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Geek Culture / The Old Crowd?

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Posted: 29th Sep 2002 12:40
....doesnt anyone remember me...?

Rob K
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Posted: 29th Sep 2002 15:25
I was around since 1.05 but I never visited the forums until 1.08 (known as AtomicX back then)

Hopefully Dr Av will download the DBPro demo and just give that a try when all the bugs have been fixed.

You know what would be cool, if somebody could make a program to port basic code between BB3D and DBP. Moving some commands would be impossible but I am sure that basic structures and simple commands would be possible.

what is a signature?
David T
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Posted: 29th Sep 2002 16:13
Well, I'm here. I sarted out on XMB - now got about 18550 posts

I love Star Trek.
Especially the Episodes with Starships in.
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 29th Sep 2002 20:39
XMB... that was Tempory Forum 1 from GuyS right?
Man, I've been in nearly every forum - probably has been all of them. Started with the demo back in '98 from PCGUK, not sure what version that was of - hehee
Anyone remember that seriously crap tank game I made?
Well was pretty cool considering, I mean I'd had the demo for 1 week and it was about 4-5hours of coding.
Had a red tank vs a blue tank and the idea was to push the other one off the Matrix, Robot Wars stylee

Man I've gotta find that somewhere... be good for everyone to have a laugh

"For the Greater Good"...
Kyi'Aun (Jedi Master) Rai'Ka
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Posted: 30th Sep 2002 00:37
> "perhaps seeing him again will remind everyone"

well, here he is.. look at the sig

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Posted: 30th Sep 2002 00:39
oh, and yeah, I remember you, Insider

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 30th Sep 2002 06:28
hahaa that little gumby cracks me up...
oh look Raps got his wish, over 100 post

"For the Greater Good"...
Kyi'Aun (Jedi Master) Rai'Ka
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Posted: 30th Sep 2002 23:55

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Brice Manuel
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Posted: 1st Oct 2002 11:21
I have been here since 1.0 Limited Edition CD. I can remember looking forward to 1.01 hitting.

I tried retiring from programming, but that did not last and I unretired so I would be able to put our eldest through college. I did a few odd contract jobs, but don't have the heart for programming for a living anymore. I recently took a job in an entirely different field to lessen the stress and so I could have more time with the wife and kids.

Now what free time I have, I spend on my writing. I am afraid I do not get to play with programming as much as I would like. However DBP is on my "must get" list and I look forward to playing with it when I can.


Shadow Robert
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Posted: 1st Oct 2002 12:12
Brice... hmm, did that used to be spelt with a y?
I seriously can't remember how long I've been using DB.
Remember that the demo had just been released and ONLY for PCGamerUK
Because PCGUK were getting all excited about it, especially as they put something about it every single issue of PCG for almost 12 issues
It was great when they finally released the demo, was about a month after DIV Game Studio - and i was having fun making 2D Games

"For the Greater Good"...
Kyi'Aun (Jedi Master) Rai'Ka
Brice Manuel
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Posted: 1st Oct 2002 12:15
>Brice... hmm, did that used to be spelt with a y?<



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Posted: 1st Oct 2002 18:12
I'm here, used to be Reality_Software but is now SEPHIROTH, been here a fair bit, need any help just ask.


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Posted: 1st Oct 2002 22:04
i was here before the game making day so work that one out

lagmasteruk -
specs: 1.2ghz athlon, 384mb ram, geforce 2 mx 400 (32mb),win2k
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2002 00:36
Well in that case i was here just a little before 3D games

"For the Greater Good"...
Kyi'Aun (Jedi Master) Rai'Ka
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2002 02:17


"When all is lost and you have nothing to lose. Thats the time to win stuff back..." Newbi2basic 23:33 26th august 2002
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2002 03:52
ya, I came what, a week or so before 3D Game day... When would that be?

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2002 16:48
I'm still here, most people will know me as Shivan.
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2002 21:19
week or so eh?
that be July 1982 then
now can any tell me what the first 3d game was called?
Damn ya know i still have it on tape with my acron electron (in workin order )

Nice to see the best and brightest seem to now be within the confines of dbpro and from rumours indi is an RGT outcast like myself - i know its old news but nice to know that a little band of us are still having fun somewhere and workin hard

Thats actually a pretty cool name, DarkOutcast (yup once again eveyone groans with yet another dark name take )

hey danny, you know your av reminds me of my brother a few years back when we gave him 3 expressos and let him eat an entire bag of worthers original ... yup pretty much did that few a few hours hahaa

[b] New interactive driving system... i like my new blue and black steering wheel [b]
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Posted: 4th Oct 2002 00:10
first 3D game... I think wolfenstein was the first FPS anyway, not sure if that's it though...

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 00:20
Uh, I've been around since v1.04, maybe longer, I don't know... I was Lord Stan, and then Duosoft....

You aren't in my way...are you?
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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 17:06
Me... here... again... working while eating a donut and drinking some coffee...

