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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Arkeos Chronicles (Sort of RPG action)

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Posted: 17th Sep 2015 11:37 Edited at: 21st Oct 2017 09:19

Name : Arkeos Chronicles
Game : sort of RPG or hack and slash (with a few quests)


2010 -2013 : I have started a game named Arkeos Chronicles (a sort of 2d iso rpg game). I have made some demos for PC (for my-self and some friends), in GameMaker (not finished because the fps was 15) and Purebasic (the demo was very advanced). I have tested other langages or tools

2014 : Since 2014, when I have discovered AppGameKit, I have tried to convert my game to AppGameKit (android & PC).

I have began in May 2014, I have made a level editor for this game and stop the development in november 2014 (because I write novels and I need time).
In September 2015, I have decided to continue this game with AGK. And again in 2016. Since september 2017, I work on this game again (and on my other game : clash of bots, my fantasy town).

It's not finished at all, but the game start to be nice to play ^^.
I don't know if I will add a real story, perhap's just some lonely quest.


Actual 0.66.2
Date : 19 october2017

- 36 maps (10 are finished, the other aren't not finished)
- 15 mobs : 10 are animated (walk + fight)
- Fight, xp, drop, equipment...
- sale and buy object and equipment
- UI finished and fonctionnal : statistic, inventory, spells, quest, options
- 17 little quests
- 1 character (player animation : walk) and 1 friend (animated: walk, fight)
- langage : French, English / not finished (because just a google traduction) : Italian, Spanish, Deutsch, NL. I would like to add : Sweden

I woulk to add : Russian, Chinese, Japanase, but I don't know how to add those langages ^^.

Help :
- MikeMax (pathfinding, network server if used ^^)

Features (old version)

Actual : 0.43
Date : 15 september 2015

- 8 maps (test)
- 10 mobs (not finished, not animated)
- Fight, xp, drop, equipment...
- UI not finished, but fonctionnal (inventory, spells, quest, stats)
- 1 character (animation : walk) and 1 friend (not animated)

Details :

- Start menu, credits, options (langage), music, debug and a lot of drawing options (to hide/show : ground, shadow, lights...)
- 4 profils (possibility to reset a profil and change our name)
- player move (clic and go, pathfinding A* thank to MikeMax), open map
- teleporter to go to another map
- treasure : give drops (money, equipments, objects)
- PNJ : clic on a pnj display a dialog for quest.
- fight : we can fight with "monsters", if we win, we have xp and drop.
- the drop go on the map or directly in our inventory (can be changed in option)
- Friend : we can have a friend to help us to fight. When he's fighting, he can evolve (win xp points, have level...). We can change its behavior (fight, heal me, do nothing...)
- UI : minimap (with mob, player, teleport, pnj), map number & "MiniworldMap".
- UI : life, mana, xp, butons (drink a life potion, mana potion), zoom +/-, Buton to change fight/magic fight/nothing, Autofight
- Statistics fot the player (life, mana, level, xp, vitality, agility, strong, armor...), we can change the stats with level points we win when we win a level.
- Inventory : we have ressources (potions and objects), equipement (8 types : shoes, hat, amulet, weapon...)
- we can set the equipment on our character
- UI - spells : we can see the spells we have and upgrade our spells with spell points we win on each level.
- UI - quest : to see the quest we have with lots of informations (rewards, objects or monsters to find...)
- UI - options : to change the options
- Save and load the game properties
- story/dialog system rpg-like
- night/day system, Particle system (kind of lucioles, fire, smoke...)

- NPC Trade (buy and sell equipments, potions, objects...)
- Load map integration (from my level editor)
for player & accolyte - pathfinding
- more spells (invocations, magic..) : I hope to add more
- more items (equipment, objects..) : I hope to add more !

ok wip - fx : fire, explosion, smoke
ok wip - quest
ok wip - monsters & characters animation

- shaders (I would like to add some shaders fx, but I don't know to create the shaders I would like (sort of blur, glass...) : ok additive, grey level.
wip - story
- craft ou improvement for equipment (Forge) ?
- weather system (with particles)


I have made a level editor in purebasic to create the map (2015-2017) :

Old level editor made in AppGameKit :


0.64.9 (09/2017)

OLD VERSIONS (2014, 2015, 2016) :
Start screen






PNJ dialog (not finished)

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Posted: 17th Sep 2015 14:24
Aweesome! Post a video of the gameplay! Looks fantastic.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2015 16:32
AWESOME GRAPHICS! Looking really good man, Nice concept

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Posted: 17th Sep 2015 18:40
Quote: "Post a video of the gameplay!"


