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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP]Star flight: Star Rogue progress...

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Posted: 24th Oct 2018 14:04
Today I have managed to squash a rather nasty bug so I can now move forwards with getting the NPCs into the game, this bug was making spawning difficult and annoying now it's gone I can move onwards with getting stuff into the game to make it alive.

I have also completed the button bar system so now the Escape key has a bar instead of instantly quitting the game

Now onto getting npc pilots racing around
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Posted: 26th Oct 2018 18:33
Well today I have moved some of the stuff around so the Escape pod is no longer in the wrong section of the ship lists, I have also added a Stinger Light fighter (this model will be completely reworked) so I can test the AI in the game. Also added is the collision system for all the entities this means the debris, cargo, rocks and boulders will now hit asteroids hopefully when finished the ships wont unless badly damaged .

All in all its nice to see things move around now and the next thing is explosions so I can actually see the things hit stuff and explode, and getting the AI to navigate a asteroid field. Its coming together rather nicely now and adding flesh to the bones as I go this will mean that in the end there will be a complete game that everyone can enjoy . One thing I am particular happy about is the game runs perfectly on my android phone as well .

More soon...
Captain Ouais
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Posted: 27th Oct 2018 21:18
it is going well !!

how many frames per second will your game run?
I do what i do !!!
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Posted: 27th Oct 2018 21:41
it's going extremely well which is nice

currently it's got a fixed fps at 30fps but I am going to change this for a adjustable fps dependent on machine specifications . At present I get a smooth 30fps even on my ezbook2
Captain Ouais
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Posted: 27th Oct 2018 22:10
ok, and on phone, 30 fps seems logical
I do what i do !!!
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Posted: 28th Oct 2018 19:58
yeah it saves battery
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Posted: 1st Nov 2018 11:17

Getting there slowly im currently adding the NPC's so space is no longer empty, also fleshing out the other screens with relevant information
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2018 12:21

Basic explosions are now in there as well
Dustin Shaffer
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Posted: 10th Nov 2018 05:15
Bravo! This looks beautiful. I can't wait to see more. Every video was amazing work.
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 10th Nov 2018 05:53
I must say that i usually get a more even and higher framerate on my mobiles then my Toshiba click computer when it comes to agk
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Posted: 10th Nov 2018 08:30
@Cliff: I have noticed the same it's a pity AGKMobile seems to have stalled if input was sped up maybe using a simple text box or something and you could pump out app's from the device it would be incredibly useful.
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Posted: 11th Nov 2018 09:05
Well after fixing a bug in the sector generator after using the new system to make it it now looks really nice. I still have some small bugs to sort out with nebulae and backing items at extreme ranges but apart from that it's much better. I have also got rid of some old throwback code refining the generator much more now so it's quicker than before.

I'm also adding NPC's into the mix as well so it's a busy time at present but once complete the game will finally come alive.
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Posted: 24th Nov 2018 18:00 Edited at: 24th Nov 2018 18:01
Progress update: Well a lot has been done now this has made the game more polished, these are:
1) Space clouds are in there the nebula is no longer just fog effects and it's fun to fly through

2)NPC spawning is also now done so I have to get target selection and navigation in.

3) POI selection is done so we can now select Points of Interest that we have found or someone has given us the coordinates to in the game

Now I will be adding in the rest of the NPC stuff then it's onto combat
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Posted: 24th Nov 2018 21:30
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 25th Nov 2018 12:02
I think i would have like some shimmers of rainbow like colors at some points in the fog and sparkles and very small debries?
Looks a bit to empty but nice

You could make simple shimmers with a large rectangualr plane you point towards the player that is barely visible but adds some colors to it at some points..
you could make this with a single plan that is repositioned everytime the player passed it by at a point far in front again…
If you understand wath i mean?
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Posted: 26th Nov 2018 11:05
Will have a look and see what I can do
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Posted: 26th Nov 2018 18:31
Well after another productive day I have managed to get some more done on the game, today I have done:
1) Click selection - now you can click on a locator to select it (this is required for mobile)

2) NPC information - now you can get their name, company, what they are flying and a bounty if they have one. All of this will be useful in the future for 'assassinations', 'hunting' etc

3) im looking at adding some variance to the clouds as Cliff pointed out its a bit colour bland this will make them more special.
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Posted: 1st Dec 2018 17:49 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2018 15:34

