Okay, so I finally got around to Android testing with v10815.
First off, I was able to get my WIP working (which was the most important to me) using the new libraries.
Next, create my own Player (so that I could change the name and package so that I can have multiple Players installed). That went pretty smoothly. But, while there is a a interpreter_android_prebuilt_lite, there is no interpreter_android_lite. No biggy and I won't sweat this one.
I installed the Player on all my Android devices (in order of Android version):
1. Philips GoGear Connect 3.2 - Android 2.3.3, screen res 480x320 (and the '3.2' is the screen size)
2. Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7" - Android 4.0.3 based, screen res 1280x800
3. Toshiba 7" Thrive - Android 4.0.4, screen res 1280x800
4. Samsung Galaxy S III (cell phone) - Android 4.1.1, screen res 1280x720
5. Nexus 7 - Android 4.2.2, screen res 1280x800
I was able to have all the Player running on all of the above at the same time and broadcast a simple test app. Pretty cool!
Then I tried getting the templates to work and ran into problems.
I started with the template_android_lite just to see. And I had to make the following changes before it would compile, link and build (in Eclipse):
1. Removed the following lines from AndroidManifest.xml (some based on the diffs between the interpreter_android and interpreter_android_lite files):
<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<permission android:name="com.mycompany.mytemplate.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="com.mycompany.mytemplate.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />
<receiver android:name="com.google.android.gcm.GCMBroadcastReceiver" android:permission="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND" >
<action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE" />
<action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTRATION" />
<category android:name="com.mycompany.mytemplate" />
<service android:name=".GCMIntentService" />
<activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity"
android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation" />
<activity android:name="com.thegamecreators.agk_player.MyFacebookActivity"
2. Deleted template_android_lite/res/layout/facebookmain.xml
3. Commented out line 34 template_android_lite/src/com/thegamecreators/agk_player/MyJavaActivity.java:
This is the code I used for my template.h/.cpp files (for cross platform compatibility) for all my templates:
template.h -
#ifndef _H_APP
#define _H_APP
// CONSTANTS ////////////////////////////
#if defined(AGKWINDOWS) || defined(IDE_MAC)
#define DEVICE_POS_X 32
#define DEVICE_POS_Y 32
#define FULLSCREEN false
#define WINDOW_TITLE "Put your App Name Here"
// define your app width and height here
// normally these would be in with DEVICE_POS_X because
// they are only required by the Windows and Mac builds
// but they are included here because we are using these
// values in template.cpp to set the virtual size
#define DEVICE_WIDTH 400
#define DEVICE_HEIGHT 400
// Link to AGK libraries
#include "agk.h"
// CLASS DEFINITION /////////////////////
class app
bool did_end; // flag for game has ended
// main vars
#ifdef IDE_MAC
unsigned int m_DeviceWidth;
unsigned int m_DeviceHeight;
#if defined(IDE_ANDROID) || defined(AGKIOS) || defined(IDE_MAC)
// constructor
app() {}
// destructor
~app() {}
// constructor, apparently Windows doesn't need a destructor
app() {memset ( this, 0, sizeof(app));}
// main app functions
void Begin( void );
void Loop( void );
void End( void );
void closeThisApp();
extern app App;
// Allow us to use the LoadImage function name
#ifdef LoadImage
#undef LoadImage
template.cpp -
// Includes, namespace and prototypes
#include "template.h"
using namespace AGK;
app App;
// PROTOTYPES ///////////////////////////
extern void exit(int);
// CLASS IMPLEMENTATION /////////////////
// Begin app, called once at the start
void app::Begin( void )
// assume okay for now
did_end = false;
// set color and sync rate
// set a default resolution
// Main loop, called every frame
void app::Loop ( void )
// check for ended, it means that we have
// nothing displaying and don't want to
// fun afoul of Sync() looking for non-existent things
if (app::did_end) return;
// if pointer pressed, we are done
if (agk::GetPointerPressed()) closeThisApp();
// display something
agk::Print("Touch/click anywhere to exit.\n\n");
agk::PrintC("FPS: ");
// sync display
// Called when the app ends
void app::End ( void )
// clean up, if not already done
void app::closeThisApp()
// indicate done
app::did_end = true;
// completely exit the app
#ifdef AGKIOS
// forcing a quit in iOS is against recommended guidelines - use HOME button
// the exit button is disabled on AGKIOS builds
// but if you want to do so, this is the code
// similar to iOS, an exit button should not be done
// but if you want to do so, this is the code
#ifdef IDE_MAC
This compiled/linked/built just fine and was installed and tested on all of my devices. And worked just great with one exception.
