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Geek Culture / What is a Classic Game you would like to see brought back to life

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Posted: 27th Dec 2018 19:32 Edited at: 22nd Jan 2019 09:55
Quote: "Im using this thread as a suggestion thread where people can post games they would like to be brought back to life with AppGameKit and as
some of them are getting developed im supplying the source code or a link to where it can be obtained from"

Il start off with Burning Rubber I think this very easily could be brought back to life with AppGameKit as its 2D and doesn't have corners as such.

StuntCar Racer Was one of my most popular games that allowed 2 computers hooked up together via the MIDI cable on the Atari ST

Not quite Stuntcar Racer but inspired by Stuntcar Racer KrazyGrandPrix

SwashBuckler Theres plenty of fighting games out there but I believe a remake of one of the originals could do well.
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Posted: 27th Dec 2018 19:43 Edited at: 7th Sep 2019 15:39
Elite A legendary classic from the BBC era

Raster Blaster


My Blitzkrieg remake
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fubarpk on googleplay..
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Posted: 27th Dec 2018 20:06
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Posted: 27th Dec 2018 20:08 Edited at: 27th Dec 2018 20:12
Limatron... Thought that was the blue screen of death then it scrolled up!! lol

Some quite good classics here that i have never seen.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2018 20:13 Edited at: 27th Dec 2018 20:25
Quote: "Liamatron... Thought that was the blue screen of death then it scrolled up!! lol"

lol oh yes the screens of death I had the Atari st so it was a green screen with 3 bombs lol but llamatron was definitely fun
I think the sounds made that game.


Castle Wolfenstein The original

Team Suzuki What I particularly liked about this one they had a mouse control option which really worked well
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Posted: 27th Dec 2018 20:31 Edited at: 27th Dec 2018 20:42
Nethack One of the very first hack n slash games but as far as I am concerned is still ahead of
many games such as diablo etc due to the varieties in the game. There has been thosuands of items added
over time as Nethack was made chain software with open source. Which allowed anyone with an
understanding of c to contribute and forward there changes onto the developers where they checked that
the code didn't contain any nasties and implemented it.

There was a graphical version released
Falcons Eye

Nethack was probably one of my most played games on the Atari ST, but I didn't really get into Falcons Eye
Falcons eye was much more graphically appealing but seamed to be lacking of something. Even tho it was
pretty much the same. I think it may have been the Isometric tiling and the fact it really was only nethack
with tiles not sure
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Posted: 27th Dec 2018 22:21 Edited at: 27th Dec 2018 22:22
Some cool games here. One of interest maybe perhaps for me would be an Isometric view ones - but done well

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Posted: 28th Dec 2018 08:39
These had been my favorite strategy games. I wasn't very good in them but I had a lot of fun with them.

Battle Isle

Rings of Medusa

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Posted: 28th Dec 2018 11:12 Edited at: 28th Dec 2018 11:22
F29 Retaliater I owned this and f19 and f29 got played allot more due to the fact
you could jump into a mission and have fun. Without having to accelerate time. Like I
had so long I could play a game for an hour getting ready just for one mission was
rediculious with f19 but f29 I could've done several missions in that time.

Killing Cloud Loved this game wasn't that good at setting the traps but again the
controls really worked well with mouse

Command and Conquer 1
I mention this because i personally feel it was light years ahead of its competitors
when most warcrafts had a maxiumum of 9 units that you could select at a time.
C and C allowed for selecting as many units as possible and for those that followed
westwoods development will know it had superier AI when warcraft was cheating
by sending out units it couldnt possibly build with the base it had
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Posted: 28th Dec 2018 16:51 Edited at: 28th Dec 2018 16:52
There's so many awesome game concepts back in the classic years and this thread already has many of them so I won't bog you down with more. Looks like you have enough now to keep you busy for many years. Lol

I will say for me personally I don't have much interest in a remake as in the exact same game with the same or much better graphics & audio. But I would be interested in playing a new game heavily inspired by a classic game and having enhanced gameplay in some way. A new mechanic or two. A new sub goal or two. Etc. I view the classics as awesome cores just waiting for us devs to be inspired to remake the core then add some more stuff to make it "fresh" while still tying into the original enough to be very seamless.
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Posted: 28th Dec 2018 18:20 Edited at: 28th Dec 2018 18:24
Some games do come to mind, although 'classic' in my mind may be a little later than to most being in mid-thirties now lol;

Street Rod (1989)

Stunts (ms-DOS era)

Cyberbykes Shadow Racer VR (1995)

Hardwar (1998)

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Posted: 28th Dec 2018 18:24
Quote: "Looks like you have enough now to keep you busy for many years."