This looks a great project, well done so far!

The Amiga and Amos were great!
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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 14:00

Thank you for you comments !

For the moment, I use camstudio to create my vidoe, but it's not great to have a fluid video of my game.
Do you know another video screen capture ?
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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 14:33
Quote: "Do you know another video screen capture ?"

If you have a Mac then it's easy, I use Quicktime player to capture footage from the screen but I haven't worked out how to do it with sound yet

The Amiga and Amos were great!
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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 16:58
Quote: " I use camstudio to create my vidoe"

I just downloaded CamStudio and i see what you mean. The recording is very choppy. I'm also looking for a Recording Software for Windows. If i find one i will let you know.

I might just have to end up buying one...which wont be a problem as long as its worth the $$$

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 17:05
Nice to see you back in action; I just recently commented about your past work in my WIP; was wondering what you are now working on.

Looking forward to seeing this progress.

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 20:00
Maybe would be suitable for capturing gameplay.
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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 10:45
Yes, FRAPS is definitely better but recently realised that the lovely smooth videos you see of gameplay on YouTube are done using proper capture cards. Don't worry if it's not completely smooth though, it's just nice to see the games in action.

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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 14:04
OpenBroadCaster on windows gets my vote these days.

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Posted: 21st Sep 2015 06:35
Given a geforce card perhaps sounds like it would do a decent job due to hardware support. Again, YMMV.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2015 13:11

Thank you for your useful comments !
I will tried Fraps and OpenBroadCaster ^^.

@DavidAGK : I will tried to do a better video than I have made and post it soon. You're right, it's great to see the game in action .

@Chamaleon : I have a little PC with not good proc and integrated card (a silencious packard bell). SO I don't think I have this kind of hardware support ^^.

Quote: "Nice to see you back in action; I just recently commented about your past work in my WIP; was wondering what you are now working on. "
In fact, I have a lot of others projects, started some years ago (since 2006).
You can see it at this page (I have not add all the games, but most of them ^^).

I have started most of the games.
Finished :
- FightFortress

Almost finished
- Towerbots (I have to add some maps/levels).

Half advanced :
- Arkeos Chronicles

Just begin :
- Teo & Loli (platform).
- Clash of bots

Not started :
- Puf & Squeeze.

Stopped (but I have made a lot of graphics, so I could use them for a simplier version ^^)
- Moonkiroe
- 3Arks (=online version of Arkeos, for PC)
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Posted: 5th Nov 2015 10:10
Some news about my game Arkeos.

I have made a new map editor. The first with AppGameKit was great, but not very great for interface and gadgets ^^. And my old editor was... to old and the code was ugly.
With this new editor, I can do a lot of cool things (copy/paste some sprites, move several sprites, hide, freeze, miror, size, color...), add a background with Repeated tiles, add block collision (x,y,w,h,typ), load/save, export for my game, test the level inside the editor and a lot of others cool stuff ^^.

The new mapeditor :

So, in the game, I have add some features :
- Spells and magic : on certain levels, we reach spells. For the moment, I have add 4 spells (attack only). 3 are mobile and 1 is fixed on the ground (sort of fire circle). The spells system is ok, when a bullet touch a monster, his life decrease, the bullet disappear and so...
- in inventory : we can sell the objects (potions...) or equipment we don't need.
- spells book is functionnal now. We can see the spell and his information, we can update these spells (much damage, faster...).
- now , the "teleporter" appears only if we have destroyed all the monsters on the current map.
- 21 new objects (equipment)

- block collision : I have add some block for collision. It's not finished, but it works.
- I have made some 4 new maps and modify my old maps to use it in this version.
- previously, the map was generated randomly. Now I open the map, if it exists, and if not, I create the map randomly as the old version ^^.
- I have made some tests (for fps, with 200 trees& plants, 100 grounds, 100 flowers, 15 rocks and the fps is fine.
- new action object : treasure. We can win some equipement, potions and money.
- now, clicking a pnj open a message with his dialog.