On my Samsung Galaxy S III only, when tilted to landscape mode the Sync wasn't working correctly.
As the code shows, the clear color is a blue. So the background is supposed to stay blue. When turned to landscape orientation, the background went black and the old FPS values were never cleared. The new value was just displayed over the old one each sync cycle.
I had been also testing my Tier 2 State Machine Demo code (it now works in ALL platforms, and I hope to finish the writeup soon) in Android. The app is fixed to one landscape orientation from the start. It also was supposed to have a blue background. When this app runs, nothing got cleared when it should. The splash sprite stayed up in the background after it was deleted. And, when playing the 'game', each image for the moving ball stayed on the screen. It looked cool, but wasn't right. Fortunately this appears to be specific to one device (Android version?).
Anyway, going on to the regular android_template. I used the same code as for the lite version and made sure that the package and app names were different from the lite version (so that I could have both on my device at the same time). The compile/link/build process went smoothly, as did installing on all the devices.
And that's where the good stuff ended. When run on all of my devices, after about 3 seconds, it crashed and closed. 100% of the time on all devices.
Three of them were 'visible' to Eclipse and I was able to capture and save the LogCat output for them.
The crash may or may not be related be related to this, these lines appeared in all the logs:
07-11 13:18:22.422: W/dalvikvm(8227): dvmFindClassByName rejecting 'com/thegamecreators/agk_player/AGKHelper'
07-11 13:18:22.430: I/dalvikvm(8227): Could not find method com.google.android.gcm.GCMRegistrar.checkDevice, referenced from method com.thegamecreators.agk_player.AGKHelper.registerPushNotification
07-11 13:18:22.430: W/dalvikvm(8227): VFY: unable to resolve static method 2044: Lcom/google/android/gcm/GCMRegistrar;.checkDevice (Landroid/content/Context;)V
07-11 13:18:22.430: D/dalvikvm(8227): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x000c
The same lines appear in other logs for apps that don't crash. So it may not be a root cause. But I bet it is an issue when apps are submitted to Google (or Amazon).
So, all is great for Windows, Mac and iOS. And the Android lite version appears to be okay (once you fix up some bits). But the Android full version appears to have a problem.