Now on Android

Still sorting some bugs but a new version will be up asap
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2018 19:47

working version, version 4 now
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 4th Dec 2018 23:23
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Posted: 6th Dec 2018 17:48
Tried it on my phone, ran smooth. Couple issues I had;
- Couldn't figure out how to shoot my weapon
- Can't switch targets?
- In space sims, usually you turn similar to an FPS game, you have it setup so that it control's like a atmospheric aircraft. You should add an option to switch it, as I prefer the FPS style control over atmo-flight control.
- The menu's at top would flash when I clicked them than disappear
- Needs a quick tutorial or 'Hint' screen on startup

Otherwise, looks great so far, good tech-demo!
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Posted: 6th Dec 2018 17:56 Edited at: 6th Dec 2018 17:57
JLMoondog at present there is no weapons that is next on my list as combat is being worked on now.

Selecting targets you can tap the locator to switch targets

The menu at the top shouldn't flash will look into that as well.

Flight model is currently set to Elite controls in space but like sf2000 this will be optional

Thanks for trying it out.
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Posted: 9th Dec 2018 18:31 Edited at: 9th Dec 2018 18:34
Yah, when I play Elite, I always switch the control scheme to where my joystick roll/yaw's the ship, and I pitch the ship using the 'pitch' controller, which on my current joystick is by rotating the joystick on it's y-axis(one of the few joystick's I've seen that have a third controller type built into the actual stick, love it). I always prefer that control setup, if you've ever played the original Wing Commander games, that's how their controls are setup.

Just a thought.

Edit: Attached image of it. Can't recommend this joystick enough. It's called Cyborg.


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Posted: 9th Dec 2018 18:47
Yeah I will add the controls in the next update and also get combat in there as well
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Posted: 11th Dec 2018 14:18 Edited at: 16th Dec 2018 19:36
Things coming to the next update:
1)NPC AI- they now will try to avoid things so don't just plow into asteroids without trying to avoid them [DONE]

2) FPS flight model - this will be optional to the "Elite control method in space" model we have now [DONE]

3) Combat - yes the next update will feature NPC to NPC and NPC to player combat so expect a war zone

4) Scooping - yes it's coming free stuff lol

Also the usual bug fixes etc but it's coming along now and is looking more fun as we go
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Posted: 18th Dec 2018 18:37

New stuff:
ADDED: FPS flight controls

ADDED: NPC flight AI they no longer blindly crash into asteroids

ADDED: Electrical disturbances

All of these will be in a new release soon, once combat is in there and the main menu we will be ready to go.
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Posted: 20th Dec 2018 18:04
Sent you an email.
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Posted: 21st Dec 2018 14:24
JLMoondog: replied to your email

I have also begun the weapons system so everyone can finally shoot things, once complete we will have weapons going off everywhere and NPC's attacking everything that moves

I have also found a suitable 3d lightning effect for the lighting so if your near you will see it and being to close will result in some damage to your ship so be careful in dangerous nebulae (the freeport 1 nebula isn't dangerous but has had the effect added for testing purposes ).
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 28th Dec 2018 19:25
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Posted: 28th Dec 2018 20:15
Looking very nice. Luv the green fog. Makes it very spooky
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Posted: 28th Dec 2018 22:17
Thanks guys

Cloud colour can be anything it just so happens this system has a green cloud in it

I suppose I could even do a rainbow one lol
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Posted: 29th Dec 2018 16:19
It's a cool effect, but I would suggest either tone down the green, or combine it with other colors. As of right now, after staring at it for several minutes, it starts to hurt my eyes, not sure if this is true for anyone else. I think if you made it less dense, so some of space seeps through, darken it slightly, than use a lightning effect to give it bursts of brighter areas, you'd get a more effective nebula look. Take a look at Star Trek II for a reference, maybe not totally science accurate, but very cinematic.

I programmed a similar effect for my Cult of Zog game for the main menu, though it was more of a spinning vortex, but still same idea.
Rick Nasher
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2019 16:10
Looking cool.
How about some headlights coming from the ship to light up the asteroids on the front?
As in space, it's always nighttime anyway, unless looking into the sun or if the sun's light is actually reaching the asteroid field at all.

