Hi, my friend
no I never had any luck.
I didn't have TIME to fight with it.
I still don't. I have a release schedule.
I reverted to an old version and plowed ahead.
what it *did* do was add the windows 8 bug, that I didn't used to get.
However, one day in the shower, months later,
I haven't tried it,
but here the idea:
Some of my arrays are small things like m[] and mi[].
I know for a fact that I sometimes declare just plain old M as a variable sometimes, because I call m[m].n and stuff.
I am thinking that THAT is the problem.
I need to do a 'replace' of all my array NAMES, to something like "Monster Master" (which is what m[] stands for).
But I haven't tried it yet. It is my secret hope that I can make it work.
I would love to know if you find this helpful.