Here are the the logCat for the Nexus 7 (I will supply the ones for the Samsung and Kindle if asked, this post was too long with all three included):
07-11 13:15:55.343: D/AndroidRuntime(12330): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
07-11 13:15:55.343: D/AndroidRuntime(12330): CheckJNI is OFF
07-11 13:15:55.353: D/dalvikvm(12330): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
07-11 13:15:55.353: D/dalvikvm(12330): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
07-11 13:15:55.363: D/dalvikvm(12330): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
07-11 13:15:55.363: D/dalvikvm(12330): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
07-11 13:15:55.503: D/AndroidRuntime(12330): Calling main entry com.android.commands.pm.Pm
07-11 13:15:55.513: D/AndroidRuntime(12330): Shutting down VM
07-11 13:15:55.513: D/dalvikvm(12330): GC_CONCURRENT freed 95K, 18% free 469K/568K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 3ms
07-11 13:15:55.513: D/dalvikvm(12330): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
07-11 13:15:55.513: I/AndroidRuntime(12330): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder_2' failed
07-11 13:15:55.843: D/AndroidRuntime(12344): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
07-11 13:15:55.843: D/AndroidRuntime(12344): CheckJNI is OFF
07-11 13:15:55.843: D/dalvikvm(12344): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
07-11 13:15:55.853: D/dalvikvm(12344): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
07-11 13:15:55.853: D/dalvikvm(12344): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
07-11 13:15:55.853: D/dalvikvm(12344): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
07-11 13:15:56.003: D/AndroidRuntime(12344): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
07-11 13:15:56.003: D/dalvikvm(12344): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 157 unimplemented (abstract) methods
07-11 13:15:56.013: I/ActivityManager(481): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.triassicassociates.mytemplate/android.app.NativeActivity} from pid 12344
07-11 13:15:56.093: D/dalvikvm(481): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2241K, 28% free 17695K/24532K, paused 70ms, total 72ms
07-11 13:15:56.113: D/AndroidRuntime(12344): Shutting down VM
07-11 13:15:56.113: D/dalvikvm(12344): GC_CONCURRENT freed 97K, 17% free 500K/600K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 3ms
07-11 13:15:56.113: D/jdwp(12344): Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select
07-11 13:15:56.113: D/dalvikvm(12344): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
07-11 13:15:56.123: D/dalvikvm(12354): Late-enabling CheckJNI
07-11 13:15:56.123: I/ActivityManager(481): Start proc com.triassicassociates.mytemplate for activity com.triassicassociates.mytemplate/android.app.NativeActivity: pid=12354 uid=10086 gids={50086, 1015, 3003, 1028}
07-11 13:15:56.153: I/dalvikvm(12354): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 10...
07-11 13:15:56.163: D/dalvikvm(12354): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
07-11 13:15:56.213: I/threaded_app(12354): Creating: 0x656699a8
07-11 13:15:56.213: I/threaded_app(12354): Config: mcc=310 mnc=0 lang=en cnt=US orien=1 touch=3 dens=213 keys=1 nav=1 keysHid=3 navHid=0 sdk=17 size=3 long=1 modetype=1 modenight=1
07-11 13:15:56.213: I/threaded_app(12354): Start: 0x656699a8
07-11 13:15:56.213: I/threaded_app(12354): activityState=10
07-11 13:15:56.213: I/threaded_app(12354): Resume: 0x656699a8
07-11 13:15:56.213: I/threaded_app(12354): activityState=11
07-11 13:15:56.223: I/native-activity(12354): App Resumed
07-11 13:15:56.233: I/threaded_app(12354): InputQueueCreated: 0x656699a8 -- 0x65635a88
07-11 13:15:56.233: I/threaded_app(12354): APP_CMD_INPUT_CHANGED
07-11 13:15:56.233: I/threaded_app(12354): Attaching input queue to looper
07-11 13:15:56.253: V/PhoneStatusBar(647): setLightsOn(true)
07-11 13:15:56.263: I/threaded_app(12354): NativeWindowCreated: 0x656699a8 -- 0x656340e8
07-11 13:15:56.263: I/threaded_app(12354): APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW
07-11 13:15:56.263: I/threaded_app(12354): WindowFocusChanged: 0x656699a8 -- 1
07-11 13:15:56.263: I/native-activity(12354): Window Init
07-11 13:15:56.293: I/ActivityManager(481): Displayed com.triassicassociates.mytemplate/android.app.NativeActivity: +183ms
07-11 13:15:56.293: D/libEGL(12354): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so
07-11 13:15:56.343: D/libEGL(12354): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so
07-11 13:15:56.353: D/libEGL(12354): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so
07-11 13:15:56.363: W/native-activity(12354): R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8, D: 16, W: 3175, F: 1, S: 0, R: 5
07-11 13:15:56.363: W/native-activity(12354): R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8, D: 16, W: 3175, F: 1, S: 0, R: 4
07-11 13:15:56.363: W/native-activity(12354): R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8, D: 16, W: 3175, F: 1, S: 8, R: 5
07-11 13:15:56.363: W/native-activity(12354): R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8, D: 16, W: 3175, F: 1, S: 8, R: 4
07-11 13:15:56.363: W/native-activity(12354): R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8, D: 16, W: 1125, F: 1, S: 0, R: 4
07-11 13:15:56.363: W/native-activity(12354): R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8, D: 16, W: 1125, F: 1, S: 0, R: 4
07-11 13:15:56.363: W/native-activity(12354): R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8, D: 16, W: 1125, F: 1, S: 8, R: 4
07-11 13:15:56.363: W/native-activity(12354): R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, A: 8, D: 16, W: 1125, F: 1, S: 8, R: 4
