

I didn't take your question the wrong way... in fact I think it's a good question and here's my answer:

NotePad++ Has More Supported Languages
NotePad++ Has Tabs to support multiple files in one application
NotePad++ Has Themes
NotePad++ Is Windows Only
NotePad++ allows user configurable tools (parametric shortcuts) but doesn't capture compiler output

Jegas Edit can run on Windows or Linux ( I need to make a Linux Distro yet)
Jegas Edit Purposely doesn't use tabs because I personally like to ALT+TAB between source files and see them individually in my task bar
Jegas Edit Compiles and Runs applications from inside the editor (parametric shortcuts) and captures compiler output (so you know where you made syntax errors etc.)
Jegas Edit Allows Each individual "Language" to have it's own compiler, run, and five user tools configured.

Also, we weren't trying to beat NotePad++ or anyone else, but we wanted an editor that worked how we like them to work. I really like Eclipse for example, except its so powerful it's become a bloated monster that takes forever to load when you just want to edit a file. I'd rather use another tool and not wait.

The real 100% reason why we rolled our own is because our favorite in house Editor: Tera Text Editor (from a Russian fellow in Russia) doesn't seem to be supporting the software any more, it doesn't run on Linux and my consultants and colleagues have reported the configurable tools (Parametric Shortcuts) difficult if not impossible to use.

Also take this into account if your interested:

Notepad++ has been an on going project for a LONG time, and is Mature and they are on 5.7 at the time of writing this post. Scintilla is the heart of that application, it's married to Microsoft Technologies. and I might add it is a great program that supports non-english speaking folks as well.

Jegas Edit is about 10 days old and was mostly written inside of 7 days. By day ten, we're up to version 0.4 and have fixed a ton of things which made the Column Editing modes better and configuration was expanded to give more control of various colors and things for the built in supported languages. The heart of of this software is Lazarus, FreePascal, and various SynEdit components which translates into the fact that we can write this code once and compile it on Mac, Linux, Windows, Win64, HP-UX and more platforms without changing the code but unlike Java (Eclipse is in Java)... It runs faster because it's all binary like compiled DarkBasicPro and DarkGDK programs.

There is still more to do but I have to say that version 0.4 is ready for prime time use, at least for myself and other folks at Jegas. We like it so far.

The reason our EXE is bigger than the NotePad++ one is because we do not utilize DLL's etc. all the code is statically linked into the application versus dynamically linked.

I think you'll find that it's quite snappy and runs lean.. you can feel how lean it it when you run it. Frankly the LCL stuff is where the file size comes from - that's what makes the GUI work in platform independent way.

I think editors are like ice cream.. they are all good but everyone has a their own flavor preferences.


[edited formatting and also.. Could you send me some HLSL code you might have? I think that it will work reasonable well with the "fall back" "ANY SYNTAX" mode.. you can program your own languages into Jegas Edit... not as FULL FEATURED as a hardcoded specialty thing like HTML highlighting etc or code folding.. but you can get the syntax right and set up your HLSL tools to fire off your shaders and test from inside the editor I'm sure.]

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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 23:23 Edited at: 25th Aug 2010 23:25
Quote: "Notepad++ has been an on going project for a LONG time, and is Mature and they are on 5.7 at the time of writing this post. "

Very good point indeed. It's easy to forget such things when something new pops up.

As for some HLSL code, here's some from a shader I was using with one of my darkBASIC projects to get the hang of darkShader and HLSL (I'm still learning it):

So far it just takes the scene and spits it back out unmodified, as intended, just so I could get things working before I started playing around with it. I hope thats enough code for you test with your editor.

jason p sage
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Posted: 26th Aug 2010 15:28
Sweet - Looks definitely doable - I need some time I have some client work I need to dive in on today - might take me a bit - but frankly if you have a keyword list that would be 90% of the work I plan to do for HLSL.

I need 24 hours.. maybe 48 and I'll get this done.

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jason p sage
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Posted: 28th Aug 2010 20:22 Edited at: 28th Aug 2010 21:24
MOST AWESOME! Stay tuned!

I grabbed the words - thanx for that bit of research. In response, I'm going to add some new buttons on the Options->Language Tab where you can add/delete languages allowing importing and exporting a specific language's details that apply.

For example, the HLSL language is not "built in" so it uses the Syntax "ANY Editor" .. so the properties of the Any Editor will be able to be imported and exported. I was thinking maybe:

- Export ALL this Language's Properties
- Export This Language's Color Properties
- Export This Language's Non-Color Properties

- Import ALL this Language's Properties
- Import This Language's Color Properties
- Import This Language's Non-Color Properties

These would allow you to pick the file names etc so you can store such "theme-ish" information where you like.

I think this is perhaps a step toward adding sharable themes.

