Sorry about that. I fixed the link. I copied the wrong one.
In part because of the problems I was having with UDTs in arrays and strings (v1076), I switched to Tier 2 and now use std::list and std::vector for handling structures.
Stay away from multi-dimensioned arrays with UDTs. They may or may not have fixed that issue. I haven't tested a lot of the older issues lately.
If I had a single dimensioned array, the best way to ensure that I accessed objects in the array properly was to always copy the array entry into a local variable (or global) that is of the same UDT. Then use that variable to access the UDT values. If you make any changes to the UDT, make sure to copy it back into the array.
And definitely don't directly copy from one UDT array into another. Use an intermediate variable of the same type.
Of course, they may have fixed all the Tier 1 issues with UDTs in arrays. I suggest trying simple tests.
open issue deals with passing UDT values between functions.
Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester and AppGameKit Master