I made the player able to fly in RTA and I get no contacts reported between the player and everything else. But I can hit enemies with the sword and the plants can bite the player. The only thing special with these attacks are that they are dummy sprites. The projectiles the plants shoot should be the same as the attacks except they move, but they don't register contacts. Does it have something to do with moving the sprites?
Made the player move in the test project and no contacts reported:
SetVirtualResolution( 200, 120 )
SetOrientationAllowed( 0, 0, 1, 1 )
global hero, tile
hero = createsprite( 0 )
setspritesize( hero, 6, 8 )
setspritephysicson( hero, 2 )
SetSpritePhysicsIsSensor( hero, 1 )
setspritegroup( hero, -5 )
setspritecategorybit( hero, 5, 1 )
setspritecollidebits( hero, %001111 )
setspriteoffset( hero, 3, 8 )
SetSpriteShapeBox( hero, -3, -8, 3, 0, 0 )
setspritepositionbyoffset( hero, 90, 70 )
tile = createsprite( 0 )
setspritesize( tile, 8, 6 )
setspriteposition( tile, 100, 70 )
setspritephysicson( tile, 1 )
setspritegroup( tile, -1 )
setspritecategorybit( tile, 1, 1 )
SetSpriteShapeBox( tile, -4, -3, 4, 3, 0 )
setspritepositionbyoffset( tile, 100, 70 )
setspritepositionbyoffset( hero, GetSpriteXByOffset( hero )+0.1 , 70 )
contact = GetSpriteFirstContact( hero )
while contact > 0
print( contact )
c = GetSpriteContactSpriteID2()
if c > 0
tx = (getspritex(c)+tilepadw) / tileW
ty = 0 - (getspritey(c)+tilepadh) / tileH
select getspritegroup(c)
case -1
print( "tile" )
contact = getspritenextcontact()