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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Codex IDE V2.0 - Preview

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 02:48 Edited at: 28th May 2015 15:10
Hi All,

Earlier in the year I shared with you all Codex, an alternate, lightweight IDE and got some great feedback and suggestions, however I realized that some of the most requested features could not simply be added in without some major rework. So a while ago I started rewriting Codex from scratch, with all the great suggestions as goals from the start. And I think I have got most of the major features requested in there!

Now its still a long way of being complete but I wanted to show you all so you could make any requests or comments, as it may be easier to add new features in now while nothing is fully complete yet, rather than trying to add them in later.

Here is a download link for a very early beta:

I have attached a screenshot of the new IDE as the UI has changed quite significantly, and have also uploaded a video of me going through some of the main new features which can be found here:

But for those of you who prefer not to sit through me explaining what all has changed or you simply can't make out what I'm saying due to my accent here is a list of new features in Codex v2.0

- New brighter, cleaner UI

- New syntax highlighter

- Code folding
- functions, types, loops etc...

- Autocomplete - now with descriptions of the command, and if it is a block of code such as an if statement or a for loop, it will create the structure for you to save you time

- Docking! - Put your windows/tabs where you want them!

- Error detection - If you have made a mistake Codex will underline in red a line that it detects has an error on it

- Command Helper - Hover over a command to see the command structure eg. what type it returns and what parameters it takes, as well as a description of what it does

- Fast Finder - Quickly navigate to any file in your project without the use of your mouse at any time. Similar to the Resharpers project navigation prompt.

- Function Finder - Like fast finder, only quickly navigate to a function without the use of a mouse

- Instant help - Hit Ctrl+H and search the help file at any time with suggestions

- Improved Code Tidying - Automatic code cleanup

- Automayter - Automayter built in for fast APKs

- And more..

I hope you like what I have been working on, and please feel free to leave feedback or suggestions! If you would like to see a feature let me know and I will do my best to include it!

And the best bit is, it will be free!



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easter bunny
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 04:40
Awesome! Feel free to integrate Automayte if you like

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 08:42
Great, I'll try this out later. Including automayte would actually be pretty cool...
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 13:53
That would be great! Thanks! I was planning to get in touch with you actually to see if you would mind me distributing this with the IDE. That will make a great addition!

If anyone has any other suggestions let me know

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 15:41

What do you think about those features ?
- shortcut to fold all/unfold (Ctrl+F4)
- auto-indent : you select a portion (a part) of your code, and when you use autoindent (ctrl+I or in the menu "edit"), your selected code is "auto-indentated" when needed.
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 15:59
Great suggestion! I will certainly do my best to add those features in. Keep any suggestions going!

And to make things a little more interesting, keep suggestions coming in and on the 20th of July I will chose (or a might make a poll) what I feel is the best suggestion and that person shall receive a free copy of FPSC-2-AGK!


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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 17:03 Edited at: 26th Jun 2014 17:13
Code folding to me is about the best IDEa for the IDE, well that and a click-able list for Functions. and it seems you already have those.
Been waiting for code folding on AppGameKit for a while and am getting antsy about it.

So if you can just slap that in, tell me what the price is and hand it over, I'll be a happy man. just kidding,

But will be cool as hell when you can fit that in. Till then I'll just use the comment folding trick in AGK's default IDE.

Thanks for all the hard work KID, we all appreciate it indeed.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 17:17
Well code folding is one feature that is working pretty well even at this early stage!

I will hopefully get a good bit of work done over the weekend, and looking over a list of what I still have to do, it hopefully won't be as long as I expected to get out an early beta version.

And I forgot to mention, that the IDE will be completely free

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 18:04
Dammit Kid !, how the hell are you suppose to become a millionaire, get a big house, giant pool, lots of hot girls and invite us all over if you keep giving your work away for free? lol, kidding ya.

But if I were you, I would seriously think about a donate button or something like that. if you don't already have one. I'll donate, if my car doesn't need fixing again. kiddin again.

And if ya want, I'll be glad to take a code folding only version, it is all I want for coding. But I understand you want it bug free. take your time, I can wait..., (tapes myself to my computer chair so I dont go nuts)

All my present IDE's for my other languages have code folding.