- new mob 18,19,20,21,22,23 (not animated) from fightfortress (one of my other game made with agk)
- new UI : inventory, spells, status, some new buttons / Ui spells in the main game screen
- new assets : 1 tree, 4 rocks, 4 plants, 6 flowers
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Posted: 6th Nov 2015 16:14
Stunning visuals! Reminds me a little of Ryzom. Good work!
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Posted: 10th Nov 2015 12:14
NICE!!! The new editor, is it Purebasic only, or are you using AGK2 Tier2 to render the map in it?
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Posted: 12th Nov 2015 10:21

Some News :

Invocation :
- Now, The player can create some invocations (a gogoon for the moment, because I don't have the level to create another invocation ^^). The invocation follow the player, and fight the monsters if they are near his position. He can have damage and died if it has no more life.
Accolyte :
- The monsters do damade on the accolyte (the friends of the player) if they are near their position (like the player and the invocation). The accolyte can died too. He's again in live if we win the fight or if we die too.
- we can change the action for the accolyte (fight alone the monster, fight only I'm attacked (defend-me), heal-me, heal-me and defend-me)
Misc :
- New Ui : worldmap. We can select the map you want to play (if we have reach it).
- the potion that we can drink (life, mana) has now a timer (like the spells).
- I have optimised my own particles system. Now I use it for some actions (drink a potion, heal the player, fire-circle (spell), life fontain (spells),...) and for a lot of fx (fire, acide lake...)

@CJB :
thanks. OH Rizom was one my favorite game. An awesome world, I have played this game a lot in the past ^^.

@MikeHart :
The new editor is made in Purebasic only. I don't know how to use AGK2 to render the map in it ^^. If you have any information to do that, I'm very interested .
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Posted: 12th Nov 2015 12:09
@Blendman: Thanks for the info. No, I have no clue. I was just wondering.
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Posted: 19th Oct 2017 21:20
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Posted: 20th Oct 2017 00:05 Edited at: 20th Oct 2017 00:07
Quote: "AWESOME GRAPHICS! Looking really good man, Nice concept "

Quote: "Stunning visuals! Reminds me a little of Ryzom. Good work! "

Yes, awesome graphics.

This looks really good.

Quote: "- I have made some tests (for fps, with 200 trees& plants, 100 grounds, 100 flowers, 15 rocks and the fps is fine."

57.8 FPS is really good.

My FPS had dropped to 42+, so I set my sync rate to do 30 fps.

30 is very smooth, and setting it down allowed for a lot more environment while getting me at the right speed for moving my objects, instead of having to adjust everything after more intense graphics made the frame rates drop below 4X.xx

If it drops below 30 then I will stop adding stuff or make a LOD system, but that is in 3d, so your 2d stuff should be a lot more flexible about adding more stuff in.

Quote: "For the moment, I use camstudio to create my vidoe, but it's not great to have a fluid video of my game.
Do you know another video screen capture ?"

I use FRAPS as already suggested by chamaeleon, but my laptops's integrated graphics causes it to lag (get choppy), and the only thing I have found to remedy that is to set the playback at a faster rate in my video editor.

That gets things back to normal speed, but ruins the audio, so it is not sycned anymore, and I have to mute it or edit the audio and then put it back in the video editor.

That takes a lot of time though and does not get good enough results to justify it, so I usually either deal with the lag and leave the audio, or correct the speed and mute it.

It all depends on whether the audio is crucial or not.

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Posted: 20th Oct 2017 01:46
Quote: "The new editor is made in Purebasic only. I don't know how to use AGK2 to render the map in it ^^. If you have any information to do that, I'm very interested "

Did you have any luck using the code I posted a while ago?
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Posted: 21st Oct 2017 10:35 Edited at: 21st Oct 2017 10:36

Since September 2017, I work again on Arkeos my Fantasy RPG (cartoon Style and funny story) for Android, windows and probably Mac, linux and IOS I f I can ^^.

In june - September 2017, I have improved a lot my 2D level Editor for my games (tinyled), and this tool is great now :

Game news :
- NPC Trade (buy and sell equipments, potions, objects...)
- Load map integration (from my level editor)
for player & accolyte - pathfinding a very big thanks to the incredible MIKEMAX for this pathfinding code !
- more spells (invocations, magic..) : we have 10 spells, I hope to add more
- more items (equipment, objects..) : we have 73 objects and 40 equipments to collect, I will add more objects !
- Animation : I have animated 10 monsters since october 2017 ! Yeah, it's cool now, the game take life (walk and fight)
- Animation : the accolyte is animated and it's great too (walk and fight)
- Quests : we have 17 quests. I will add more quests soon !

ok wip - fx : fire, explosion, smoke

Quote: "Did you have any luck using the code I posted a while ago?"

What code ?

Quote: "57.8 FPS is really good."

On my very crapy PC, I have 50 to 59 fps.
On my android tablet (samsung Gnote 2014), I have 60FPS.

