Quote: "fodded off"
Quote: "gave well educated responses"
IMO so have I.
Quote: "Just to sum up what your saying, Point, case, argument.
(Picture of rectangles)
There all alien so it don't matter that they make no sense."
WTF? Maybe it's because it's 2:30 AM and I'm tired, but that just flew right over my head!! Please explain further what you mean by that.
Quote: "poor comparison"
In your opinion. In my opinion Babylon 5 and certain ships from Star Trek are good comparisions.
Quote: "You said earlier in the thread that the ships from alien couldnt fly and had no human logic."
Quote: "In human terms, that horse-shoe shaped 'Space-Jockey' ship from the film ALIEN (not the military transport from the film ALIENS) could never fly, but with alien technology on board, it obviously could."
Quote: "it obviously could"
Quote: "could"
Seriously, did you even bother to read the full paragraph?
Quote: "So your point is null and void from the start. "
The point would only have been null and void if the ship from Alien was the only example I cited. However it wasn't, as I also cited examples from Babylon 5 and Star Trek.
Quote: "Lecture about Giger's art"
I have prints of Giger's work, so yes, I do know about his influences.
Quote: "You dont seem to realise that you can have an opinion and it can be wrong. "
I am fully aware that there is no such thing as a right or wrong opinion, at no point have I said that other people's opinions are wrong, I have merely been stating my own opinions in response to other people stating theirs. I believe that is the whole point of a debate?
Quote: "The stealth bomber design incorporates critical aspects of a bomber. Large bay for payloads. High speed, wingspan, window, engines. The technically it shouldnt be able to fly bit dosnt work. When a human steps theres something like 1000+ calculations done subconciously more so on obsticles, so anything without the right control system will not work and the fact that it does fly makes it a useless comparasion."
Quote: "So does the shape of the F117 Stealth fighter, and yet it still flies!!
It's an alien ship with alien technology, it doesn't have to follow the rules of human logic/physics.
Just look at the alien ship in the film Alien. If we applied human logic/physics to that, then that would never have flown!!"
Quote: "So does the shape of the F117 Stealth fighter, and yet it still flies!!
It's an alien ship with alien technology, it doesn't have to follow the rules of human logic/physics.
Just look at the alien ship in the film Alien. If we applied human logic/physics to that, then that would never have flown!!"
Quote: "The technically it shouldnt be able to fly bit dosnt work."
The only reason it might not work, is because you took that one sentence out of context of the rest of the quotes, which I have provided above. I suggest that if you re-read the full quotes, you will get a better understanding of the point I was trying to make.