A brief History
I did a google search firstly for "free game making engines" ide already tried to make sense of the direct x documentation
and had come from a vast range of other tools. Like Applesoft for the Apple and STOSS for my Atari. I searched long and
hard looking for something that was not click and play but still easy to learn. I was hoping for something similar to STOSS
with the ability to do similar on a superior machine. I checked many sites which gave ratings and comparisons of different
tools available. To be quite frank I installed allot of Crap lol There was one that I tried I forget its name but it was too buggy
to keep me interested. Dark Basic had appealed to me and the forum support made it very appealing, this is one of the
drawbacks ive found with wanting to use Unity. A quick search of there forums I found the same question being asked over
and over again with people insulting NOOBS for no reason. Quite Different to the AppGameKit forums which even get a little heated
at times. So the Moderated forum support here is great and the willingness of others to share their code and help others
keeps the forum good. The ongoing development of TGC products is another real bonus. So I figure getting reviews on other
sites and making the lists of like top 100 engines etc even if AppGameKit rated lower it would still make it more accessible and people
like myself would more than likely find and use it.
That's how I found Darkbasic which led me to using GDK and during University I was looking for ways to develop on pc for
Apple Iphones. After many hours searching on google reading ratings and reviews and seeing allot of garbage. I ended up
here. I did try my hand at some Java development for mobile which wasn't all that successful and finished with AGK. At the
time I was looking for a way to develop a project that would hit the Apple Store for a University Subject called Mobile Application
Development. Fortunately the project never had to be completed to pass, it was more about the marketing and development
stages. But that subject got me interested in AppGameKit and back to the TGC products
Google paid advertising I don't believe is worth the money
I usually ignore the top paid advertising links unless I see the same link coming up again in the search results