FacebookInviteFriend - the Definition shows 'szID' and the Parameters shows 'ID' without any description. So, is it a string or an integer and what is it supposed to be?
FacebookPostOnFriendsWall and FacebookPostOnMyWall both need information about all of the parameters (the only one with anything is 'description' and it doesn't explain anything about what it is for). And FacebookPostOnFriendsWall has the same 'szID' and 'ID' issue.
FacebookSetup has the same 'szID' and 'ID' issue, but at least it says what it is for. But it still isn't clear if it is a string or integer.
GetNotificationType should really explain the types of notifications that the integer return represents.
NotificationCreate needs the 'data' field defined and some sort of help about how to use it.
The curious thing is that all of the Notification commands say they work only in iOS but the help page about the server side of Push Notifications is for Android. So 'Notifications' are not 'Push Notifications'?
Basically, there should also be good examples of how all of these things are used.
That's just some of the extras I looked at today.
Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester and AppGameKit Master