By the way, and this is to everyone, if any of you are looking for a good HTML5/Javascript and basically , support for all other popular languages IDE, check out RJ TextED.

Has everything a programmer could want, and it runs the browsers in its own IDE window, no waiting for , lets say Firefox to pop up.

it is what I use for HTML5.

peace out and thanks again Wizzkid, nice work.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 18:38
I know lol, guess i'm gonna have to hold off on the millionaire lifestyle for a bit longer..

I could charge for it but that isn't really my goal. AppGameKit is great for creating games, but when using the IDE you can clearly notice that it is a generic IDE that has been modified to allow AppGameKit development rather than an IDE specifically designed and tailored for AGK. In my opinion it isn't the experience that users want. So I wanted to changes that.

I will however add a donate button to let anybody who wants to help support the work i'm doing.

And I will be releasing a public beta soon which will have code folding in it, so you will be able to use it soon. However I can't guarantee that all the features will be fully working. The first beta will come when I manage to complete all the basic functionality to a standard I am happy with, so things like saving and creating projects and running/compiling/broadcasting etc... A lot of which is nearly complete.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2014 23:16
I can't wait for this. I'm still using Codex as my main code editor and can't wait to use all these shiny new features

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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 00:32
That's great to hear! This version should be a big improvement over the original! I have managed to get a lot done over the weekend and most of the basic features have been completed, so I will hopefully get a beta version out within the next day or two. It will have some features disabled or incomplete and will no doubt have bugs but if anyone want to help test or try it out it will be here for you to try within the next few days if everything goes to plan!

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 02:37
Hey all,

I have a beta for you all to try out ! It is still in very early stages and quite a few features have been disabled or are left out, and no doubt there are many bugs but its a great way to get some early feedback and suggestions so let me know if you find any issues.

A list of current issues /missing features can be found at, so you can check if an issue is currently known.

Anyway, here is the download link! I hope you like it.


easter bunny
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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 02:38
Great! Downloading now

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 02:42
Excellent! Simply drag the contents of the zip into: C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\AGK\IDE\Editor and run the Codex2.exe and hopefully it should work fine!

Let me know if you have any issues getting it to run.

You will need a recent version of .NET framework to run it, I will try and make it work with older versions eventually, but havent had time to test it yet with previous versions.

easter bunny
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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 07:02 Edited at: 1st Jul 2014 07:08
Well, I downloaded it and let's just say it's excellent!
Absolutely love the auto completion!

I have a couple of suggestions though (that don't look like they're on the list)
/* */ code folding
Autocomplete to work with custom functions
Context help while typing a function. (ie. if you type 'setprin' it comes up with "SetPrintColor(iRed,iGreen,iBlue" as well as help docs on it. This is excellent, but the problem is that once you type enter, that disappears and you forget what all the options were )

Even still in this beta stage (and without the above mentioned functions), it's still far far superior to the existing IDE. Thanks so much for making this tool! Hopefully it will eventually become the default AppGameKit IDE (and TGC give you a nice tidy sum for it )

As for the Automayte integration, do you plan on simply leaving it like this, or actually coding Automayte into Codex? If you like, I can modify Automayte to accept command line parameters so you can supply things like App Name and Media folder

The only issues I had getting it to work is that I'd rather unzip it to my own custom location instead of having to extract it to the AppGameKit install directory.
I tried unzipping it to the desktop to see what happened and got an error that caused it to crash. Maybe you should warn the user if they install it incorrectly?

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 11:21

I have tried it. It's a great job . It works fine, but it's slow on my pc. I don't know why.
I think you should add some options to unactivate some parameters (like the correction (underline in red) in real time), so I could tried what is the options that slow down this IDE.

The auto-completion is really great, the information is great too.

Some suggestions :
- File : add a file (like in the classic IDE)
- fold/unfold : add a shortcut ( Ctrl+F4 ?)
- Edit : go to line (Ctrl+G) like in the classic IDE.

Thank you
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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 12:25
Thanks for the feedback !