07-11 13:15:56.363: E/native-activity(12354): grouper
07-11 13:15:56.363: E/native-activity(12354): Nexus 7
07-11 13:15:56.373: W/native-activity(12354): Result: 0
07-11 13:15:56.383: W/native-activity(12354): Width: 800 Height: 1205
07-11 13:15:56.383: W/native-activity(12354): Initialising
07-11 13:15:56.383: W/dalvikvm(12354): dvmFindClassByName rejecting 'com/thegamecreators/agk_player/AGKHelper'
07-11 13:15:56.393: I/dalvikvm(12354): Could not find method com.google.android.gcm.GCMRegistrar.checkDevice, referenced from method com.thegamecreators.agk_player.AGKHelper.registerPushNotification
07-11 13:15:56.393: W/dalvikvm(12354): VFY: unable to resolve static method 2044: Lcom/google/android/gcm/GCMRegistrar;.checkDevice (Landroid/content/Context;)V
07-11 13:15:56.393: D/dalvikvm(12354): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x000c
07-11 13:15:56.613: I/native-activity(12354): Gained Focus
07-11 13:15:59.593: A/libc(12354): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x0000001c (code=1), thread 12368 (ates.mytemplate)
07-11 13:15:59.643: I/DEBUG(124): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
07-11 13:15:59.643: I/DEBUG(124): Build fingerprint: 'google/nakasi/grouper:4.2.2/JDQ39/573038:user/release-keys'
07-11 13:15:59.643: I/DEBUG(124): Revision: '0'
07-11 13:15:59.643: I/DEBUG(124): pid: 12354, tid: 12368, name: ates.mytemplate >>> com.triassicassociates.mytemplate <<<
07-11 13:15:59.643: I/DEBUG(124): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0000001c
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): r0 61f287c0 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): r4 61f287c0 r5 00000000 r6 68fb2cb4 r7 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): r8 68da4bfd r9 00100000 sl 68fb2c88 fp 00000001
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): ip 40829ee4 sp 68fb2c48 lr 407c9fb1 pc 407dfb34 cpsr 60000030
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d0 0000000000000000 d1 3f19999a43190000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d2 0000ffff00000000 d3 3f800000477fff80
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d4 000000cb477fff00 d5 41743a21c0000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d6 4080adc03c88919f d7 0000000040400000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d8 000000003ab07000 d9 0000000000000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d16 0000000000000001 d17 0000000000000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d18 0000000000000000 d19 3fe0000000000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d20 3fe00000169e2e37 d21 3f1460ea3eff5d8f
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d22 3f12e167f9ad8af4 d23 3f43545b10f5feaa
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d24 3f3043b3a18f8aef d25 3f6d8a8e44e27de7
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d26 3f57f48a38a4a052 d27 3f967b6faf8d2e07
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d28 3f82391ed3d83df8 d29 3fabbd76807614f3
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000100000001
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): scr 20000090
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): backtrace:
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): #00 pc 0005fb34 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+19)
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): #01 pc 00049fad /system/lib/libdvm.so
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): #02 pc 000e7704 /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so (_JNIEnv::CallStaticObjectMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+32)
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): #03 pc 000f6590 /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so (AGK::cJoystick::DetectJoysticks()+164)
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): stack:
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c08 40c22890 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c0c 68e2582e /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c10 68fb2c20
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c14 68fb2c54
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c18 61f287c0
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c1c 61f287c0
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c20 68fb2c4c
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c24 40067228
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c28 68e25adc /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c2c 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c30 00000001
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c34 4137e710 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c38 68fb2c10
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c3c 00000002
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c40 df0027ad
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c44 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): #00 68fb2c48 61f287c0
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c4c 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c50 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c54 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c58 68fb2cb4
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c5c 68fb2e18
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c60 68e46ae0 /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c64 68da4bfd /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c68 00100000
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c6c 40b6bf10
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c70 00000016