Which brings up the next question: is this situated in a galaxy far-far-away or our own?
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2019 16:53
JLmoondog: I will add more variance to the clouds

RickNasher: will add a light so you can see where your going especially in black hole systems
Rick Nasher
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2019 22:42
Hehehe. How are you gonna display the event horizon?
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2019 04:12
Rick nasher: this hasn't yet been determined but being a old school game not super snazzy shaders everywhere graphics it will be tasteful
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Posted: 12th Jan 2019 04:03
Here we are the first post of 2019 and finally back in the keyboard

I have started combat in earnest of getting it all done so the game will come to life and not be just a bunch of NPCs flying around. At present every NPC shoots in the direction they are going (yes asteroids and cargo too lol). Over the next week I will be adding target selection, a decent shot mesh and texture and making it so only pilots fire .

On the whole I am impressed with AGK2's speed and how it handles everything I throw at it which is nice

Once again Star Rogue has detoured from the top down 2d design doc into a 3d humongous game which will take years to explore lol.

I wonder if the person who emailed me for four years after Star flight 2000's release is still mapping it out

More soon...
Rick Nasher
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Posted: 12th Jan 2019 15:01 Edited at: 12th Jan 2019 15:03

Quote: "Once again Star Rogue has detoured from the top down 2d design doc into a 3d humongous game which will take years to explore lol. "

Hey it isn't named 'Rogue' for nothing.

Quote: "On the whole I am impressed with AGK2's speed and how it handles everything I throw at it which is nice "

Yep, that's what I like about it too. Even on the ancient rig I'm using.

Quote: "I wonder if the person who emailed me for four years after Star flight 2000's release is still mapping it out "

Hope he/she didn't get lost in space.

Quote: " More soon..."

Can't wait. Love the visuals.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2019 16:11
@Rick Nasher:
Yeah the original design doc was for something more like Starflight than Elite
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Posted: 15th Jan 2019 19:15
Today I have been playing around with getting the new laser shot mesh and texture into the game for testing now this is in there I can move onto getting more of the NPC combat system completed. Unlike some games I have played in the past the NPC's will attack each other as well which will give a more 'Freelancer' feel to the game which is what im aiming for.

I would also like to welcome JLMoondog to the team there is loads of ideas and plans for us to put into fruition
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Posted: 30th Jan 2019 13:30
Im currently fixing the combat system as it a has a bug which when squashed will be the final part of that.I have also begun adding the main menu so the game doesnt just drop you straight into the game but instead allows you to set things like desired FPS, flight mode etc. For the flight mode there will also be a switch toggle actually in the game allowing you to turn on and off sound, music and switch flight modes

On the whole its starting to shape up but there is along way still to go before v1.0 will be complete
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Posted: 1st Feb 2019 12:44
Over the last couple of days I have been plugging away at some issues that I have come across on my travels in the Star Rogue universe, I have loads of these still to fix but here are just a few:

1)POI not 100% working, I know why this is and I will be fixing this after combat is done
2) NPC ships do not have weapon temp - I have added a fire delay to the weapons of the NPC's and next will be a laser temp so that they can not longer blast away forever
3) NPC Targetting not 100% - I have also located the bug with this one which weirdly caused the NPC to target itself should certain things arise this is on the fix roster
4) Player shooting - it was in there but was not to my liking so it is on the todo fix list once sorted combat can commence
5) 64bit android builds - got to check this as its not a requirement for android apps

There are LOADS of other things to do as well namely stellar phenomena and the associated things that go with it and the player health/shields so combat it balanced not just a shooting NPC's in a sector style issue . After its all done and the main menu is completed (along with the ingame toggle menu) I will release another Android build and update the PC build so that its all running from the same game

More soon...
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 1st Feb 2019 21:51
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Posted: 13th Feb 2019 10:08 Edited at: 13th Feb 2019 16:22
@Cliff: will definitely keep doing that

I have managed to get the AI now to target properly which is nice im just adding in the code to make them bring guns to bear, rather than keep faffing around with ported code from SF2000 I have decided ti bring it all upto date and write it from scratch. As I have two weeks off work due to having a operation (which currently feels like I have been run over with something then they backed up to make sure) I will get the stuff done I wanted them move to the next release

EDIT: Well the war has begun and NPC's will not attack and kill each other they also can target the player but cant damage us yet as we have no health/shields, once weapons for us are in there I will be adding FULL combat. I have also separated the POI system from the GUI system so I can work that better and make it more feature complete ready for the next release. Today I have also added the new audio for the weapons so the ships now blast away with full audio and explosions go off all around, the thunder effects for the space lightning this has been moved to the new audio system this will also enable me to make it much better so I can make sounds adjust dependent on distance from the player making the game more dynamic.

