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3 Dimensional Chat / AC3D how to export

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Joined: 10th Apr 2012
Posted: 10th Apr 2012 18:19
Greetings i made one model in program AC3D and i dont know how to export it and put it in FPSx10 ?

thank you in advance
That Guy John
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Joined: 30th Apr 2010
Location: United States
Posted: 10th Apr 2012 22:03
In the menu:
Go to File > Export > Direct X...

For the heck of it I attached a PSR file for you.

And Here Is A Penguin:
FPSC OneSource [DeskTop App] - Bringing everything together into one.


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Years of Service
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Joined: 10th Apr 2012
Posted: 11th Apr 2012 14:33
Yes know i have X file now where should i put it in fps10x what directory and i got texture pic what whit that ?

Thank you in advance

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