@Stab in the Dark: I hope you'll understand why i just want a RawJoystickHAT command.
At first, you ask me to program in C++.
Is it possible to program also for Android on Tier 2 ?
And is it possible to fix the bugs of AppGameKit, also in Tier 2 ? (And in case of it is possible, will i understand anything ?)
I know C, but not C++.
I have ordered two AppGameKit licences (on two steam accounts), to program easily & quickly.
Easily & quickly, isn't it why you are programing and selling AppGameKit ?
As i program since 1987, for me, AppGameKit is quick enougth.
I can optimize my code enougth.
So, no needs to go to C++.
If you don't want to cover simple options that your concurrents cover, it's your problem, not mine.
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