If you nead some tips on your wolfenstein game so let me know so could I give some pointers on how I cull my maps and basic shaders
Agk gets slow if you don't cull away stuff off screen manually yourself.
But iam a buzzy bee with to much on my hands so keep that in mind.
I wonder if you should try to make the ceiling parts a bit darker ?
When you go retro so should you probably go all in
Something like this but not as dark as the original
Here is a tool to make cool retro sounds.
If you want blips and blops
Android 2.3 , ZTE Skate , 480x800 , 800 mhz , Samsung Galaxy Y , 240x320 , 832 mhz , Sony ericson arc 480x854 , 1 ghz
Android 4.0 , Dmtech 3g 9738B , 1024x768 , 9.7 inches , 1.2 ghz