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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP]Star flight: Star Rogue progress...

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Posted: 16th Jun 2018 21:13 Edited at: 16th Jun 2018 21:13
Well another productive day for me which is nice , today I have:

ADDED: Packer.agc - this now allows me to pack up and encrypt ALL game data so that when I finally release demos of the game (which are getting ever closer) my media wont be splashed everywhere. I cant believe how easy AppGameKit makes the whole process its so painless that its almost transparent and as a gaming thing there is NO lag to loading a image from a png or loading the upf file generated by the packer. All space dust and nebulae textures are already upf (Ultim Pack File) the Packing system has been coded on every version of Ultim from C++ to AppGameKit and it cross language compatible

ADDED: SpawnChance.agc - this allows me to control what appears in each sector from the standard boulders or asteroids to bounty hunters and pirates.

FIXED: Asteroid field system when jumping - yes there was a bug in it as Aradis does NOT have asteroids it resulted in the asteroids just hanging about in the local sector.

FIXED: Sun size when jumping to new sector - the sun used to vanish if you were on the outskirts of the star system now they are always visible.

More soon...
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Posted: 17th Jun 2018 11:34
Today I have had another productive coding session (I do like it when im in the zone as I get loads done ):

ADDED: UltimLoad/SaveMesh and Sound - now we can load all the different types of things from my encrypted upf files

FIXED: Asteroid rotation - now they rotate which makes the field not look so static.

STARTED: Modelling the space station segments so they can be added to the local sector I want them to look perfect this time rather than the hodge podge of meshes scraped together back in 1999

More soon...
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Posted: 6th Jul 2018 10:57
It seems the packing system whilst perfect on desktop isn't liked very much on android so over the last week I have been looking for a way around this. As it goes the ideas I have come up with is simply packing up the data but leaving the meshes etc unpacked. Or plugging and writing a packing thing that works different.

On the game front I have made some progress on loading all the ships into the game this data is parsed into yet another data file and loaded on startup. This approach means I can make sure it's all a go before launching the game for it to crash and burn later

Once complete I can code the AI routines to make ships fly around
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Posted: 10th Jul 2018 07:32
Now the NPC item loader is done which is just a fancy name for a function that parses all the data for the NPCs, I am turning my sights to the selector. Once complete I can add ships and other things to the game and they will automatically appear in it without adjusting a single line of code. To cater for this each system will have races which can appear in that system so it only spawns the correct ones, this not only makes areas of space race territories but also means I can put war zones in there where two or more races converge.

I still have to do the data parser but that will be next after the selector, once tested on android and a little bit of tidying up I can release my first alpha demo.
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Posted: 25th Jul 2018 16:42
Having had little time over the past week or so I haven't got a lot done, I did manage to do:
1) Text system - yes I know AppGameKit has a text system but this wraps it up into Text commands etc

2) Encrypted - this didn't work as intended on android it still has some issues which are resolved.

Next to do:
1) NPC Selector - so I can add random things to the game data and they appear magically in the game

2) POI selector - so you can jump around to points of interest in the system.

3) Basic docking block - modelling is getting there but still loads to do

4) Basic combat - I want to shoot stuff

5) Basic HUD - target, basic inforation etc

I am getting ever closer to the elusive demo and the more I complete the nearer it gets I don't want to just release a flight demo but more of a combat test etc.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2018 12:30
After having a few issues with Delete text I am looking to make my own text system as the current one doesn't seem to work OK. Currently I'm using:

All that happens is the previous text doesn't get removed so I get a smeared mess of loads of text as I add new lines to the bottom of the list these lines seem to be all previous lines.

To this end and to avoid any further issues I am writing my own system to get around it once and for all.
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Posted: 26th Jul 2018 20:14
I like the way the asteroids appear. What I don't like it is their initial position. It seems to to me like specific formations
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Posted: 28th Jul 2018 11:14
The asteroids are completely randomly generated based on you position and rotation within the system. This may change when I add multiplayer to it as that could make the game daft with people flying through things etc.

On the whole it's a robust system and there have been changes since my last video. I will upload another one when I get a day off and after I have sorted the new spawn system.

I have managed to sort the text system for now and it works as intended
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2018 18:38
1) Text system - yes I know AppGameKit has a text system but this wraps it up into Text commands etc [DONE]

2) Encrypted - this didn't work as intended on android it still has some issues which are resolved. [DONE]

Next to do:
1) NPC Selector - so I can add random things to the game data and they appear magically in the game[DONE]

2) POI selector - so you can jump around to points of interest in the system.

