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AppGameKit Classic Chat / AGK 2.0 Alpha 5 + Mac version

Paul Johnston
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 07:04 Edited at: 1st Sep 2014 04:19
I've uploaded Alpha 5 with the following changes

It's mostly IDE changes based on the feedback from Alpha 4, but do note that if you are compiling Android tier 2 projects you should now use version 9d of the NDK. Let me know what you find.

As per the terms of the IDE license, the new IDE source code is available here.

Edit 28/08/14: Added a Mac version of the Alpha 5.1 IDE and compiler (no broadcasting yet) and added an update to the Alpha 5 IDE for Windows with the following changes

Both are now available in the downloads section. To update the IDE on Windows you must have Alpha 5 installed, delete the entire IDE/Editor folder and then replace it with the new zip file. The Mac comes with everything bundled into a .app file that should run from anywhere, fingers crossed, and some tier 1 projects.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 08:32 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2014 08:34
Hi Paul,

The IDE is looking great! (Looking forward to it and the compiler on Mac eventually. )

I was wondering if there is a chance you could take a look at the Mac implementation of gamepads / joysticks? As far as I can tell, the only "Joystick" command that works is actually detecting the presence of a stick through GetRawJoystickExists(int) .

See this (short) thread for more details:

Not sure if this is a bug, or is just not implemented for Mac OS, or?

Thanks! Great work on V2!
Tone Dialer
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 09:00

Thank you Paul.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 11:25
Looking great Paul! When do we get a Mac version of the IDE so I can develop on my MacBook Air on the train?
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 13:17
I keep forgetting where to download the updates... Anyone?

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 14:03 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2014 14:04
Wow, AppGameKit 2 just got the roof on, as they say when building houses. I guess things will really start to manifest from now on Good work, Paul!

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 16:42
You can download the Alpha from the "My Products" page, on the TGC website (When you have logged in)

@Paul Johnston:
The New AppGameKit is looking very slick, I'm not using it full time yet, but I have been keeping track of the Alpha's; and have found the new compiler to be a very useful bug hunting tool for my old v1 projects.

I have noticed that you have changed something with text or sprite depth? The layers on my UI are all messed up when compiling with the new version.

Keep up the good work, it's muchly appreciated

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 17:18 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2014 17:19
Paul :
Wouldn't 4.1 be a better version number? Previously version numbers have not been increased with minor updates.

Will give it a try this weekend

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 17:26
marvin944 - click this

New video for anybody on Windows 8/8.1

Embedded here for Beta forum users

Video size 11.4~MB

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 17:35
Paul - How do I get the new editor layout? I tried fresh install but it remained white?

Paul Johnston
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 17:55 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2014 17:57
Quote: "I was wondering if there is a chance you could take a look at the Mac implementation of gamepads / joysticks?"

Fixed for the next version, thanks.

Quote: "Looking great Paul! When do we get a Mac version of the IDE so I can develop on my MacBook Air on the train?"

I managed to get the IDE compiling on the Mac, but I still need to convert the compiler and broadcaster, and then connect them together. So at some point it will come together but I can't say when.

Quote: "The layers on my UI are all messed up when compiling with the new version."

Can you send me the project, or a small example that demonstrates the problem?

Quote: "How do I get the new editor layout?"

If you mean new syntax highlighting then the View menu has an option named Change Color Scheme

Quote: "Wouldn't 4.1 be a better version number?"

Given the number of changes I considered it a new alpha build than a fix for alpha 4
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 19:32
Quote: "Given the number of changes I considered it a new alpha build than a fix for alpha 4"

OK! There's a lot of interesting fixes in the list so I'm looking forward to switching over

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 19:38 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2014 19:40
Quote: "Looking great Paul! When do we get a Mac version of the IDE so I can develop on my MacBook Air on the train? "

Looking forward to that too.

In the meantime, unlike the previous one, this new IDE actually works pretty well on Wine / Crossover. The only significant issue I've found is that the fonts can be hard to read due to weird antialiasing / smoothing issues when running in Crossover.
Paul Johnston
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 20:35
For those interested, the modified Geany source code is now available here. If you choose to do anything with it then it is licensed under GPLv2.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 22:51
Cool. Looking forward to giving this a go, especially with the ability to change the IDE colour scheme.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2014 23:53
I'm not sure if this was already a known problem, but the draw order when rendering to an image in 3D is very messed up

Paul Johnston
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 00:15
Quote: "the draw order when rendering to an image in 3D is very messed up"

I will probably come across it when I start the 3D work, but do you have a small example I can use to test?
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 00:39 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2014 01:45
@Paul Johnston:

Quote: "Can you send me the project, or a small example that demonstrates the problem?"

It's actually quite an involved piece of code to create this, but here is a screen shot of what happens.

With the current version of AppGameKit, the line of text which reads "And press Go!" is hidden behind the keyboard. But with the same code compiled using the new Alpha, it appears above the button sprites, but below the keyboard text.

I'm fairly sure that you have just changed the default depth of sprites? It used to be 10 I think, and I'm changing the depth of the text to be 10 as well (as opposed to 9, which is and/or was the default text depth)

I will write a small example code to demonstrate this problem for you later.

I've been trying to reproduce this but have totally failed to I shall try again tomorrow. It's late here and I'm kinda tired, but I'm starting to think it's actually a problem with my code; although I don't understand the different behaviour with the 2 versions.

Paul Johnston
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 02:00
Thanks for providing more information. The sprite rendering code got overhauled to do proper depth sorting and I'll go back to check it as part of the 3D integration, but I think it now handles sprite and text at the same depth as text always above sprites, rather than randomly like it did before.
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 03:05
my new ide is crashing like crazy...i cant do any work on the alpha 5 without it crashing.... see image.

if i try to load a file.... open a project.... it just crashes.

if i load a project in by association it goes... but then when i try to add a file or open anything it just crashes.

again see image ... im gunna hafta reload alpha 4 so i can get some work done.

My pc is running windows vista.


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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 03:09
ah dang.... i dont have an alpha 4 backed up.... anybody got a link?

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 03:14
I am unsure if sharing it over the net is allowed, hopefully Paul can add it back to the download area in the mor.... Tuesday...

Got to love Bank Holidays here in the UK :/

I would easily be able to upload it to my servers and send you a link in PM but again, might be wrong for me to do that...


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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 03:18
yeah thanks anyways MrVal....
forgot its a purchased item.....dangit!

this really screws my coding weekend.

do you have any troubles with alpha 5? im gunna need to see if i have an old alpha 3 kicking around with the old ide....

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 03:22
Woo just found the IDE Colour Scheme menu, I LIKE IT!

SoftMotion3D - did you do a fresh install or a cover over install?

Paul Johnston
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 03:58 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2014 23:39
Quote: "my new ide is crashing like crazy"

Does the attached version fix it? Place it in IDE/Editor/bin/AGK.exe

The problem in your screenshot is with "Dwmapi.dll_unloaded" which should be "Dwmapi.dll" and is related to Windows Desktop Composition, the native dialog boxes look for it when they open to see if you have it active.

If the new exe doesn't work you could work around it by opening preferences->general->miscellaneous and turning off native dialogs.

Edit: File removed
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 04:28 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2014 04:34
with the one ya just now says failed to start because libcairo-2.dll was not found

@mrval... yeah it was an install overtop as i didnt want to move folders of projects around.

i can try the second thing mentioned with the settings next

edit: ok moved it to the right but still has the same crash. i will try the second thing mentioned

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 04:36 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2014 04:46
ok the second thing you mentioned fixed the crash....

it now works thank you paul!

however i did hafta disable that checkbox in the preferences to get it working. your posted ide still crashed the same

edit: ok last bug to report for ide bug.

when a new file is created the ide does not include the new file under the same active project.... until you save,close agk, then reload then it appears under the correct active project.

thanks for helping me out! IDE is looken sharp!

see image for minor idebug...


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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 12:36 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2014 12:48
Hi Paul,

many Problems in V2:

in V1 that work:

IN V2 i get this error:

How i can fix it ? Or is this a bug ?

Commentlines an uncommentlines is not working

And the function:

function SensorX( s#, dz#, amp# )

give this error:

main.agc:278: error: Variable "dz#" is used without being defined or initialised

SensorX( s#, dz#, amp# )

Must all varaible declared ? In V1 there is no Problem...
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 15:28
Quote: "if ((getobjectanglex(titel)>-15 ) XOR ((getobjectanglex(titel)<-13 ) )) and rotationstop=0"

You could try changing the "XOR" to "<>" which should have the same effect.
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 17:39
Installed and did some testing. Works very very well so far. Seems like I'll be using alpha 5 from now on

Was there a way to alter the color scheme within the IDE now? I can't find it. Only how to switch between existing color schemes. Also can anything outside of the code area be altered? If I wanted to go with a black theme I would prefer to not have all that white.

Also, there's no tooltip for the compile, run, broadcast and debug buttons.

Paul Johnston
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 23:41 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2014 23:49
Quote: "i did hafta disable that checkbox in the preferences to get it working. your posted ide still crashed the same"

Edit: never mind, I figured it out

Quote: "when a new file is created the ide does not include the new file under the same active project"

Thanks, I'll get that fixed for the next version.

Quote: "Unexpected token "xor""

The original compiler didn't actually have a boolean XOR function, it just used the bitwise XOR function ~~, you can use this in the new compiler instead to get the same functionality.

Quote: "Variable "dz#" is used without being defined or initialised"

It's not complaining about the function itself, but the value you pass into it with "SensorX( s#, dz#, amp# )" dz# has not been given a value anywhere so you might as well replace it with 0, or there is an mistake in your code.

Quote: "Was there a way to alter the color scheme within the IDE now?"

Not from within the IDE itself, and it looks like it would be difficult to add. But you can create a new colorscheme by adding a file to the IDE\Editor\data\colorschemes folder. If you copy an existing one you just need to modify the Programming Languages section.

Quote: "Also can anything outside of the code area be altered?"

In theory, yes. GTK supports themes that change the way everything looks, including some dark color themes, I might play around with some of them over the weekend and see if they work in Windows.
Tone Dialer
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Posted: 24th Aug 2014 00:16
Hi Paul,

The command GetDeviceIP() is recognised by the IDE as a command but it fails to compile.

main.agc:5: error: "getdeviceip" is not a recognised function or command

Paul Johnston
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Posted: 24th Aug 2014 00:36
Quote: ""getdeviceip" is not a recognised function or command"

I can't seem to replicate this one, although it might be because I changed something after release, can you confirm you are using Alpha 5 and the file IDE\Compiler\AGKCompiler.exe is dated the 21st August?
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Posted: 24th Aug 2014 09:18

Yes Alpha 5 and the compiler is dated 21st August.

e.g Code below will not compile.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 09:29
Really glad to see continued updates, in a way it feels like it gives motivation to keep coming back to tinkering around with it. Also glad to see you guys got on greenlight, that can only make things better.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 15:37
Quote: "Code below will not compile."

It works here, does anyone else have the same the problem?
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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 19:47
When I installed alpha version 5, I noticed the preferences defaulted to still pointing to the V4 compiler...could that be the source of any issues?
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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 20:08
That's a good point. If you are installing multiple versions of the IDE along side each other then they share a config folder in C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\agk so the old compiler path will still be there. You can change this in the build options menu or just delete that entire folder and the next version of the IDE to run will rebuild it with its own values.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 20:49 Edited at: 26th Aug 2014 20:51
Ok, gotta say I'm lovin this new Editor!.

Since Wizzkid first updated his great Editor, and now Paul goin Apes**t crazy (working hard), in a good way ,on this Fantastic New Editor , I have not been able to stop programming in AppGameKit!.

Movies go unwatched, TV shows get missed, I still jam out to music and cut my grass. the first one is enjoyable, the second, cause I tried the , "my yard is a jungle!" look before and my neighbors kinda gave me funny looks... The monkey in a speedo was kinda over the top. just kidding.

Anyways, just wanted to thank Paul for this, Now I have no excuse for not getting a game done. So guess I do have to actually program now. And Now AppGameKit has an Editor that's as great as the language itself , so everyone tell your friends.

Thanks again Paul, Great job!, lookin good!, we all appreciate your hard work, least I do.

But do have to add I have one IDEA, a backup project button, for any current project, just incase we fudge the one were workin on, Though I know none of us would dare make a programming mistake, kiddin , just a thought..

Happy Programming , beep beep...

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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 20:57
Does Alpha 5 alter the compiler in any way, or just IDE updates? I'm working in Tier 2 and am not sure if its worth making the upgrade for alpha 5 for that project if none of the Tier 2 / AppGameKit Library has changed.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 21:20
DavidAGK, I have both version 1 and 2 installed and working without conflict in the following folders:

C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\AGK1
C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\AGK2

As Paul noted, I did need to change file location in the build options menu for AGK2, put this does not affect the operation of AGK1.

BTW, thank you Paul and the AppGameKit community. I have been reading and taking notes for many months, and have found these forums invaluable.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 21:56
Quote: "
When I installed alpha version 5, I noticed the preferences defaulted to still pointing to the V4 compiler...could that be the source of any issues?

Thank you DavidAGK and Paul, that fixed it, 'GetDeviceIP()' now compiles.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 23:25
No worries - glad I could help! I don't often get the opportunity being a bit of an amateur coder!

Is there any documentation for V2, including a list of the changes between V1 and V2, or will these only be done at the end of the project?
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 26th Aug 2014 23:53
Quote: "But do have to add I have one IDEA, a backup project button, for any current project, just incase we fudge the one were workin on, Though I know none of us would dare make a programming mistake, kiddin , just a thought.."

I frequently (at least at the end of each day of coding) make backups of my entire project folder, excluding exe, bytecode and music. I just zip it up, add a date to the name and back it up off-site. Do not rely on a single local backup.

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Posted: 27th Aug 2014 00:00 Edited at: 27th Aug 2014 00:07
just got it. IDE crahes when I click 'Import AppGameKit project'. I do not know why, maybe it trying to look in directory that was been removed.

can't open or save any files, only just create new ones.
I have Win 7 32 Starter. AppGameKit alpha 4 works.

error #1:
"too many stars, too many stares. disembody."
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Paul Johnston
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Posted: 27th Aug 2014 00:23
Quote: "IDE crahes when I click 'Import AppGameKit project'"

Try opening the preferences dialog and selecting General->Miscellaneous and unchecking "Use windows native dialogs". This should be fixed in the next version.

Quote: "Is there any documentation for V2"

The help files are distributed with the download, press F1 in the IDE.

Quote: "including a list of the changes between V1 and V2"

The AGK.txt file that is in the download lists all the changes made in every version.

Quote: "I'm working in Tier 2 and am not sure if its worth making the upgrade for alpha 5"

There have not been a lot of changes that affect tier 2 since alpha 3, but you can read the change log and see if anything that affects the core is relevant to you.
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Posted: 27th Aug 2014 07:37 Edited at: 27th Aug 2014 07:40
hey problems with the ouya player.

i made a new ouya player from alpha 5 using eclipse.

basicaly it shows the agk symbol, says unconnected and closes within 2 seconds.

i have my internet cable plugged in so thats not the problem.
it doesnt stay open for me to even begin trying to brodcast a file over.

edit: fyi i also used the same player for my latest build of IceBrawlersLive on ouya with no problems since the files are localy there and no broadcasting was required. Just the player closes if its on its own

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Posted: 27th Aug 2014 16:05
Quote: "Try opening the preferences dialog and selecting General->Miscellaneous and unchecking "Use windows native dialogs"."
thank you.

so another things:

1) 'ctrl+x', 'ctrl+c' and 'ctrl+v' doesn't works in search dialogs.

2) IDE crashes when I try to copy line from search results tab.

3) search in files.
a) I have a directory with common code base for all projects and certain directories with project-specific codes. and so current search mode does not let me search in all project files. I should search two times and I have not one list with search results.

b) dialog doesn't remember 'encoding' setting.

4) I often use search in all opened project's files. currently IDE let me search in session, but there is no way to do it quickly. I should press same combination of keys like one that for search and then use mouse to click on 'In Session' button or press 'Tab' for 10 times and then 'Enter'.

5) I suppose search 'in session' means search in all opened projects, but I can't test it because looks like IDE can't open more than one project at present time.

Paul, why do you not upload IDE project on Github? maybe some of us can help you or, at least, get some nightly builds faster.

error #1:
"too many stars, too many stares. disembody."
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Posted: 27th Aug 2014 19:14
Quote: "got problems with the ouya player."

I can't think what would cause it to close the app after 2 seconds, do you have eclipse installed to view the LogCat output by any chance?

Quote: "1) 'ctrl+x', 'ctrl+c' and 'ctrl+v' doesn't works in search dialogs.
2) IDE crashes when I try to copy line from search results tab."

Can't replicate these

Quote: "I have a directory with common code base for all projects and certain directories with project-specific codes."

I'll see if I can make it project specific

Quote: "b) dialog doesn't remember 'encoding' setting."

I'll see if I can fix this

Quote: "I often use search in all opened project's files. currently IDE let me search in session, but there is no way to do it quickly."

I can look at this, what did you have in mind?

Quote: " I can't test it because looks like IDE can't open more than one project at present time."

It should, what happens when you try to open more than one project?

Quote: "why do you not upload IDE project on Github?"

I had a look at Github but having never used it before I don't know how to manage a project on there. Our current code is on SVN so I tried its option to import directly from an SVN repository but it doesn't seem to handle password protected repositories. There was also no option to upload code, I'm guessing I have to download the client and give it a working copy, but I don't know if it will play nicely if SVN and Github use the same working copy, or if I should use two working copies, but that sounds messy if both have changes. So it's easier to just give you all the source code in a single file for now.
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Posted: 27th Aug 2014 19:58
In the old IDE when you highlighted a variable, all instances of that variable also became highlighted which I rather liked. Can this be replicated or turned on in the new IDE?

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