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AppGameKit Classic Chat / looking for an Algorithm for bezier curve or spline... For 2D movements

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Posted: 30th Jan 2018 13:40

I've searched the forums but nothing seem to fit my need.
I need something that works this way :

1. I setup a spline using some dots.
2. The 1st dot = 0%, the last one is 100%
3. I need a calculation that tell me the 2D Position in the spline when entering a % value
4. It must also tell me the tangent angle to the spline at the choosen dot.

Do you know if there is any math algorithm for that somewhere ?

Thank you,
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Posted: 30th Jan 2018 14:18 Edited at: 30th Jan 2018 14:20
This is from somewhere. Might have been someone elses but I found it in one of my projects. Edit v# between 0.0 and 1.0 for percentage along the line (I think):

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Posted: 30th Jan 2018 15:59
You didn't look hard enough then. There's several bezier examples out there.

Quote: "3. I need a calculation that tell me the 2D Position in the spline when entering a % value"

That's a little trickier. I know people have tried before without much success, myself included. I went to a math forum trying to find a way to parameterize the bezier equation to do just that, it doesn't seem possible. My current solution isn't 100% accurate as it relies on estimations limited to the precision at which you draw your curves. I'd say for 99.9% of folks, it'll be plenty accurate enough.

Clonkex made a nice bezier library, and if you read through the comments you'll see my explanation for interpolating the spline.

As far as the tangent, you'll probably have to calculate that yourself, I don't have a solution off the top of my head for that but it should be trivial.
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Posted: 30th Jan 2018 22:29
What would be the fastest way to draw the curvy line?
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Posted: 30th Jan 2018 22:34
Been tested on performance of the draw calls by Bengismo on another thread

Will need to draw dots for a curvey line, fasted one is


It seems
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Posted: 30th Jan 2018 23:17
You'd have to draw multiple line segments for the curve. The more segments, the smoother the curve. Think of drawing a circle. Technically infinite points. An octogon has 8 sides by a somewhat circular shape. Make it with 20 sides and you got a polygon that looks even more like a circle. More lines, better precision.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2018 00:06 Edited at: 31st Jan 2018 00:14
Not sure its the fastest...but using the bezier algorithm posted above by baxslash and using DrawLine() gives this

The top curve is using 100 points
bottom uses just 10 points...

you can choose how many you want
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Posted: 31st Jan 2018 02:04
my path editor will plot and draw those points
it uses Clonkex's Bezier Library available here
- Fast bezier curve calculation
- Open and closed curves
- Easily find closest point on curve
- Can divide curve into arbitrary number of segments for line drawing
- Floating point precision for sub-pixel alignment
- Both Tier 1 and Tier 2 support

the list of clonkex's functions marked in bold to show you the ones to cacluate position in a curve for example
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Posted: 31st Jan 2018 10:27
I'd say DrawLine() is pretty fast. I had it at like 3000 segments with no noticeable drop in frames lol.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2018 12:12
An alternative to using drawline is to use sprites instead. It's one method folks have used to draw thicker lines. You could then potentially use the sprites to design roads and whatnot as well.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2018 23:30 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2018 00:08
Quote: "
I need something that works this way :

1. I setup a spline using some dots.
2. The 1st dot = 0%, the last one is 100%
3. I need a calculation that tell me the 2D Position in the spline when entering a % value
4. It must also tell me the tangent angle to the spline at the choosen dot.

Hi Freddix, splines are typically made with polynomials. Like f(x)=2+3x+4x^2..., which you can set as the equation y=2+3x+...
If you have n points, then you need a polynomial with n coefficients (write them like c_i, where i is a subscript). Like y=c_1+c_2*x+c_3*x^2+c_4*x^3+...+c_n*x^(n-1)
Your list of points is something like (20%,12), (30%,4),..., (x_n, y_n)
To calculate the coefficients you use the n equations that result from substituting n times the corresponding coordinates in the equation. Thus getting n equations.
To get the tangent you get the slope using the derivative evaluated at the point of interest. You get the intercept of the tangent by substituting the slope into the linear equation of the tangent, together with the point of interest coordinates.

For example,
Suppose you want a spline for the 2 points (0, 32), (1, 3). Then you know you need a polynomial with 2 coefficients which gives the equation

Since you have two points you can substitute the x,y coordinates two times in the equation, thus getting two equations like:

Now you solve this equation system of two equations. In this case, you can immediately see from the first equation that c_1=32,. Substituting that into the second equation you get the equation 3=32+c_2*1. Which gives c_2=-29.
Your spline would be y=32-29*x.
Suppose you want to get the tangent for x equals 50%=0.5; the tangent is a line given by Y=A+B*X. Then the derivative of your spline gives you the slope B: y’=-29. Now you substitute the slope and the values of your point (X=0.5, Y=32-29*0.5=32-14.5=17.5, B=-29) into the tangent equation: 17.5=A-29*0.5 ; you get A=32. Thus the equation of the tangent associated with the point (the one with x=50%=0.5) is Y=32-29*X. In this case the tangent has the same equation as the spline because the spline itself is just a straight line, but that will not be the case with a more elaborate spline.

You can substitute your x=0%=0 to get the corresponding y. And substitute your 100%= 1 to get the corresponding y. But more interestingly, you can substitute any number between 0% and 100% to get the corresponding y.

This example is extremely easy. But you can do it for lots of points in an Excel spreadsheet.

P.S. If you are looking for more complicated curves like a spiral or an infinity sign or an S like that of baxslash, were both the X and the Y coordinates go back-and-forth, then you will need what is called a parametric curve. Let me know and I will explain it to you.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2018 17:49
No idea if it's the best way or not, but I use a recursive approach. This is a very stripped-down example adapted from my personal Spline library. It can handle any number of points. The tangent vector is visualized as a yellow line running across the spline. Note that it's not normalized in this example, so its magnitude varies across the curve. I did my best to explain what's happening in the comments.

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