/**/ code folding will be added, just completely forgot about it and the autcomplete will also include functions and hopefully global variables as well, this is definitely something I will be adding too! And good suggestion, I can change the autocomplete to output the command layout instead of just the keyword.

As for Automayte, I haven't really had time to experiment at the possibilities. I do want to have it at least populate the fields it can as the IDE will have quite a lot of information about the project and it could simplify the process even further, so if you have any suggestions on what the best way to do something like this is that'd be great!

@Blendman - I am aware of the poor performance on some PC's and this should be fixed very soon, i am working on this at the minute. Currently all the error checking and code folding is done on the main thread, simply to get all the features working, however I am changing it now to run on a background thread and only update the UI when it is actually required. This should make the editor as quick and snappy as you should expect!

Thanks for the suggestions also, its the small useful features like these that are easy to forget, I should be able to add all these in no problem!


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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 19:18 Edited at: 1st Jul 2014 19:23
Very Cool WizzKid!,

Problem is now I have to take a break from my HTML5 coding to playing with your new Editor. j/k. I needed a break anyways, seeing html and css tags in my sleep.

Now we need the very smart people at TGC to hire you to develop this IDE as an official IDE for AGK.

That is if that's what you'd like Wizzkid, We all know what a pain programming is , not tryin to add to your workload.

Just figure Paul and Rick probably have their hands full with their projects. So this could take care of the Editor part of it all.

A good IDE could be the boost AppGameKit needs, that and too raise the price a bit for AppGameKit to cover added programming costs. Saying around 75 bucks? hell every other language out there is more than that.

But that's just my opinion..

Anyhow, great work Wizzkid, love it!,

Code folding is great to have ,

Just one tiny thing, in the future, could you make the code folding state save with the project? as in the folded Functions stay folding when reloading?

Thanks Wizz, cool as hell, now off to code in my new editor.

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 22:31 Edited at: 1st Jul 2014 22:35
Ok, been playing with this editor for a bit and I need one piece of information...

Anyway I can shut auto-complete off?

I mean I love the command hints and information in the popups, great way to learn what all the AppGameKit commands do.

But with that being said... I'm not a big fan of auto-complete myself. Being I mostly just end up backing over the auto-completed when the editor adds the "If" in "if then's" for me when I'm simply trying to type "i" for the loop and auto adds "IF".

So far its pretty damn cool, just auto-complete is messing with me, gonna take it outside and box it's ears, .

again thanks Wizzkid, damn nice bit of coolness here.

Oh and I keep clicking the donate button but it keeps callin me an ass, smart program lol

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2014 02:35 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2014 02:37
Really glad to hear you like it! There's a long way to go yet but things are going extremely well and it's great to hear such positive feedback.

Quote: "Now we need the very smart people at TGC to hire you to develop this IDE as an official IDE for AGK. "

Well, I would be happy to work with them on the IDE if they were looking someone to do so. I'll be working on this regardless, so like you say, they probably have their hands full so if this would lighten their work load or give them more time to spend on adding new features to AppGameKit then I'd be happy to help.

As for the suggestions you mentioned, remembering function folding is something I have been planning. So hopefully that will make it's way in to the editor soon. I plan to do this at the same time I make it remember which tabs were previously opened the last time you opened a project.

As for the autocomplete, currently there is no way to turn it off however a settings/preference window is going to be added which will allow you to choose which type of features you would like to enable/disable so this will be fixed in an upcoming version. Also the template for the IF command is going to be removed because half the time you just want to do and if x = 1 then ... Rather than an if block, so this is not of any benefit whereas functions are always going to have an end function so it is of more use in that case.

Lol, yes.. That donate button hasn't quite been fully implemented yet.. But fear not, it will definitely be in there soon .

I have quite a busy few days ahead so I won't get much work done on it until Friday, I hope to get a new beta out next week with some great new features for you all to try out!

Thanks for all the feedback and support! Much appreciated!

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2014 04:07 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2014 04:48
I had a look at Codex as one of the candidates for becoming the new IDE and if we were looking only at Windows then this would be near the top. But unfortunately one of our requirements was being cross platform, specifically Mac, and potentially Linux in future, so we settled on another.

