Having had little time over the past week or so I haven't got a lot done, I did manage to do:
1) Text system - yes I know AppGameKit has a text system but this wraps it up into Text commands etc
2) Encrypted - this didn't work as intended on android it still has some issues which are resolved.
Next to do:
1) NPC Selector - so I can add random things to the game data and they appear magically in the game
2) POI selector - so you can jump around to points of interest in the system.
3) Basic docking block - modelling is getting there but still loads to do
4) Basic combat - I want to shoot stuff
5) Basic HUD - target, basic inforation etc
I am getting ever closer to the elusive demo and the more I complete the nearer it gets I don't want to just release a flight demo but more of a combat test etc.
More soon...