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c74 407c9fb1 /system/lib/libdvm.so
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): #01 68fb2c78 68fb2c88
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c7c 68fb2cb4
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c80 68e2582c /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c84 61f287c0
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c88 41377c98 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c8c 407cb34b /system/lib/libdvm.so
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c90 61da6613 /data/dalvik-cache/data@app@com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1.apk@classes.dex
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c94 41377c98 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c98 68e46ae0 /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c9c 68c95708 /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so (_JNIEnv::CallStaticObjectMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+36)
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): #02 68fb2ca0 41377c98 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2ca4 68fb2cb4
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2ca8 68fb2e18
07-11 13:15:59.743: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cac 68ca4594 /data/app-lib/com.triassicassociates.mytemplate-1/libandroid_player.so (AGK::cJoystick::DetectJoysticks()+168)
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cb0 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cb4 68fb2c88
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): memory near r0:
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287a0 00000000 0000001b 61f80398 00000050
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287b0 00000000 00000000 00000005 00000453
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287c0 00000000 61f51fec 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287e0 00000000 0000000b 00000000 4079e400
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287f0 00000000 00000000 611eac70 61f4e300
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28800 00000000 4137e798 00000001 00004000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28810 00000000 6515b350 4079e400 407a32c0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28820 00000000 407a73bc 407a7430 407a72e0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28830 407a7300 407a735c 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28840 6360d008 00000028 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28850 00000000 00000000 00002000 4082e8d4
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28860 00000000 00000000 00010005 61f28c10
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28870 00000001 00000040 00000200 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28880 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28890 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): memory near r4:
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287a0 00000000 0000001b 61f80398 00000050
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287b0 00000000 00000000 00000005 00000453
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287c0 00000000 61f51fec 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287e0 00000000 0000000b 00000000 4079e400
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f287f0 00000000 00000000 611eac70 61f4e300
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28800 00000000 4137e798 00000001 00004000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28810 00000000 6515b350 4079e400 407a32c0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28820 00000000 407a73bc 407a7430 407a72e0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28830 407a7300 407a735c 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28840 6360d008 00000028 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28850 00000000 00000000 00002000 4082e8d4
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28860 00000000 00000000 00010005 61f28c10
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28870 00000001 00000040 00000200 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28880 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 61f28890 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): memory near r6:
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c94 41377c98 68e46ae0 68c95708 41377c98
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2ca4 68fb2cb4 68fb2e18 68ca4594 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cb4 68fb2c88 649c3248 61e2431f 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cc4 0ada6539 fffff374 003a729e 00000007
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cd4 00000001 58cbcfc0 61f28ea0 630d75d0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2ce4 630d7220 00004100 68ea5dc8 00100000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cf4 64e3f228 00000016 630d75d0 000000cb
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d04 da40a3eb 00000320 68e46ae0 68e46ae0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d14 68fb2e18 fffffffd 68da4bfd 00100000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d24 64e3f228 00000016 68c1cd8c 3ab07000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d34 00000000 00000000 00000000 68e46ae0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d44 fffff420 68fb2e18 fffffffd 68da4bfd
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d54 68c1d250 00000000 00000000 68e46ae0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d64 00000000 68fb2e18 fffffffd 68da4bfd
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d74 68c0feb8 00000000 00000000 68fb2e18
