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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP]Help YeeYee Get Home! (fun with level editor)

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 19th Nov 2013 17:43 Edited at: 19th Nov 2013 17:44
Okay, I am in the final steps of getting the levels for my WIP, Help YeeYee Get Home!, done and thought that I would share at least a little.

It has a well integrated web score keeper, posting scores is optional.

And I am having fun with my level editor today. Here is an example:

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 20th Nov 2013 21:38
Looks very interesting AL can't wait to try it!

oct(31) = dec(25)
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Posted: 20th Nov 2013 22:03
What a fun storyline! I've been looking forward to this for a long time and am glad that it's nearing release. I'll be the first to buy/download
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 20th Nov 2013 22:54
Thanks guys!

It has been a fun project to work on and a big learning experience. I should post a picture of what my office looks like when I am testing levels and behavior.

I just picked up a new paying client today (another AGKer), so have been distracted a bit.

But I need to finish the levels. Each new galaxy introduces a new component and I almost always find that something that worked earlier doesn't now (because of other changes).

And I've definitely learned that you are sooo much better off using std::vector or std::list for any sort of variable sized list than creating and managing arrays created with 'x = new thing[cnt]'. That one has bit me in the butt too many times.

Time to go do some home chores and supper and relax and such.

I really, really want to get this game out there.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 21st Nov 2013 18:29
Damn Al that is such a good idea ! And the picture looking sharp !!!

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 21st Nov 2013 21:48
I like the colors. If that's the game view, then it's going to look great on a tablet.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 21st Nov 2013 22:13
Thank you!

The circles you see are not in the actual game. They are only in the level editor so that I can see the paths things take. And the text in the upper left corner is editor debug. I have my level editor set up so that I can test performance at 60 or 30 FPS.

I test it on an iPad 3 w/iOS 7, an iPad 2 w/iOS 6, an iPod Touch w/iOS 6, and 5 different Android devices from Android 2.3.3 to 4.2 with different resolutions. One of them even has a physical resolution smaller than my target resolution and it still looks fairly nice (except for the timer in the upper right during game play).

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 21st Nov 2013 22:22
Can't wait to try it. It looks trippy.

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Posted: 21st Nov 2013 22:35 Edited at: 21st Nov 2013 22:38
Do you think you'll get it out before the Christmas holiday? I ask because that's usually a great time to put out new apps, and also because iTunes Connect closes during that period so if you can submit it and get it approved beforehand there's a chance it'll appear on the 'new releases' section for a full 1-2 weeks! No new apps can be submitted/approved during the last week or so of December.
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 21st Nov 2013 23:57
I hope to get it out by then. I need to get the time to finish my last set of levels and then it should be ready to go to 'market'.

It will have to get out before the 9th of December because I will be traveling after that. It might get tricky getting it done by then (with Thanksgiving coming up next week). But I am going to try.

I have actually had a lot of fun creating the levels. I know I'm doing something right when I end up yelling and laughing while testing. So far, when shown to others over the past year, the reaction is pretty good. My daughter gave me a lot of feedback on user interface bits and I think she helped a lot.

Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester and AppGameKit Master

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