3) Basic docking block - modelling is getting there but still loads to do

4) Basic combat - I want to shoot stuff

5) Basic HUD - target, basic inforation etc

6) Jump drive - added this and it's a weird experience jumping around an asteroid field [DONE]

Next is the HUD so I can see where things are in the local area and the system as a whole and then I can add combat etc
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Posted: 5th Aug 2018 02:57
This looks like an ambitious project you have going here. Looking good and you seem to be progressing very well!
TI/994a (BASIC) -> C64 (BASIC/PASCAL/ASM/Others) -> Amiga (AMOS/BLITZ/ASM/C/Gamesmith) -> DOS (C/C++/Allegro) -> Windows (C++/C#/Monkey X/GL Basic/Unity/Others)
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Posted: 5th Aug 2018 05:11
It's taking time but I'm getting there slowly, once I finish the list I will release a alpha demo so everyone can test it
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 8th Aug 2018 06:42
Wath will it be for type of game ?
Something like elite or wingcommander?
I have missed that if it have bin mentioned
Looking forwad to se the hud
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Posted: 8th Aug 2018 07:45
The game itself will be a open ended Elite style game, basically you can do what you want within the games universe

I do plan on expanding it indefinitely with more races, areas and updates but that will come much later
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Posted: 9th Aug 2018 21:11
Well I have a basic locator in there now so I can find things in the local area. Currently I'm designing the rest of the HUD images and adding them to the encrypted data then I can release a test flight demo I will add combat after this demo is out there and sort out some of the other niggles the game has (they are on me list ).

Niggles are:
1)Collision needs work - it's not perfect yet and with Jump drive doesn't 100% work. Also hitting something stops you dead I want a scrape on things effect.
2) Space station - I still have to add this in there and get it going.

Time is limited but it's come a long way since I started it was a toss up between AppGameKit and Unity and I'm glad I'm using AppGameKit as it does allow more control over the final product I'm just hoping it can keep up with what I'm going to throw at it
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Posted: 9th Aug 2018 22:42
Is this project still in BASIC?

Unity is great for people who connect with it. I made several projects in it but for me I was always spending as much if not more time fighting against its way of working as I was on making progress on my projects.

For someone who is truly a programmer I think AppGameKit is a fantastic choice. It gives us what we need without a ton of stuff we don't need getting in the way. I like that about AGK.

Anyway I am looking forward to seeing a demo of this one day. It is one of the few projects I check on regularly.
TI/994a (BASIC) -> C64 (BASIC/PASCAL/ASM/Others) -> Amiga (AMOS/BLITZ/ASM/C/Gamesmith) -> DOS (C/C++/Allegro) -> Windows (C++/C#/Monkey X/GL Basic/Unity/Others)
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Posted: 10th Aug 2018 06:57
Yes the project is still AGK2 tier 1

I do agree unity is way to bloated for small projects and overkill for coffee break games
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Posted: 10th Aug 2018 14:49 Edited at: 10th Aug 2018 17:52
Well after squashing a nasty bug I'm back getting HUD sorted once that is done I will release a demo of the flight test so I can see how it performs on everybody's computers.

I also plan to release a Android test demo as well so I can get a good idea where I can move forwards.

Edit: Looking to procedurally generate some of the textures as well as some are quite "big" so generating these will shrink the download somewhat. Tried getting a demo together to realise the byte code file wasn't in there and wondering why the player just came up
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Posted: 16th Aug 2018 16:10
Done some more to the lovely game, now I have managed to scale the textures so they load faster. Also i have a title screen and loader done now.

I have also managed to start work on getting the Point Of Interest selector done, once this is complete I will whizz around the system at the click of a few buttons

I have also been cobbling together the basics of the demo which is now about 70% there I just need the code for the POI selector and local area items then get the audio done and I can then release that too
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Posted: 16th Aug 2018 17:51 Edited at: 16th Aug 2018 17:52
It's awesome reading your dev updates and seeing your screenshots & videos on this project. Sounds like you are making rapid progress.

IIRC you were at one time building this game in Monkey-X it seems like I remember seeing you on the forums over there posting about this (it might have been longer back on the Blitz forum). If so how is the development in AGK2 comparing to the development in MX? Would you say progress is faster, slower or about the same?
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Posted: 16th Aug 2018 19:40
GarBenjamin:Yeah I did code it in MonkeyX but one thing I wanted was better media handling and MX never had that. Things I miss are OOP nothing makes thing more modular than OOP yeah I could go C++ but if I do that why not use my own engine which is waiting in the wings.