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d84 68fb2e14 00000014 64e3f228 00000016
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): memory near r8:
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4bdc f6674628 6960efca f667b120 2300ef60
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4bec 61a36163 e8bd4628 f0554038 0000ba45
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4bfc 4604b573 eeaaf667 250168e3 6a196120
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c0c eeaaf667 f7ff4620 4b24ff61 46286565
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c1c 65e3447b 66232302 65a44b21 6664447b
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c2c f66866a3 462aecb8 23006ca1 f1049300
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c3c 93010354 4606462b ecb2f668 f10461e6
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c4c 46300640 ef90f667 f10466e5 46280544
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c5c e820f668 f6674630 4620ef8e eebef669
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c6c 4a114910 44792004 f667447a 4620ee28
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c7c ffaaf7ff f6674630 6a20ef78 f668b108
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c8c 6920ec96 ee74f667 46282301 f6686763
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4c9c 4630e802 ef6ef667 bd7c2000 000007a1
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4cac 0000008d 000980da 0009817c 4ff0e92d
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4cbc a90cb08d 46042300 f8416a00 f6683d04
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68da4ccc 2800ec7c db6b4606 f667980b 4605ee94
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): memory near r9:
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 000fffe0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 000ffff0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100010 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100020 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100030 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100040 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100050 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100060 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100070 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 00100090 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 001000a0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 001000b0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 001000c0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 001000d0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): memory near sl:
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c68 00100000 40b6bf10 00000016 407c9fb1
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c78 68fb2c88 68fb2cb4 68e2582c 61f287c0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c88 41377c98 407cb34b 61da6613 41377c98
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c98 68e46ae0 68c95708 41377c98 68fb2cb4
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2ca8 68fb2e18 68ca4594 00000000 68fb2c88
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cb8 649c3248 61e2431f 00000000 0ada6539
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cc8 fffff374 003a729e 00000007 00000001
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cd8 58cbcfc0 61f28ea0 630d75d0 630d7220
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2ce8 00004100 68ea5dc8 00100000 64e3f228
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cf8 00000016 630d75d0 000000cb da40a3eb
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d08 00000320 68e46ae0 68e46ae0 68fb2e18
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d18 fffffffd 68da4bfd 00100000 64e3f228
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d28 00000016 68c1cd8c 3ab07000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d38 00000000 00000000 68e46ae0 fffff420
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d48 68fb2e18 fffffffd 68da4bfd 68c1d250
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d58 00000000 00000000 68e46ae0 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): memory near ip:
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 40829ec4 4002a5a8 40033788 4002a7fc 400290c0
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 40829ed4 4002aa50 4002936c 40032a4c 4002a5fc
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 40829ee4 4002a8a8 4002a6cc 40037e79 4012f5fd
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 40829ef4 4012f79d 40032bdc 40029114 4002915c
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f04 400380b1 40038135 4003819d 400388e3
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f14 4002e245 4003304c 40045bd9 40036bf1
07-11 13:15:59.753: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f24 4003909f 40032efc 40033170 40033494
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f34 40033068 4003311c 40033374 40033084
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f44 400a6285 400a63ad 400a64d5 400a6491
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f54 40033bc4 40033b38 400339f4 40033a50
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f64 4012e981 4003881d 40033014 4004f225
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f74 4004b105 40041529 40041e11 40033b58
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f84 40033a8c 40041cd9 40033a30 40033a70
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 40829f94 40034150 40032c4c 40033930 40132139
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 40829fa4 401300a1 40032cd8 40032bf8 40032b18