That said this looks like a great alternative for Windows users so if you need help integrating it with any of our tools (hopefully we'll have a debugger soon) let me know.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2014 10:11
Wizzkid - A few questions:

* Is the syntax and code-completion hard-wired for AppGameKit Basic, or is it in a control file?

* Are the build/run/broadcast etc hard-wired for Basic, or could they be user-defined?

* Are the AppGameKit types and functions hard-wired, or configurable?

I'm asking, because it would very nice to use Pascal in this editor, and have a unified interface.

-- Jim - When is there going to be a release?
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2014 21:46
Paul, A mac Editor too? I mean who uses Mac's these days for anything other than a door stop? Just Kidding , I have a Mac myself. Not that I use it a hell of a lot, but its brushed aluminum case it just cool to look at.

And Wizz, good to know about taking out the "if" Auto-Complete, and yea, every time I use your " i " for a loop auto-complete variable I keep getting "if" auto-complete help. Got really good at hittin the ESC key on it though.

Only other thing I'd like to see added soon is the ability to save a file instead of just a whole project. I sometimes do little code snippets when they hit me , and save them as just a file.

thanks again

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Posted: 4th Jul 2014 20:49
Busy last few days so haven't had a change to reply or work on Codex, but I have plenty of time this weekend to get some work done on it!

@Paul - I would like to include the debugger when it is finished so I may be in touch then

@JimHawkins - Currently most of the features are specifically tailored to AppGameKit, however I have plans myself to use the IDE for other things so it will hopefully be very configurable in the future!

@IronGiant - I will be adding the ability to create a files that are not part of a project soon!

I hope to have a new beta either this weekend or the start of next week!

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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 18:38
Hey all,

Well I have been hard at work the last few days and have go quite a lot of new things added to the IDE!

Beta 2 can be downloaded from here:

I have made quite a few changes and bug fixes, and the IDE is already starting to feel more complete. There are still numerous important feature and improvements that I need to make but it is a big improvement on Beta 1!

I hope you like it!


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Posted: 7th Jul 2014 02:58
Hi Wizzkid, even if i don't use Tier 1, your IDE is really nice! Congratulation!

Long life to Steve!
easter bunny
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Posted: 7th Jul 2014 04:53
I'd like to make a fairly unique feature request.
Could you please make the intellisense to detect initials. ie, you can type SSP and it will come up with SetSpritePosition (and all the other commands with those initials). I don't think this would be hard at all to implement, and while I've never seen it used anywhere, it'd make coding extremely fast.
You could just scan the current commandlist and delete all the characters that aren't uppercase, then crossreference that list with the current list to figure out which acronym matches which command

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 8th Jul 2014 00:21
I'm blown away, the new editor feels a lot more mature than the previous one, not quite as light weight either; but that's not a bad thing.

My one criticism so far is that the auto complete (which is dead handy for command names) continues to work inside open speech marks)

So, for example

Would helpfully suggest command names for all the text inside the quotes.

Other than that, genius. What language are you writing this in?

Keep up the good work, and hurry up with the donate button

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Posted: 8th Jul 2014 01:42 Edited at: 8th Jul 2014 01:43
I quite like the idea of using the command initials for autocomplete! After a bit of getting used to i can see how this would greatly speed up development! I will try adding this in!

Thanks =PRoF=, it is starting to come together nicely! And it seems that everyone keeps mentioning improvements to the autocomplete, so I think this is something I will be working on a lot over the next week or so, it is one of the most commonly used features, so I want to do it right! I certainly will try and fix the suggestions in quotes issue. That is very annoying ..

As for the IDE, it is written in C#, with the help of some plugins for docking and syntax highlighting!


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Posted: 8th Jul 2014 04:53 Edited at: 8th Jul 2014 05:06
Thanks again Wizz, this editor kicks butt. Oh and the donate button worked this time. didnt even call me names lol.

And I urge anyone else who feels the love flowing to click the donate button also. when you donate , a half naked girl takes your money, jk.

Only thing I can think of as a major bug is the F1 button over a command errors instead of opening Help. but I figure you just have not added that feature yet.

All in all I'm happy with the direction of this Editor, and having code folding , click-able list of functions, the media window for picture files, and now the ability to save single files is like a dream.

