You could use AppGameKit for Nintendo Switch, but you have to create your game first. Then you present it to Nintendo, than you can buy a DevKit and SDK from Nintendo, and then, you could compile your code for that. The SDK is written in C++
So if you want to use AppGameKit for the Nintendo Switch, I guess, the easiest way would be, to use the Visual Studio and AppGameKit Tier 2 C++ / C# create your game and after maybe a year or two, you finish your beautiful game and present it to Nintendo.
Mostly Nintendo is looking for games, that are on other platforms before. Like "Hollow Knight", "Shovel Knight", they are on WiiU or Steam before. Or some are have success on Android before. There are only very few, that are only on Switch from the "Indies". And one is e.g. "Snipper Clips".
And that also took a while to make.
You could thing about the following:
- create your game Prototype with AppGameKit, Assets, Sounds, Graphics, gameplay and so on. You will have something like Level-Data and so on.
- You could put your game on Steam, GOG, Android, Microsoft XBox UWP before
- Show your game to Nintendo, and then you could convert your core maybe to AppGameKit C++, or if absolutly needed, to Unity or Unreal or Game Maker Studio. But! All of the other Engines are not cheap. They will cost you a fee.
Celeste is made with ...
FMOD e.g. would cost you also money. And they said, that they made there Prototype with "Pico-8" before.
And they used XNA and MonoGame before, I guess, for "Tower Fall" for the OUYA platform. AppGameKit can export easily to the OUYA. Best for trying out your game first. And! There are working 5 people for Celeste. So keep your first idea simple.