Quote: "Click on View > Toolbars > Compiler and it will (should) reappear."
Lol no way I've tried that so many times.
Quote: "Shift + F2 shows/hides the Projects Panel.
F2 Shows/Hides the Compile Logs panel."
I know but I simply cannot find what I pressed to make the compile toolbar disappear!
Quote: "I had all sorts of issues with the IDE today (my fault) and was only able to restore the Compiler toolbar by changing the view to AppGameKit Default, in case Mobiius' fix doesn't work for you."
Ah, yes, that's what I did to begin with, but I managed to press whatever it I press and broke the AppGameKit Default view as well. AND AppGameKit Minimal. TGC really needs to do something about this.
Quote: "If you don't have the bandwidth to get the new 1089 compiler, then maybe the attached AppGameKit player for 1088 will help? It is much smaller at 3.5MB."
Thanks, but I managed to download AppGameKit Beta9
And yes, the error still occurs, although I have figured out how to make it work and I have a fairly decent theory as to why this happens.
If it starts happening, I have to either restart my device or turn off wifi and wait for a couple of minutes. To prevent it from happening, I have to be very careful about how I exit my apps during testing. If I just press Home or kill the app from Recent Apps like I should be able to do, the error will appear next time I start the player. If I hold for five seconds at the top of the screen to kill the app and then press power button to close the player, it will work (so far reliably).
My theory is that the player opens a socket to listen for the IDE's broadcasting messages, and the error is caused when the player tries to open the socket again and the socket hasn't been closed. When you close the app by holding at the top for 5 seconds, the player closes the socket properly. Also, if you restart the device or turn off wifi for a length of time the socket is closed. However, if you kill the player, the socket is not closed and the error occurs next time you start the player.
My theory is backed up by another error I got only one time. I had worked out that normally closing the app makes the error stay away, so I closed the app by holding at the top of the screen, and the player said something about failing to close the socket. Next time I started the player it got the failed to listen error.
Quote: "Would be great if TGC would host those files and make them readily accessible by everyone. I remember how frustrated I was when I started off and couldn't find the player I needed!"