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Geek Culture / The Old Crowd?

Ian T
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Posted: 13th Sep 2002 21:43
Just wondering how many of the old crowd is still around... Indi I've seen lots and on the DevNet, it's good to see my coding role model hasn't gone , then Chroma is still around, and I think I saw good old Rapscallion once too. Anyone else? I'm afraid I don't recongize most of the faces around here...

Hey, we need an pinned 'Introduce Yourself' thread!
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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 00:32
Well i = Dreamstalker and ive bein here since 103 and i bought the 104 limmited edition cd
Succession The Betrayal Developer
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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 01:17
Dreamstalker, great to see you

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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 03:12
I'm here...

Kousen DPB RPG latest - Working on a demo to release to get some interest and team members
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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 03:14
I'm here, not really been on the RGT forums much, but I am definatly here!
How you doing?
I been around since 1.03... or maybe 6, I honestly don't remember. I've known about DB since 1.0, and I've seen every site DBS has put up... if that counts for anything
Anyway, I was previously known as bender888, up until 2 or 3 years ago.
Wow, now that I think back, that's a long time!

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Ian T
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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 04:50
I didn't know I was older than Rapscallion-- but not Bender . I remember 'Bender''s posts from way back when... ah, those were the good days.

Nice to see you on the forums Denki .

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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 06:54
hahaha, mouse, i knew youd post that up.

i am a 1.03 man myself.

i dotn go on the RGT forums, dont know why.....

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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 11:30
hrmmm ive been here since it first came out... does that count... =\... but i moved on to c++ a very long time a go... =P who knows... all i know is that i only recognize indi... =\ hehe
Binary Moon
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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 13:44
I'm here. Not used RGT much either.

Been here since 103/104 ish

Ian T
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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 20:47
mop! Great to see you .


More people are here than I was expecting...

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Posted: 14th Sep 2002 22:51
Hey what up Rat. I consider myself pretty old.. maybe 1.5 years of being around here. Hey Insider missed me? haha

Well I got kicked out by everyone (i assume) but decided to come back to say hey. Anyways, good to see you all again, I am just soooo busy with work


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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 00:37
I remember you DarthPuff...check it!
Ian T
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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 02:00
Flame!!!! I was hoping you'd still be around. I think I've been around longer than you but you were always a much better coder ... your stuff looked very impressive (didn't download much with my 56k back then). It's wonderful to see you here

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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 03:23
I've been mooching around since v105, just never really that active!

Ian T
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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 03:40
Dazzy, nice t' see you too . This feels like the old days *melodramatic sniff*

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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 05:10
I came along during 1.06, used to be Scott_Brown but that changed about 1.07 I think.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 05:12
eeek no message editing? oh well. Flame! good to see you around. you're the only other DB'er I know that lives in SC

Ian T
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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 07:01
I remember you Dynamo, but strangely I don't remember Scott. I suppose it's because I tend to remember memorable names more than I remember nonmemorable names, it's a memory thing.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 11:06
wasup flame, yes...i did miss you

Look at this guy everyone, flame is as busy as hell and he still finds time to talk to the smaller people in dis world,lol

i thoguth yad left DB for good, now that WebDesign is your thing.

E2 still going strong, so you must be doing sumting right.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 11:30
of course you remember me... i was helping you guys with that rpg... did it ever get finished chroma??... i remember after we fixed some 3d cursor bugs (half the screen width+height remember) you guys moved to blitz3d and anyone who didnt make it into the meeting got the boot...
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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 13:10
Ive been around since 1.04, I created Star Flight 2000 =)

Ian T
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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 17:45
EdzUp, WOOHOOO! I *loved* StarFlight 2000... are you gonna port that to DBP? SF2000 and Star Wraith (and later 8 towers) were the games that convinced me DB could make great games after all

Ian T
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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 17:46
'of course you remember me... i was helping you guys with that rpg... did it ever get finished chroma??... i remember after we fixed some 3d cursor bugs (half the screen width+height remember) you guys moved to blitz3d and anyone who didnt make it into the meeting got the boot...'


DarthPuff... *thinks on what Indi has been saying*...

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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 21:19
Me (PapaRoach) have been here since 107

- Rav.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2002 21:55
=) i am as old or older than indi and thats all that matters... not in age... god no...
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 00:31
I'm pretty much back after a lengthy absence (about 6 months). Been around since 1.04 (I think). Around July 2000 if I remember rightly. On the old old forum I think I joined a week or two after/before Indi.

Dr Av still in Blitz? He is the main person that made me keep with DB at the time (Sphere was really cool).


Oh yeah, bet I'm the only one here that hasn't installed DBP yet. Had it since the 12th but have been away for the weekend... Damn, it's downstairs but I'm too tired.....

I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 01:04
I’ve been here since 1.03.

Most users migrated to the Mad Merlin/RGT forums right after the new yabbse board was setup (and shut down) on - all other users just fell off the face of the planet (although I have seen a few old characters pop up again here e.g. Steverino).