Thanks Garbenjamin, the idea is really a thread inspirer for anyone really, but I have been giving "Burning Rubber"
Some serious consideration thinking its a bit away from others projects atm and I think its quite achievable in AGK.
Ide love to do a good remake of Stuntcar Racer and i may do in the future. When i beleive both the track models
and physics can be recreated. I just often search what people are doing for ideas hence why i created this thread
hoping others might search here for ideas also and perhaps share some classics. All of the above concepts are
achievable maybe not by me but by someone on this forum
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Posted: 28th Dec 2018 19:07
OH! I see now. I missed that I guess. Thought it was games posted for what would people like you to remake. Lol

Yeah this is an awesome idea. I will post some later tonight or this weekend when I am free. On lunch break now then back to work!
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Posted: 29th Dec 2018 20:24
Myself and a friend made a remake of Exolon in AGK.... a great game. Here's a vid:

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Posted: 29th Dec 2018 22:16 Edited at: 29th Dec 2018 22:16
Good old arcade classic - Hyper Sports

I tried redeveloping this when I was 17 then had to rush to get ready to goto Germany on a Student exchange - brings back some memories
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Posted: 30th Dec 2018 01:34

(C64 Version)

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Posted: 31st Dec 2018 12:58
Psygnosis Obliterator

Psygnosis Blood Money. At one point I did actually start working on remaking this in DBP, never went very far with it though.

Mutant League Football. Been wanting to see a modern version of this for years.
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Legend of Zelda

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2019 05:33 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2019 05:51
Everyone is sharing some great examples of classics thanks
@Kevin when I first looks at Nebulus I thought that tower was done in 2D with some clever code
but I now think it was more likely 3D

It started as one of my most played games and a must to this collection nowonder 20 cents would last me all day lol
Donkey Kong

Burger Time

This could be a great reproduction for those talented artistic types, why stop with just hamburger making when there
is so many things you could make and i beleive this was the beginning to allot of the cooking games around today.

Pole Position Im not sure if this is the one that allowed you to go over the top of the car in front if you lined the
wheels pixels up perfectly

Im still yet to see the same road effect redone in AppGameKit working aswell as it did above
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2019 16:36

Quote: "@Kevin when I first looks at Nebulus I thought that tower was done in 2D with some clever code but I now think it was more likely 3D"

nah as mind bending as this is, It really is 2D. The rows are character ( tilemap) animations and objects are hardware sprites. He might be dynamically generating the tiles to create the spinning illusion (you only need 2 rows), but given how slow the 6510 is that would be pretty costly. Although since rows repeat, then most rows and be copied / raster split.

Today it's simple, but like a large portion of the 8bit / 16bit generation systems they were always awkward and generally under powered to do stuff real time, hence the number of creative solutions you'll find in them...

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2019 17:11
Nice - Donkey Kong and Pole Position for me..
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2019 08:59
Indoor sports emporirium 2020. Consists of

Table tennis

Cards. Poker. Solitaire

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2019 09:18 Edited at: 22nd Jan 2019 09:18
Great suggestion puzzler2018
not sure about snooker/pool only just coming to terms with physics

ZanyGolf was another classic
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2019 09:23 Edited at: 22nd Jan 2019 09:30
Lunar Lander Original

My Lunar Lander Remake
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2019 09:29 Edited at: 8th Sep 2019 08:51
Space Invaders Original

My Space Invaders Variant Work in progress

below version bullets make holes in barricades
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2019 09:33
Asteroids Original

My Asteroids Variant
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Posted: 25th Jan 2019 23:40 Edited at: 25th Jan 2019 23:56

Adventure stuff murder myserty

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Posted: 26th Jan 2019 17:27 Edited at: 26th Jan 2019 17:34
Quote: "StuntCar Racer Was one of my most popular games that allowed 2 computers hooked up together via the MIDI cable on the Atari ST"

Yeah, played that alot w/ a couple of friends. I even remember some track names llike 'Roller Coaster'
There are a couple of nice remakes out there...

Quote: "Elite A legendary classic from the BBC era"

Played that alot, too. Military laser on all four sides. Check
Has been remade and is getting massive updates regularly

Battle Isle, Command and Conquer, Street Rod, Blood Money, Burger Time...played them all.
Even wrote a full walkthrough for Little Big Adventure for a game magazine.

Here are a couple of my favs:

Boulder Dash C64

Spy vs Spy C64. No one could ever beat me in this game

Archon C64

Cauldron C64

Dune 2 PC

Populous Amiga

Paradroid Amiga

North & South Amiga

The Dig PC

So many titles...can't post them all

Good memories!