My reasons for using AppGameKit is I don't have time now to code android/iOS targets etc just want something that goes when I want to.

I'm making faster progress now but it's still a long way to go and unlike the MX version this one is 3d. I still sometimes think 2d would have been more suited BUT my testers tell me that 3d is the best way to go
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Posted: 16th Aug 2018 20:33
I get that. I thought about switching to Tier 2 at one time and when I made my Mutant Invaders 3D shmup developed it in both Tier 1 and Tier 2 at the same time for the first half or more. But I look at it like why switch I mean sure I *can* but not sure what value there is in doing so. If a person ran into a lot of code-based performance issues due to sheer bulk and complexity I could see doing it but otherwise I will take the slightly faster development speed of Tier 1 any day. For me the most important thing is rapid development. So far AppGameKit Basic beats every other I have tried in that regard other than GLBasic.
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Posted: 17th Aug 2018 20:41
So true

I'm 95% done towards the first demo release all I want is the basic HUD and maybe the POI selector then it's ready

I also still have to add the local sector stuff but it's getting there. today alone I have finished the title loader for the demo, redone a new cargo crate as the old one was from Elite and added a mouse pointer, movement locator and movement arrow.

After work tomorrow I will look at the HUD then try to get the POI selector done
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Posted: 18th Aug 2018 20:45

This is a basic flight demo just to see how it performs on everyones machines.

Please read the included readme file for more information.


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Posted: 19th Aug 2018 01:33 Edited at: 19th Aug 2018 01:33
Excellent! Just tried it out. Looks fantastic and feels very good. Collisions with asteroids are working. Turning left and right was confusing at first. I expected it to just turn left and right and instead the ship seemed to roll left and roll right. Which I guess would be accurate but you know I was looking for game like stuff. ha ha! Got used to it though.

Do you have the framerate locked at 30 fps by any chance? Reason I ask is because on my laptop it stayed there the entire time. Never dropped. Never moved any higher.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2018 07:09
Yes currently it's locked at 30fps I'm had it works perfectly for you and thanks for testing
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Posted: 31st Aug 2018 21:09
Well a lot has been happening of late I have tidied up some of the code making it more streamlined after the demo release I have also been looking at the combat side of the game as well, to this end I have made a locator system for the game engine that once I finish the targeting side of things you will be able to actually 'lock on' the NPC's in the game and engage them in combat. This will not be in the demo yet as I have to complete it, update and upload a new demo. On the whole I am quite pleased with the way the entire game is coming along and its once again starting to feel like its moving in the right direction.

After combat (with cargo canisters and boulders etc) I will be tackling the hardest part of the game NPC AI

More soon...
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2018 15:21
We want videos
Iam lazy so want some videos to check with the updates
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2018 19:57
will record one and upload it lol
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2018 11:12 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2018 11:14
Here ya go Cliff, this is the latest build (not in the demo yet)

Choppy video due to recording software, the game does run smooth when not recording full screen
Chris Tate
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2018 11:51
If you are using an NVidia Geforce card, Shadowplay is supposed to record your footage with minimal impact on performance:
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2018 12:59
@Chris: I'm on Intel arm it's a cheap laptop used as minimum spec
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 8th Sep 2018 16:09
Looks cool edzup

If you have windows 10 on your computer so press windows logo and g to start up built in screen recorder that works super....
Better then bandicam and others.

I also use a low spec machine to dev on.
intel atom 1.4 GHz and 2 mb ram
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Posted: 9th Sep 2018 07:50 Edited at: 9th Sep 2018 12:18
Thanks Cliff didn't realise that will definitely give it a try

Targeting is in now just have to change the lock HUD sprite when it's in the firing area then I will add shooting

EDIT: Sorted the target locator now just need to make it change to green when it's OK to fire. Also I have increased loading by 500% by only encrypting data and special files, the rest will allow me to make the game "modable" once I allow external ship files and meshes etc.
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Posted: 13th Sep 2018 12:20

Now with targeting

Apologies for the quality it appears none of the recording software I have can record without stutter :/
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Posted: 13th Sep 2018 16:31
Looking great... adding a low volume ambience of sounds from within the ship or subtle suitable music / space game ambience would really synergize the video experience I think. Although I completely get that is a polish thing probably planned for much later.
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Posted: 13th Sep 2018 16:48
thanks I'm currently looking for suitable sounds as we speak that will give it some more polish
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Posted: 19th Sep 2018 12:25
Well whilst still looking for suitable ambient audio I have managed to move forwards into other areas of the game, so now we have space stations. Yes not amazing at present as it's a placeholder mesh due to be replaced soon.

