@Mobius, be careful about the android Tier2 template. Make sure to download the Android_1076_Tier2_Template from the 'Your Products' download page on TGC.
Paul did everyone a great favor and provided one that compiles, links and actually runs on an Android device.
As for your Tier1 ones, just add a media directory under assets and move everything there.
I've posted this elsewhere, but have updated it to NOT copy over the template_android directory.....
These are commands I execute every time I update/change my AppGameKit version. I have my Windows AppGameKit installed in C:\TGC\AGK (I never use the Program Files directories if given the choice, I hate spaces in paths/file names). And I used simply 'android-ndk' for the Android NDK path (I used the most recent version). And I just created from IDE down in the android set, since I didn't need anything else in the AppGameKit tree.
A good command to use before anything else, to make sure directory/file permissions are set well:
To update the core AppGameKit stuff:
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/common/include/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/common/include
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/interpreter
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/interpreter_android
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/platform/android/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/platform/android
To update my own projects after updating core AppGameKit (this is important to make sure that your project uses any new stuff):
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/jni/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>/jni
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/libs/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>/libs
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/obj/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>/obj
cp -R --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/IDE/apps/interpreter_android/src/* /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>/src
After doing the above to make sure the permissions are correct and that Eclipse will be able to run the app on the Android device:
cd /cygdrive/c/Android
chown -R <winusername>:mkgroup *
chmod -R a+r,a+w *
Now, just so you have a working player, build the player:
cd /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/interpreter_android
/cygdrive/c/android/android-ndk/ndk-build clean
/cygdrive/c/android/android-ndk/ndk-build 2> log.txt
Edit /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/interpreter/interpreter.cpp to uncomment the correct line so that your app will run instead of the player. In v1075 and v1076 it is at line #255:
// Assign byte code filename when running standalone
// strcpy ( g_pInterpreterByteCodeFile, "bytecode.byc" ); // comment in for T1 BASIC APP
Copy from your AppGameKit Tier1 directory, clean and compile your app:
cd /cygdrive/c/Android/IDE/apps/<myappname>
\rm ./assets/media/*.txt
\rm ./assets/media/*.png
\rm ./assets/media/*.jpg
\rm ./assets/media/*.wav
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/*.jpg ./assets/media
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/*.txt ./assets/media
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/*.png ./assets/media
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/*.wav ./assets/media
cp --preserve=timestamps /cygdrive/c/TGC/AGK/Projects/Basic/<myappname>/media/<myappname>.byc ./assets/media/bytecode.byc
/cygdriveƒ/c/android/android-ndk/ndk-build clean
/cygdrive/c/android/android-ndk/ndk-build 2> log.txt
Good luck!
Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester