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Geek Culture / Camera Obscura on Steam!

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Posted: 17th Feb 2015 07:42
Hey guys! About two years ago I posted about a game I'd been working on with some friends. We'd just put it up on Steam Greenlight at that point.

Well, it took two years, but we made it through! We've been polishing furiously since December, and the game is coming out on February 19th. I'm super excited to be publishing a game on Steam! Check out our brand new trailer and our Steam page below. The game is a pixel-art puzzle-platformer with a unique mechanic - the trailer should give you some idea of how it works.


This forum was the first place I started learning about game development, and where I practiced it for so many years. Thanks to everyone around here for being awesome and making me want to make games. Keep it up!

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Posted: 17th Feb 2015 08:01 Edited at: 17th Feb 2015 08:06
I remember the original post for this, congrats man, good job!

It's shaped up really well, very polished. Look forward to giving it a go.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 17th Feb 2015 15:42
Congrats! It looks artistic and well thought out. I hope it gets good reception.

Green Gandalf
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Posted: 17th Feb 2015 17:44
Looks great. Well done and good luck with this.

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Posted: 18th Feb 2015 05:25
Thanks for the encouragement, guys .

On Steam!
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Posted: 18th Feb 2015 13:55
Looks good man! I have only two minor criticisms after watching the trailer:

1) It looks to me like the "photographed landscape" thing should move slightly faster than the character rather than slower. As it is, it kind of seems like you are forced to change directions to actually land on the semi-visible land. My point is that the movement may flow much better if you can leap up stairs taking snapshots of the landscape and then land on it without ever changing direction. Not having played the game, though, this may not actually be as annoying as it looks
2) It feels like the character needs a couple more frames in the running animation. This is probably just me, though, and it's a properly nit-picky thing

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Posted: 19th Feb 2015 18:08
The game just released!

Quote: "It looks to me like the "photographed landscape" thing should move slightly faster than the character rather than slower. As it is, it kind of seems like you are forced to change directions to actually land on the semi-visible land. My point is that the movement may flow much better if you can leap up stairs taking snapshots of the landscape and then land on it without ever changing direction. Not having played the game, though, this may not actually be as annoying as it looks."

One other person who played it made the same comment. It's an interesting idea, and I'm kind of curious what the game would have been like in that case. All the puzzles are built for this mechanic, though, so this is how it's gonna be, hah.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2015 01:24
Quote: "All the puzzles are built for this mechanic, though, so this is how it's gonna be, hah."

Yeah I wondered about that hehe

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