Cant thank you enough for this, now I might just get my AppGameKit projects finished

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easter bunny
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Posted: 8th Jul 2014 07:05 Edited at: 8th Jul 2014 07:14
Two more requests:

1. Drag 'n' drop .cbp files into Codex window to open project
2. Open .cbp project as argument (ie. 'open with'), at the moment it crashes

And also to have autocomplete support variables and types. Obviously quite difficult to add, but would be nice

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 9th Jul 2014 01:31
First of all, thank you very much IronGiant for your generous donation! It is very much appreciated!

The F1 help feature is partially implemented, so it should work? Could you post a screenshot or some information about what the error is saying or when this occurs? Thanks

As for open projects with Codex, I have added this and it will be available in the next beta, and opening them by dragging and dropping should also be ready by then too.

Autocomplete support for variables will be added as well, types may come along a short while later!

Thanks for the suggestions! Keep them coming !

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Posted: 9th Jul 2014 05:03 Edited at: 9th Jul 2014 05:21
You are most welcome WizzKid. I appreciate good , useful programs as in your Great Editor and AGK. And I like to help development when I can.

I'm using Windows 7 64 bit and the error is this:
when I hit F1 over a command I get a popup alert:

unhandled exception has occurred in your program.

method not found 'Int32'

and here's all the error messages that popped up in the error windows scrollable area in this Code Block here

till F1 works , I'll just use your mouse hover Tooltip help, works great and you have loads of info there on the AppGameKit Commands, hardly need F1 with all that. nice job.

Thanks Wizz, back to watchin Harry Potter with my GF and coding, have a good night/day everyone.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2014 06:15
Oh and one more thing to add,

when I run automayte from inside your Editor, before I load a project, the Automate builder window popup fine, but after I load a project and then click automayte, it gives me the same error I posted before with the "F1" key.

Could this be security issue? , as in it erroring because your Editor is launching another program?

I'll check tomorrow by shutting off my security programs, virus and such and see what happens, too tired now and heading off to bed.

peace out.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2014 20:17 Edited at: 9th Jul 2014 20:18
FOUND THE ERROR WIZZ , and fixed it!!!

It was on my side of the fence, sorry, when I realized you were using C# for this editor I figured it had to be because I had not updated my NetFrame for a while. I updated too 4.5 and now it works fine!!,

thanks for your patients and sorry to probably have made you look for an error that was totally on me.

Peace Out!

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Posted: 10th Jul 2014 00:58
No problem I hadn't had a chance to investigate it anyway! Thanks for reporting it though! If you find anything else let me know!

A new beta should be out soon! Had a very productive night last night. Got quite a few new features such as:

-Add New file to project
-Add new folder to project
-Autocomplete now shows global variables as well
-Autocomplete now wont show when typing in quotes
-A small tooltip now appears when typing a function to show you the syntax
-Suggestive help search
-Started find in document

So its coming on well! New version to try soon!

easter bunny
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Posted: 10th Jul 2014 02:04
Excellent! Can't wait

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 10th Jul 2014 03:05
Got a few more features added this evening. I have now completed:

-Open with.. - You can now open agk projects in Codex by double clicking on them.

-Drag a project file into the codex window to open it

-Performance improvements

-Settings - Change editor font, autocomplete features, enable/disable error checking.

-Save folding - Codex will remember the state of all folded items in each file.

- Few minor bug fixes

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Posted: 10th Jul 2014 17:06 Edited at: 10th Jul 2014 17:12
Great work Wizz , you're gettin an Amazing amount done in such a short time.

But found another bug, well one I mentioned before. When I try and launch Bunny's great program Automate from inside your editor I still get an error.

It's weird because I can launch AutoMayte. but only if I have not loaded a project yet. once I load one it bugs out.

Here's the error:

Unhandled Exception

No hurry on this as I do have Automayte installed at least twice elsewhere.

And if anyone else is getting this error, speak up please...

And WizzKid ,Thanks for all your hard work , now take a little break and go have a beer, you deserve it.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2014 16:28

I have just uploaded a new beta version for you all to try out! It fixes some bugs, including the Automayte one not running when a project is opened.

