A model doesnt by any means have to be a single mesh, but especially with characters, unless it will be like, changing clothes (josh covered that pretty well).
Keeping it a single mesh has its advantages, especially with texturing and animating i've noticed myself, however it might take a bit more effort in the sole modelling part.
this model that i made a while back:
is made out of many individual pieces: for example, the shirt is one piece, the head another, the neck another and so on.
This made the uvmapping part easy for me, and since it was for the compo I wasnt going to bother with animation. Now, if i were to animate this, I would probably have to add more geometry so that I have skin inside the shirt for example, otherwise the player or viewer might see under the shirt and ask: why is there no skin?
so yeah, it all depends on what your going to do with it, but i personally try to keep my models relativly connected.
and for the record, I am a man.