With pathfinding, fight, lots of sprites and fx.

I have added some options to show/hide some elements in fps is too bad .

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Posted: 21st Oct 2017 10:59
As always - very nice work and game here.

Well done

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Posted: 21st Oct 2017 23:29
Superb stuff blendo!
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Posted: 25th Oct 2017 17:33 Edited at: 25th Oct 2017 19:01

Puzzler and Blinkok : thanks a lot

Here are some enemies :

The glut :

The Otruch :

The Boolby :

Le Wimz :

All thoses enemies are animated (walk and fight).

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Posted: 25th Oct 2017 19:23

Just out of interest, what do you use for creating such characters for texturing/animations

I have heard of Spriter / Blender but never got round to doing 3D work yet


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Posted: 25th Oct 2017 20:35
enemies are too cute!
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Posted: 25th Oct 2017 20:40
I like the glut - reminds of me of wallace and gromit Plasticine material

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Posted: 26th Oct 2017 09:35

Thanks again for your comments

Quote: "enemies are too cute!"

Do you think they are too much cute ?
I have other enemies that are a little more "bad", like :

or crazy like :

Quote: "what do you use for creating such characters for texturing/animations (Sprite/Blender)"

For my 2D games, I mean with a 2D style drawing not a 2D game with a 3D rendering like that game, I use Spriter, which is great.

For this kind of game (2D game with a 3D rendering, like the old 2D isometric games), and for all my 3D, I use Blender : to create the model, rigging/skinning, animation and rendering.

Quote: "reminds of me of wallace and gromit Plasticine material"

I'm a fan of wallace and groomit . I like those kind of film. I'm a fan of Pixar, Illumination, and disney too (and I like a lot "Ice Age") ^^.

For the material, in Blender, we have several rendering engine :
- blender internal : I use it on this game, because it's fast rendering engine, and produce material I like.
- Cycle : an great rendering engine to produce very realistic rendering.

The rendering depend a lot of the light, not only the material.

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Posted: 26th Oct 2017 09:45
Nah. They are perfect. Really match the theme
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Posted: 26th Oct 2017 22:00 Edited at: 26th Oct 2017 22:02

Your characters are perfect! Every inch of your work screams quality. Have you thought about copyrighting your work?
If I produced work like this, I definately would copyright / trademark everything.

Have you considered taking your characters and story to an animation studio to create a childrens animated film? I think you should, you
will be highly successful!
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Posted: 27th Oct 2017 08:30
Your characters look perfect and show a lot of personality Blendman. Keep us posted of the news! Cheers!
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Posted: 27th Oct 2017 10:38

@Blinkok : thanks Yes, they match the theme

@Tboy : thanks a lot for your kind comment.

Quote: "Have you thought about copyrighting your work?
If I produced work like this, I definately would copyright / trademark everything."

What do you mean by copyrighting ? Hwo shoudl I do to do that ?

Quote: "Have you considered taking your characters and story to an animation studio to create a childrens animated film? I think you should, you
will be highly successful!"
Yes, I have though to send my characters and story to a studio. But, I think most of the studios have their own project ^^.
And I don't think the studio use blender to produce their animation film ^^.

@Richard : thanks. Here is a new character, made today (model+rigging/skinning+ walk animation)

The "Chaman" (in French Chat =Cat)

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Posted: 28th Oct 2017 01:01

I won't give advice about copyright or trademarks as I'm not an expert in that field, but contacting an Intellectual Property Lawyer could
be the way forward. Look for a reputable lawyer in your country.

Your work needs some sort of protection, it really is that good!

If you have considered sending your story and characters to a studio I am sure they
can convert your models to any format! They are also experts in their field!

Before you do, get some legal advice!

Success is waiting for you!
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Posted: 28th Oct 2017 21:06
Quote: "What do you mean by copyrighting ? Hwo shoudl I do to do that ?" verify also for international copyright (on the same website)
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2017 19:22

Here is a new mob : ogry

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2017 20:31
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Posted: 7th Nov 2017 14:04
Hi Thanks Blinko

Here is a new Map. My attemps was to create a very cute and enchanteress map . So it's why it's pink and violet (I like the violet ^^) :

And a river .

I would like to find a way to create easily a river, but I haven't found for the moment ^^.

Hope you like it
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Posted: 8th Nov 2017 02:15
Looks gorgeous!
Quote: "I would like to find a way to create easily a river, but I haven't found for the moment "

Maybe a water shader
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Posted: 8th Nov 2017 09:48
@Blendman - Stop showing off This looks fantasic, wish I had the stamina and ability to stick to a project for more than a few months.
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Posted: 11th Nov 2017 07:09
@blinko : thanks a lot . This new land is named fearia, so it should gorgeous .