It also adds some new features that were previously missing. The list of remaining features still to implement is getting quite small, so it shouldnt be too long until a first full release, providing not too many nasty bugs are found!

You can download the beta from:


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Posted: 14th Jul 2014 02:54
Thanks for the update Wizz. Really cool that you included a way to shut off auto-complete.

Auto-Complete is useful as hell, but sometimes I just wanna bang out some code without help.

Great work. Now I have to start programming more since I no longer have The "AGK editor does not do coding folding" excuse , cause now I have your Editor and it works great.

thanks again.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2014 16:16
Great IDE.

A wee suggestion that i would like to see, any chance of a window where you can write a todo list, so you can see things that have still to be done in your project?

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Posted: 16th Jul 2014 19:45
Rick, gotta say, love the Atari Symbol, owned and still own my Atari 400 /48k (sits next to my PC for games of Star Raiders with real Atari sticks). And used to own an Atari ST till my brother put a towel on it after he played some Megalomania and paused the game without turning the ST off, because he wanted to keep my Atari ST from gettin dusty? fried that sucker but good..

Oh well..Spilled Milk as they say. Still have my Amiga 500 so all is well.

Anyways I had a few suggestions also Wizz, A cut and paste menu if and when ya can , and the ability to open more than one project so as to copy and paste between both. right now I just ctrl and C,V, and I run two copied of your editor and just bounce between them.

It's Bird! , It's Plane!, No its a rocket powered Squirrel holding some acorns and a smile!
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Posted: 16th Jul 2014 21:38
@Rickynzx - Thanks for the suggestion, however you will be glad to know this feature is already included, however it's not all that noticeable so I may move it at some stage. You can find it in the inspector, down on the bottom right of the screen, beside the functions and globals list

@IronGiant - I will add a copy and paste menu, that should be easy to do. As for opening multiple projects, this may not be ready for a while, as it would require quite a bit of rework, but if I get the time I will certainly add this in

Thanks for the suggestions guys! Keep them coming!

easter bunny
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Posted: 18th Jul 2014 05:07
A quick bug/feature request, when closing tabs, could you please switch to the next tab, not to the first tab? Thanks
At the moment, whenever you close a tab, it'll change back to the first tab open rather than the tab next to the one you closed

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 19th Jul 2014 15:03 Edited at: 19th Jul 2014 16:17
The to do list is very useful whizkid, but a few suggestions i would like to see, is the ability to edit entries, insert entries and maybe a highlighter function where you can highlight items in 3 or 4 different colours for order of importance, or for completed entries.

Dont know if anyone else would find this useful or not, but its something i would like to see.

Brilliant work so far. keep it up.

Edit: How do you create a new .agc file to create a new function, i cant seem to find out how to do it. Or has it still to be added?

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Posted: 24th Jul 2014 02:17
Sorry I havent got back sooner, busy week.

Closing the tabs will be fixed, you are right, they should not go to the first one after each time closing one.

I have added the ability to edit todo items, this was meant to be in there but I appear to have forgotten , thanks.

And you should be able to add a new agc file by right clicking on the project or a folder in the solution explorer, I may add this to a menu option to make it more visible. Thanks for the feedback.

I will hopefully get a new version out soon.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2014 02:57 Edited at: 31st Jul 2014 04:24
Found a few more bugs:

/* */ comments are marked with the red squiggly bug lines
intellisense doesn't work across different files
global StupidlyLongVariable as Integer

[intellisense will work here if you start typing Stu]

[intellisense will NOT work here if you start typing Stu]

#constants are not parsed
for next loop variables are not parsed (very annoying because as soon as you type 'i', it comes up with 'include')
non-global variables are not parsed (obviously this would be difficult to implement, as it would mean only suggesting the variable within the function it's declared, but I'm sure you can figure something out )
dim isn't parsed
intellisense works in comments

EDIT: and an important one. I can't find any way to add new files to the project

Audacia Games - Latest WIP - AUTOMAYTE 2.1, AppGameKit one click deploy to Android
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Posted: 26th Nov 2014 21:50
Is this editor stopped at beta3 now?

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