I gave you the code for that already.
//Generate the new number to divide by:
//NOTE: This has to be 8+1 or else a zero could be returned!!!
When you put this after the "NEXT" part of the FOR-NEXT statement, it'll give you the total divided by the number afterward. Here, I'll tweak it a little.
CENTER TEXT 320,200,"The sum of the first 8 numbers is " + STR$(runningTotal)
//Get the new random number
//You probably should set your cursor again here...
PRINT "The total divided by "+STR$(runningTotal)+" is... "+STR$(runningTotal/newNumber)
That will print the value of runningTotal/newNumber (or divided by newNumber, in plain English.)
The same is done for powers, as was explained before:
//(You'll need to set your cursor again)
PRINT "The total divided by "+STR$(newNumber)+" to the power of "+STR$(power)+" equals "STR$((runningTotal/newNumber)^power)
Note that like the others, this only stores the values for the total, the "newNumber", and another variable "power". Your menu code should be formatted to account for what the variable "power" is, as such:
If Inkey$()="1" then gosub section1 : power=1
If Inkey$()="2" then gosub section1 : power=2
If Inkey$()="3" then gosub section1 : power=3
If Inkey$()="4" then gosub section1 : power=4
If Inkey$()="5" then gosub section1 : power=5
There is a much easier way to modify your menu loop, by getting the codes for that range of numbers and then basing it on an "IF-THEN" using them. I'm not handling it right now but I might show you later.
Would you mind telling me what you're up to? I'm interested and I'm glad you're using my code