When working with DB Pro, obviously you need to know the pixal placement in order to do anything with your game, including displaying text. Now, I realize that resolution plays a big factor when creating your game, and everyone has a different resolution setting depending on their graphics card and monitor.
Is there a good reference for pixal placement that can be found? I know the top corner, no matter what resolution is always considered 0, 0. But in a program that is..640 X 480, the center of the screen is 320 on the X axis. If you go higher, say 1280 X 720.. that placement would change.
Do you have to spend time feeling this out in order to get the correct placement of text and graphics, or has someone figured out an easier method? I know a bit of math would help here by dividing the resolution by 2 to figure out center. I am not looking for the cheat sheet of game design. I enjoy coding a lot. A reference for pixals would be great though