For example - if one can export colors and import them... along with other properties.. themes by definition are pretty what you get.

I suppose you'd have to have three categories for themes to work right:

a: colors (both editor and language settings)
b: behaviors (tabs or not tabs etc.)
c: language specific properties.

And themes could be broken into these three categories: color themes being the thing most folks would likely want to change in one fell swoop (e.g. load a theme and colors look how they like).

b and c I think will suffice with what I mentioned above. Perhaps ability to do load/save specific languages and ALL at once is the key to really nailing a themes thing.

Hmm. Thinking. I think to get you going faster, I'm going to make a FRESH configuration file, add the HSLS stuff and save it and upload it here so you can grab it Diggsey... this way I'm not in a time crunch to get these buttons done. I want to think about it a bit before I implement it and head towards another release.

Any thoughts?

jason p sage
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Posted: 28th Aug 2010 23:00
@Diggsey - try this - this seems to be working reasonably well.. I used one of our trusty Shader Guru's old shaders to sample it (Green Gandalf) So I added a few keywords that seemed to be in use and seemed like keywords - this isn't my area of expertise.. so I made a replacement configuration file for you.

Note - The easiest way to just overwrite your config with this one is the "Tools->Open Config File Directly" option. Because you can just delete all the text and paste the attached file's text into and hit save. NOW THIS IS PRETTY DRAMATIC! Lol...

Might be safer to manually merge configuration you have with the new HLSL language I've added.

You could back up your jegasedit.cfg file, and then use diff to see what's different and add the missing lines to your configuration.

In short I don't have an easier way to pull in one language at the moment - but here you go anyways! (The message I wrote above is about making this sort of thing easier.. but I am so busy it's hard to know how long it will be before next revision.)

Anywhere... I've uploaded a JegasEdit Configuration file - with HLSL added.

Note: In reasearching this I found a few glitches... like some things aren't highlighting like they should. I'm trying to discern if it's just the way I have things configured or an actual bug that crept in.

(Need more time)


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jason p sage
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Posted: 31st Aug 2010 18:52
Just released version 0.5 today - Repaired some things to make search-r-replace and the find dialog act in a more standard way. Funny how things I take for granted come up as the things needing the most attention. LOL - It's an improvement nonetheless!

Also - the HLSL - It looks Ok - but I noticed a coloring issue on "home rolled" languages' keywords (like adding HLSL). I did some work here but ran out of time I could devote to it and had to table it - it's documented in the HELP as a todo item however - so it won't be forgotten. It does work mostly - but this is pretty important and must not be overlooked. It should be in the next release.

jason p sage
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Posted: 9th Sep 2010 08:26
@Diggsey - OK - Scope this JegasEdit thing out again! Fixed a TON of bugs, added some cool widgets (like color dialog/in code color to hex and color to RGB values like: 12,45,203 or FF3423

I made DarkBasic Professional and HLSL STOCK!!! Fixed the "Programmable Language" bit - so colors work like you'd expect, and out the box - it's not just black and white waiting for you to configure it - you get color right away!

Also made the file filters work - customizable to - so you can get pretty fancy now to make things go faster. Um... I recommend backing up your configuration, and MOVING it... so Jegas Edit doesn't use what you have - this way you get all the default themes and new stuff right away! (REASON: JegasEdit loads the config file you saved last BEFORE applying the defaults)

I think this thing is getting pretty sweet now! The search-n-replace now has a special "mode" when you highlight multiple lines of code - it separates the window - and does the "Special Search-N-Replace" in the lower window - and if you are happy with your changes - you click the "CODE PANEL" (right most toolbar button) and the code gets inserted where you would expect... you got to see it...


david w
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Posted: 15th Sep 2010 23:22
I just want to say that this editor is very good. I hope that people are at least looking into it and maybe giving it a test drive.
jason p sage
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Posted: 16th Sep 2010 00:18
@David W - I think folks are - I'm not sure if from here or not... but between the awards were getting (got another one today but haven't published it yet)... We've been getting good marks for this editor..

Clean Award - malware/adware/spyware free - Softpedia

Best Vista Download Award

Best Windows 7 Download

Best Freeware Download

Editors Pick

We've never got this much fanfare and congratulations for things we have released. Kinda neat. Downloads? We're in the hundreds now and surprisingly the new Springli Timer has done well also - but not as well as Jegas Edit yet.

The downloads from all the different sites are time consuming to aggregate but we're in the 1500's now for downloads thereabouts.

Still some outstanding things to do - but it's getting cooler all the time. I mean.. when you have your own editor and you get annoyed with something - you fix it. when folks write in and say - "it'd be so cool if you could..." we try to git-r-dun or at least put it in the Queue to get done time permitting.

It's been a fun side project I must say!

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