@supertino : thanks. I'm on this game since... 2009 I think .
I have made a lot of versions with lots of tools or langage.
2009 : game maker 2009, tests with : construct, fife, c +sdl
2010 : xna c# (tested on my xbox 360, workedfine), test with game develop
2011-2013 : in 2011, I discover purebasic and I recode the game in pb (the biggest version, with an online mode and alpha tests)
Since 2014 : (since I use agk), with agk it was a test, and it was so easy to create a game that I have recoded completely the game in agk tier1 since 2014, and now this is the best and biggest version.
Thanks to ahk arkeos chronicle will be available for pc, android and ios if I can .

I would like to send it to steam, but i dont know how to do that. Any idea on how to sale a game on steam ?

The news of the game :
- 2 new animations of ennemies

- skills : we can have skills, to add abilities or features to the player (like see a minimap or speak to pnj to buy objects...), more skills more interesting will be added.
-weather engine : rain, snow. Others weathers effects will be added soon. Weather can be desactivated in the options.
- fx : fire, smoke, magic... fx can be added directly from my level editor.
- Lan mode (co op) : its not finished, but I have add the possibility to play with friends or family in a local network. Only the tchat for the moment, but other gameplay is begun.

- and a lot of fixes and improvments

I have a question :
Who could be interested to play this game ?
In what mode do you prefer to play :
1) offline , like classic rpg
2) local network, with family or friends
3) online network : to play with other player all around the world

If its the 3), I think I will use the mikemax server, if he's ok .


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Posted: 11th Nov 2017 21:53
Quote: "If its the 3), I think I will use the mikemax server, if he's ok ."

No problem
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Posted: 12th Nov 2017 11:15
@Blendman: How do you build the terrain having these nice smooth transitions from grass to ground?
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Posted: 12th Nov 2017 14:39
@Blendman - releasing on steam is easy as long as you have $100 for the fee (per game) and don't mind sending Value and a 3rd party they use your bank and Identity information. I'd also recommend you have an English version and to get it on steam sooner rather than later as maybe as early access if the game is far enough along.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2017 08:50

Thanks for your comments

Quote: "How do you build the terrain having these nice smooth transitions from grass to ground?"
It's a simple ground repeated (with setSpriteScaleUV()) and some sprites with alpha.

I have tried a shader with 2 layers (Background repeated + path (image repeated too) + another image for the alpha of the path), but it's not good for GPU if we unzoom (zoom = 10% for example). The fps is divided by 3 (30fps max with zoom = 10%). So I prefer to use several little sprite with alpha chanel (png).

Quote: " I'd also recommend you have an English version and to get it on steam sooner rather than later as maybe as early access if the game is far enough along."

For the moment, my version is not finished at all ^^. I have an english version, but the localisation isn't finished too (because it's not my native langage). I have a lot of Txt (it's a RPG ^^), a lot of quests, dialogs...

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2017 08:56
I'd recommend starting to build some buzz around the game, maybe a dev blog on, post some gifs to twitter #indiegame #gamedev #gaming #indiedev
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Posted: 24th Nov 2017 09:40

@Supertino :
For the buzz, this game is on indiedb ( I have posted on another forum (in french). I will see and twitter, it's a good idea, thanks .
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Location: Arkeos
Posted: 18th Dec 2017 11:40

Some news about my Arkeos Chronicle (Fantasy RPG android & PC).

News :
- Equipment & smithy : we can now made a fusion with several equipments to get a better equipment (equipment have level, grade and levelpoint to improve their level). We can have 503 equipments and more with the smithy.
- new quest : 43 in total.
- new map (or improved) : 20 maps in total.
- New Objects & drops : 116 in total. Most of the icones have been remade in 64*64.
- A lot of optimisations & improvements for mobs (creation, move, destroy, fight...)
- UI and menu improved
- a lot of bug fixes

And here is a new Artwork for my next Mobs :

I have made it in a fabulous painting software name "Rebelle" (by Escape motion). The watercolor engine is amazing.


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Posted: 18th Dec 2017 19:13
Awesome artwork!
Running Windows 7 Home, 64 bit, 8 GB ram, Athlon II X2 255, ATI Radeon HD 4200. Using AGK2 Tier 1.
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Posted: 18th Dec 2017 21:55
yes ! awesome as usual

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