To get the game to work how I wanted I had to upscale the sector stuff now the background is further out now allowing for huge distances between start point and station. Currently it's about 35km away from where you come into the sector meaning LOADS of jump drive flight (about one as a half mins) or loads of standard flight an combat in between.

Next up is weapons and a suitable docking module
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 19th Sep 2018 15:24
Record the videos windowed instead of fullscreen at a lower resolution to get better recording performance,,,
Tested the windows and g button at the same time ?
It works very well for me..
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Posted: 20th Sep 2018 19:57
Cliff thanks for the tip will keep that in mind
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Posted: 27th Sep 2018 12:05
ADDED: Space station locators, this basically means I now can find the main area of the sector (for sectors with them) without all the searching. I have to change to locator GUI so that if there is nobody in the area or if your hunting for the docking zone it will be selected at present its ignored for the locator GUI arrow.

FIXED: Major issue with sunlight, unfortunately even though the sector isnt ludicrously far from the Aradis star the light looked like we were in deep space. This has now been fixed and looks much like it did before

Currently working on the locator system, texturing the docking module and making a placeholder segment for the rest of the station then I will add NPC's (the last MAJOR headache as AI in a asteroid field can be fun) then get combat finalised and move forwards with other sections of the game
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Posted: 7th Oct 2018 00:45
Looking good
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Posted: 9th Oct 2018 12:36 Edited at: 9th Oct 2018 13:02
Thanks fubarpk

Another vid

Today I have made some progress which is good by all accounts as I want to get more in there to complete sections, I have;
Changed the docking module to a complete station (got to do textures)
Made it so asteroids don't appear in the station
Started player information screens

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Posted: 10th Oct 2018 20:58
Over the last day or so I have been playing with making the space station much more detailed and professional looking this will be unveiled at a later date, I have also got the Point Of Interest selector almost complete. Once the POI selector is complete I will be adding much more to the system to make them worth while and can finally get the whole navigating around the game in there which is going to be fun

I am also working on getting NPC's in there with basic AI as well so I can get combat completed as well.
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 12th Oct 2018 12:57
Thanks Cliff

one thing that comes out of the POI selector is I now need to add the GUI button bar so I'm also adding this as well which should make it better and easier for mobile and tablet integration
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Posted: 13th Oct 2018 11:41
Today I have added the function bar to the top of the screen this will form the navigation part of the whole game. Basically the idea is to simplify the whole navigation for each section down to five basic functions that can be done via the F keys OR the navigation button panel at the top of the screen. Now I have worked out what buttons to have on each screen I have now got the basics in there and will be adding more buttons as I draw them. An upshot of this is that the navigation bar will be usable to navigate on android and ios as well which will be a huge bonus when coding for those platforms

More soon (and some screenshots as soon as I finish the buttons )...
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 19th Oct 2018 16:52
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Posted: 19th Oct 2018 18:11 Edited at: 19th Oct 2018 18:11
@Cliff: well I have the bar on the screen so it is also usable on my phone too. I have also planned out what it will do. There is going to be five buttons (F1-F5 or click/tap on), with these buttons you are never more than two presses away from either free flight mode or the screen you want for example: Cargo is viewed via Player information>>Cargo

Most of the buttons are complete and I still have five to do then it's sorting out bar placement then I can push it into the demo build

I also still have to complete the space station as well so it will replace the rather basic one which is there as a placeholder
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Posted: 21st Oct 2018 10:06
All button images are now complete and I've begun adding their functions to the game, obviously some of them won't work yet as that part hasn't been done. As an example the Get Up button gives you a message that your harness is stuck so you can't get up , once complete you will be able to walk around your ship and navigate stations and planets etc.

On the whole of it I'm pleased with the progress I have made so far as I don't have loads of time now maybe one to three hours a week for coding as I work full time as well.
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2018 11:32
Well now I have mouse capabilities for the button bar as well this is required as it will also cross over to mobile targets as on those its the mouse system which is mimicked by the touch interface.

I have also setup the GUI properly so now it will remain on top of everything else which is good, im still plugging away at the game and will post more as I make adjustments to it

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