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 40829fb4 40038837 40033e3c 40032d18 4004771d
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): memory near sp:
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c28 68e25adc 00000000 00000001 4137e710
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c38 68fb2c10 00000002 df0027ad 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c48 61f287c0 00000000 00000000 00000000
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c58 68fb2cb4 68fb2e18 68e46ae0 68da4bfd
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c68 00100000 40b6bf10 00000016 407c9fb1
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c78 68fb2c88 68fb2cb4 68e2582c 61f287c0
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c88 41377c98 407cb34b 61da6613 41377c98
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2c98 68e46ae0 68c95708 41377c98 68fb2cb4
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2ca8 68fb2e18 68ca4594 00000000 68fb2c88
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cb8 649c3248 61e2431f 00000000 0ada6539
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cc8 fffff374 003a729e 00000007 00000001
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cd8 58cbcfc0 61f28ea0 630d75d0 630d7220
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2ce8 00004100 68ea5dc8 00100000 64e3f228
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2cf8 00000016 630d75d0 000000cb da40a3eb
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d08 00000320 68e46ae0 68e46ae0 68fb2e18
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 68fb2d18 fffffffd 68da4bfd 00100000 64e3f228
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): code around pc:
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfb14 8ff0e8bd 0002e5bc 00038973 4ff7e92d
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfb24 2300469b 460d4604 f8dd4617 9e0da030
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfb34 901cf8d1 fee6f7ff d07f2800 89ea8968
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfb44 1a826863 eb036869 07090882 f108bf5c
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfb54 f8430804 e0397022 2a083a44 e8dfd831
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfb64 3005f002 30303016 00223005 46403607
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfb74 0607f026 f1064669 f1080708 e9d60808
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfb84 e9cd2300 22082300 ee98f7bd 1df7e01d
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfb94 0607f027 0b00edd6 7be0eef7 0708f106
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfba4 3a90ee17 1d37e00f f1bb6831 d0050f00
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfbb4 f7ea4620 f848fb0d e0060b04 1b04f848
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfbc4 6833e003 f8481d37 463e3b04 2f01f819
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfbd4 d1c12a00 05d8686b 8d21d525 d50307c9
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfbe4 46294620 fdfaf7f0 07828d20 4628d503
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfbf4 f7f02100 462afe79 6aae4623 68604651
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407dfc04 8d2247b0 d50407d3 46294620 f7f02201
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): code around lr:
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407c9f90 4601b087 a8034614 f7ff461d ab04f91f
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407c9fa0 46219803 0028e88d 23012200 fdb8f015
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407c9fb0 6c439803 9904b91b fedaf7fe 9c049004
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407c9fc0 f7ffa803 4620f92f bd30b007 4601b40c
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407c9fd0 b087b530 a802ac0a 5b04f854 f8fef7ff
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407c9fe0 9802ab04 e88d2200 46290018 94032301
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407c9ff0 fd96f015 6c439802 9904b91b feb8f7fe
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407ca000 9c049004 f7ffa802 4620f90d e8bdb007
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407ca010 b0024030 00004770 b5134602 a801460c
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407ca020 f7ff4611 9901f8db 00a8f8b1 7300f5c0
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407ca030 da0642a3 f04f4806 447834ff ffb0f7fa
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407ca040 2400e000 f7ffa801 4620f8ed bf00bd1c
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407ca050 000487d0 b5134603 a801460c f7ff4619
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407ca060 9b01f8bd 6859b184 00a8f103 f8514622
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407ca070 f7de1c08 b938ebde 20054905 46234a05
07-11 13:15:59.763: I/DEBUG(124): 407ca080 447a4479 ec16f7d3 f7ffa801 bd1cf8cb
07-11 13:15:59.903: I/BootReceiver(481): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_00 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
07-11 13:15:59.913: I/WindowState(481): WIN DEATH: Window{41cbbe40 u0 com.triassicassociates.mytemplate/android.app.NativeActivity}
07-11 13:15:59.913: I/ActivityManager(481): Process com.triassicassociates.mytemplate (pid 12354) has died.
07-11 13:15:59.913: W/ActivityManager(481): Force removing ActivityRecord{41bf4c08 u0 com.triassicassociates.mytemplate/android.app.NativeActivity}: app died, no saved state
07-11 13:15:59.963: D/Zygote(126): Process 12354 terminated by signal (11)
07-11 13:15:59.973: W/InputMethodManagerService(481): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 12354 uid 10086
Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester and AppGameKit Master