Quote: "If this technology really comes, would this be the end of DarkBasic"
TCPA isn't bad, infact its a bloody fantastic idea that alot of companies are now starting to use.
Anyone who owns a Pentium4, AthlonXP, AthlonMP, Athlon64, Opteron, Xeon, Itainum2, Alpha64, G5 PPU ... already has a TCPA capable system.
Maya5, 3D Studio Max6, SoftimageXSI 3.5, Photoshop 8.0, Any 2004 Notorn Software, Any 2004 Macromedia Software, Any Microsoft 2002-2004 Software is currently protected by it.
No doubt alot of people are unaware of it because right now, they don't use it to actually protect thier software. It is currently being used to track people who pirate software.
Why? Because of what the industry IS again ... and that is making an International Law that outlaws any system that doesn't use TCPA.
If they can prove that enough people will pirate such things they stand a better chance of outlawing most current hardware and software, at the penalties similar to piracy.
Personally i welcome TCPA with open arms, i don't welcome Microsoft's Legal Bid with this technology. It is going to far and is something that will be fought to keep it from actually getting into the courts as long as possible... not for the sake of pirating Joe's because becuase it will crash the industries economics as well causing alot of legimate business's either to run illegaly or go out of business.
This is something that could affect my job at the end of the day.
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