Running into some odd performance issues.
I've got a 256x256[65,536] array of objects. Each object is only 2 triangles. It's only 260K vertices & 131K triangles, most any modern GPU should be able to handle this with ease.
I'm getting about 10FPS on each GPU I've tested it on. [ Geforce 620 , Geforce 650m , Geforce 1080 ]
Funny thing is the 1080 performs the worst of the bunch.
I tried creating a single object with the same 3D data in it [ 260K vertices & 131K triangles ].
Each GPU reports 60FPS no problem. So, it doesn't appear to be a GPU / 3D rendering bottleneck issue.
Perhaps there is a CPU bottleneck in the object code. I tried disabling collision and such, no performance change.
However, if I simply set the objects to be not visible, I get the 60FPS. Which is odd because as far as AppGameKit is concerned the objects still exist.
Any ideas?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there a bug in AppGameKit?
Or is this just an inherent limitation of how AppGameKit works?
Test project attached.