I really need to get out more - Anyways, wanted to pop in again and say hey


Southeast Creations Web Design Service
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 17:45
Raps, Wolf3D is a good decade out
Most here probably aren't aware of how old 3D games actually are (or that the first groundbreaking 2 were made within the UK )

I know that someone knows out there

[b] New interactive driving system... i like my new blue and black steering wheel [b]
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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 11:29
I dont think its important how long you've been here (September of 2000, and I've been forum active ever since) but the ammount you've given back and the knowledge you've obtained.

Lets take two people. One is Indi, and the other shall remain nameless because it would be wrong of me to call this person out and put him down. These two both signed up around the same time I did. Indi, as we know, has given a lot back and has gained a fairly large knowledge base. If you've seen his examples, you can tell he knows how to code. The other can barely print his own name on the screen because he's too busy running his mouth on the forums, learning nothing.

But, anyways. For anyone who doesn't know me, I worked on Vapour-Racing with Webdext and Steve677. I worked with Webdext on our 1 level demo Vizor Xari. I have done several tutorials and demos, including my terrain/texturemap example, old school fire code, line-point collision, and AI. I try to contribute. Its nice to see a lot of the older people back.

I actually miss Semtex, he was a rather funny yet annoying distraction =]

Some older people I never see around: BigGun and Titan. BigGun I know has sort of faded out of programming, and I'm not sure what Titan is doing these days.

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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 20:19
ive been here since... well... the release of DBPro.

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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 23:34


A cloud! I found out he's a cloud!
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 7th Oct 2002 00:55
Ahem touchdown... i believe a coupla someones helped with alot of the art for them too

Holy jumping mother of god NOOOO!!!...
Ahem I mean, I'll think about it
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Posted: 7th Oct 2002 10:40

hehe (run that in pro )

Kousen DPB RPG latest - Working on editors!
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Posted: 8th Oct 2002 02:13
Denki, I can't believe you showed me up! I worked for hours on my snippet and you make it look dumb.

A cloud! I found out he's a cloud!
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Posted: 8th Oct 2002 05:41
if you want a BB/DB board, already been done yaay i go there for the sole fact that they have BB and DB without fighting

i came to DB at 106, i bought it at 107, so i'm not too much of an oldbie (yet). when i first joined the forums the main people were... xtom, magellan, rottbot, umm hmm.. that's all i can remember

i do remember you though mouse!

how about no, ya frickin' dutch bastard!
Van B
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Posted: 8th Oct 2002 14:12
Hiya all!

Nice to see a lot of oldies here who don't use the RGT forums .

I've been using DB since 1.06, I mostly use the RGT forums, I've been avoiding this forum until I get DBPro, and well - I still don't have it but miss you guys so much .

Raven Vegeta, I knew that was you on the RGT forums .


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Posted: 18th Oct 2002 04:34
I go way back, but you do not know my old alias. I'm keeping it that way.
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 18th Oct 2002 22:14
Hahaa... wasn't me on RGT
My bro liked my current screen name, as i couldn't go into RGT for reasons erm ya'll all know of i didn't think there would be harm in it.

Been told since that he showed a tank he made, finally got to see it whilst i was sifting through my ftp to sort it out for the new website ... was pretty nice - he's still doing some stupid mistakes but hey as he has been modeling from a couple of tips i've given him in the last 2months, it kinda makes me jelous - i mean i didn't really have that much skill that quick.

Wish i could go back home next week like i planned
Oh well i've got alot of things here, probably annoying alot of people if i just stopped and buggared of for a week

Holy jumping mother of god NOOOO!!!...
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Posted: 27th Oct 2002 02:43
Here you guys go some of you might remember these days

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Posted: 27th Oct 2002 11:45
oh come on no one has any comments on it? I thought it was damn cool.

AGK Developer
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Posted: 27th Oct 2002 12:45
2.5 years, forgot the ver. Used to be sum1uk/ theking/ cant really think of other names ive had (ive also been called dynamo along time ago). Took a 6 month-ish break from db and just come back. ShockForge Software Unlim bandwdith, unlim space,,, visit site for more details.
Megaman X
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Posted: 27th Oct 2002 13:00
No matter how many peoples comes and go. There's only one I can not EVER forget...this says it all:

"Gimme da codes..."

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
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Posted: 27th Oct 2002 20:10
reading over this again two names that stick out that are missing is Magellan and Titan5 whatever happened to these guys?

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Posted: 27th Oct 2002 20:12
and we better not forget DBjunkie where the heck is he these days?

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 29th Oct 2002 01:43
Magellan just helps out behind the scenes now, and very little due to work commitments from what i heard...
Titan5 was kinda a glance back in time - was a good 3D guy, but then he just stopped didn't he. Probably changed name just didn't tell anyone lol

I'm actually surprised our little friend GamerX hasn't come back yet

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2002 17:43
Let's keep it that way. That was the first time I had seen 6 consecutively created threads by 1 person!

This has "Fiasco" written all over it.

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