Dr Avalanche uses Blitz exclusively now:

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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 02:22
hey mouse, remember me? i came in right at the end of v105, but being a artist who didnt hang out in the code areas of the board you may not having noticed me

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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 02:33
I've been around since 1.05 as well. Hurrah oldbies!

"That's not a bug, it's a feature!"
"When all else fails, read the instructions"
-Forsaken02 aka ESC
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 08:51
Don't forget me. DB's sweedish whore who isn't really sweedish at all.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 10:11
Wow, I feel so much at home now... The old crowd rock!

Southeast Creations Web Design Service
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 12:04
Been around since 1.06, I think?

Yup..Dr.AV did help a lot.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 12:13
Still here Never really left ... been around since 1.01 or 1.03 don't know exactly but it's been a long time now

Funky Frank
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 14:51

Does it count if you don't post much (hardly ever ?!)
I've been lurking for quite a bit, had a couple of games included on the DB 'samples' CD a while ago (Loco Commotion, etc).
Good to see some of the old names again.

Funky Frank
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 21:51
yeh you have hubdule... and i was in your group... then you just stopped talking to me.. =,(
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 22:38
i've been here since v1.03

What the flame does not consume, consumes the flame.
AMD XP2100+, Geforce4Ti 4400, 512Mb DDR, Abit KX7.
Ian T
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 23:29
Axe-- Forsaken-- Frogger-- Hubdule-- Blivvy-- Kale...

I feel so at home now

It's amazing how many of you guys are still here 8)

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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 23:47
around april 2000 i started using darkbasic i used to under the name of classic_gaming

lagmasteruk -
specs: 1.2ghz athlon, 384mb ram, geforce 2 mx 400 (32mb),win2k
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 00:46
Ive been here for yonders..
i was first Gamesplus_uk, then i think something else.. until i settled with Newbi2basic, No one remember me? guess i never made much of a impact then..

"When all is lost and you have nothing to lose. Thats the time to win stuff back..." Newbi2basic 23:33 26th august 2002
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 00:47
I think ive been here almost 3 years if not 3 years

"When all is lost and you have nothing to lose. Thats the time to win stuff back..." Newbi2basic 23:33 26th august 2002
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 01:00
Ya...the old old crowd was about 2 years ago. Edzup, BloodLocust, Magellan, Aprodigy, hmmm...I know there's tons more.
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 01:30
We need some popcorn now.. sit around the fireplace and remember the "old days" - I am only 19 and I feel as old as Insider...

Southeast Creations Web Design Service
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 02:10
oh good lord: hubdule, smartass... it's been so long, and then there is magellan, halo, bloodlocust Aprodigy... wow it's been way to long!
Looks like the good doctor has been busy! Sphere racing looks absolutly AMAZING, lander is coming along great, and terrain shader 2 looks excellent.
DR AV is really showing the power of BB3D. Too bad he doesn't do the same for DBP. Or will he? He may come back to the light side yet! (j/k)

Alex Wanuch
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Ian T
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 02:48
Newbi2basic, EVERYONE remembers you. Recall what a hububb you started when you tried to change your name to EyeOfTheBeholder? We all love ya .

Flame, I agree... we need to all get together with popcorn, beer, champaigne, steak, and a good bonfire and talk about the old days .

Dr Av
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 03:18
Wow! Thanks for the accolades! I got an entry on my guestbook to say you guys were talking about me! It's really nice to be remembered.

Thanks for the positive comments on my current work, Sphere Racer is damn near completion and should be available in the shops soon (excuse the pimpage!).

With regards to coming back to DB, if I do it's not going to be for a while, I've got a bunch of projects in the pipeline which are all blitz. Lander is one of them, and I've started on a 3rd person platformer too.

I'll have to check this forum more often from now on, I really like keeping up to date on what everyone's up to. I quite often see posts in my guest book from old DBers!

** Climbs onto a soap box to deliver a heart wrenching speech **
I see the day when Blitzers and DBers will get along, will share media, share knowledge, share fluids... err... okay maybe not fluids... But work on projects together, both sides of the fence have massive talent, be it in art, modelling, map making, and so on.

Keep up the great work guys!

Speak to you soon.

Rob (Dr Avalanche)

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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 03:28
PS. If you guys still use matrices I wrote a thing in DB ages ago that create transition tiles between rock and grass. I've re-written it with more options and the ability to make your own transitions, you might find it useful for your projects. Please don't flame me for this, it's something you may find handy, it's just a tool for people who make games, forget what it's written in.

Cheers, Rob.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 03:28
Oh, and you can get it off my site... Apologies for the multiple posts, there's no edit button!

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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 03:37
Whoa...seems like the friendships have overcome the language barrier....IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!

I love you guys!
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 05:05
Ya, I was thinking about setting up a DB/BB website/forum, but I don't think I am the person to do it, because I have never used BB. A good thought though! There is no reason why we can't work together, there is as the good docter said, enourmous talant and potential on both sides!

In regards to your texture app, I am VERY interested in Version 2. Is that out yet? I couldn't find a link on your page, and BTW- The sphere download link is busted!

Alex Wanuch
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 06:31
That's my idea...


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