The safest way to use them is to probably create pointers and then use the GetImagePtr() and GetSpritePtr() commands.
The following code seems to work fine on my mac:
#include "template.h"
// Namespace
using namespace AGK;
app App;
cSprite* spr;
void app::Begin(void)
agk::SetVirtualResolution (1024, 768);
spr = agk::GetSpritePtr(agk::CreateSprite(0));
void app::Loop (void)
agk::Print( agk::ScreenFPS() );
spr->SetPosition(agk::GetPointerX(), agk::GetPointerY());
void app::End (void)
But as Ancient Lady warns, unless Paul says otherwise, I wouldn't create sprites using the cSprite class directly; just use the pointers.