More soon...
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Posted: 14th Feb 2019 10:37
Today has been rather productive which is nice I have added:
ADDED:Ship information text so we can see the target, its bounty, who they represent and the status of their ship.
ADDEDlayer shooting - yes we can now enter the fray and actually kill things
ADDEDlayer health and shields - yes you to can get damaged and killed
FIXED:NPC's targeting the player - now you can shoot so can they, the war has begun

Touch controls for speed, jumpdrive and fire
Menu system needs completing
POI system needs finalising

After all that I will be ready for another release, its been a long time moving forwards but the game is getting there
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Posted: 17th Feb 2019 12:25
Today has been a bug squashing day, yes there were a few so without further ado:
1) Targeting the main object within a sector - this has been fixed, before once you started targeting something else you could no longer lock back onto the space station in the starting sector
2) Audio clips volume - these were way to loud and have been adjusted to better suit the game, they will be better adjusted later on once I add in the 3d effects so ships further away will not make as much noise as those close by but thats not for this build.
3) Ships attacking space - NPC's will no longer attack the area where their quarry was and will revert to the primary mission once they have killed their target.
4) NPC's ignoring player - no longer will they just let you blast them to space dust, they will now attack back and kill you if your not careful.
5) NPC's using their AI value - we had a spate of hunters trying their hand at 'piracy' it wasnt pretty but its now been fixed. Hunters/Police go after pirates, Pirates go after people with cargo (basically anyone who has cargo), Traders go towards the space station or nearest exit, Miners go after space rocks or debris and explorers just move through an area. Traders/Miners or Explorers have the ability if required to go after cargo canisters should they be the nearest thing.
6) fixed some spelling mistakes in the data files
7) Fixed a issue with the main menu remaining on screen after leaving the menu

Also we can now scoop cargo/debris depending on what you scoop you will get something from it;
a) Escape capsules give you slaves - yeah poor people probably didnt think they would be for sale but well
b) Cargo canisters will give you a random cargo (no you cannot scan it before hand and go 'yay')
c) Debris and rocks will give you rubbish or ore and minerals

Still more to do but we are getting there once again
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Posted: 18th Feb 2019 19:24
Today whilst looking at the whole control system and realising that the current system was flushed for testing purposes only I have ripped it all out and I have created a touch interface for this and future projects. Basically put the new system will allow me to add buttons and zones to the screen and turn them on and off as required.

Now I can move forwards and get the controls in there without having the flight system accidentally click on menu buttons etc
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Posted: 26th Feb 2019 08:07
@GarBenjamin: yeah testing them is tricky in game, I have a test bed BUT testing them in a asteroid field is better

I'm currently adjusting the POI system now so it's all touch controlled, on the whole touch interface system I have added a switch to the whole thing so when touch isn't required for desktop platforms some of the buttons don't turn off. My primary reason for this is for things that are needed on all platforms so menus and game screens will remain in game and only touch interfaces will disappear from screen.
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Posted: 4th Mar 2019 13:57 Edited at: 4th Mar 2019 13:58
This week has been a rather hectic week I have still found time to do some coding which has seen some more stuff done and bugs squashed .

We have done the following:
1) Ingame settings - this now fully works before we had the buttons and Elite flight mechanics BUT no way to switch between them

2) Rapid fire on touch - yes you can now spray and pray the local area with touch controls

3) Another slew of NPC bugs squashed - yes some were oversights on my part BUT now they are fixed. Its amazing one of them was a check for an available NPC which never came up on desktop reared its head on android tests, rest assured its now fixed.

4) Credits - yes they are now in game, if you want ya name in lights (well text anyway) post here how you want to be immortalised in text and I will see what I can do

Im edging closer and closer to the next release that will be much more than the previous flight models, I still have to do:
1) POI items - the system is there but there is no items to look at
2) A few more bugs.
3) Target shooting to items within the target sight
4) Speed up/Slow down/Jump drive on touch

After those I will be releasing a new build

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