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Posted: 27th Jan 2019 22:53
Loved this back in the hayday

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Posted: 28th Jan 2019 17:25
Yeah, Centipede.
One of the titles that comes up in Ready Player One ( the novel )

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Posted: 28th Jan 2019 18:22
asteroids and space invaders have been redone a million times already.

I'd like a "proper" remake of Monkey Island.

Or MS Encarta, I used to think that thing was so cool :p
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Posted: 30th Jan 2019 20:00
Black and White

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Posted: 31st Jan 2019 14:57
Quote: "asteroids and space invaders have been redone a million times already."

A brief History
Yep I Know lol but space invaders was the very first program I did lol showing my age but wanted to have
a go at it to see how it would work with AGK. And was after a simple task after some of the heavier program
developments ive been doing. The very first version I made was on a challenger 4P (no idea how much memory it had)
but was done with very limited number of lines something like 10 if my memory serves me correctly. The
problem I had was what do you do to the invader once you shot them lol so I just placed them at the top of
the screen lol because I had no idea then. Programming on old computers like the challenger you never
really had sprites but you would use the character sets to make sprites hahahah

Watch this space for more suggestions and possible developments code
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Posted: 31st Jan 2019 15:52
Lots of great suggestions.

I think this was called Giana Sisters or something originally, and then they replaced the sprites with Super Mario Bros. Loved this game so much.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2019 07:07
Seven Cities of Gold

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Posted: 1st Feb 2019 07:07 Edited at: 1st Feb 2019 07:11
Sorry for double posting, had an unknown error and Seven Cities of Gold was posted twice, so I edited the 2nd post


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Posted: 1st Feb 2019 08:42
Hi everyone,

I noticed that Gauntlet is not on the list.
How about I'll take care of this one?

There is lots of info about the levels of the NES-version, Amiga, Megadrive(Genesis) and Master System (and a few others). so making levels should prove quite easy, especially with Tiled.
On I already bought spritesheets ( so the game could look like a Gameboy-game.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2019 10:31
Quote: "I'd like a "proper" remake of Monkey Island."

Yes, I'd vote for that too .

Another oldish game series that I enjoyed was Vandal Hearts (for PS1) and its sequel Vandal Hearts 2 (for PS2). Great music and storyline - and an easy to use turn-based combat system for those who struggle with keeping up with real-time game-play (like me ).
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Posted: 6th Feb 2019 16:27
@Golelorn, actually I did start a remake of that game. The video below is my AppGameKit version.

Quote: "I noticed that Gauntlet is not on the list."

Growing up, everyone always called it Gauntlet, but I knew it as Garrison.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2019 21:24 Edited at: 6th Feb 2019 21:25
@phaelax love the animations you have with Barbarian should complete it I feel

Battle Chess Amiga, I think the animations really made this game
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Posted: 6th Feb 2019 21:35
Dammmm Battle Chess - I missed that one.... Awesome game - they all are
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Posted: 15th Feb 2019 16:31 Edited at: 15th Feb 2019 16:40
Scorched Earth I think this video is one of the early versions because I can remember a version
where each player had a choice of different weapons for an attack on one of the opponents

Definitely one ide like to see brought to life with AppGameKit
Which evolved into Scorched3D

Which did inspire me into creating the DarkGDK KillerSkuds
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Posted: 15th Feb 2019 18:38
Nice games

How about a bit of proper golf to stick with a bit of 3D but classic

Must be getting old
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2019 23:48 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2019 23:49
Qix Definately would be a nice challenge to bring back to life (think the rendering and draw commands could really be used here)

I was definitely not good at this game lol
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Posted: 4th Mar 2019 20:36
We should pick a fairly simple game (graphically) and have a little competition.
I say simple graphically, as my graphics are rubbish!

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Posted: 4th Mar 2019 21:51
@nzo I agree could make it a game that was around perhaps over 30 years ago or more that should make a
good graphics restriction
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Posted: 4th Mar 2019 22:26
I quite like the idea of burger time or donkey kong. Both have a kind of clean 80's aesthetic and are quite iconic.
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Posted: 4th Mar 2019 22:34 Edited at: 4th Mar 2019 22:35
Donkey kong - must be the retro one

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Posted: 4th Mar 2019 22:47
hahah I was a king at Donkey Kong at the arcades 20 cents would last me like forever lol it got easier not harder
and did you know the jump from the bottom right ladder. Climb ladder move one pixel to the right then jump
backwards to the right and you fall through that screen to next level
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Posted: 4th Mar 2019 22:50
lolol there will be no glitches in my version - i hope! lol
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Posted: 4th Mar 2019 23:00
How high can you try?

Seriously, we should compo it.
All source code to be released as well. Would be a great experience and a tutorial for new AppGameKit users.

Also, we'll be able to get Puzzler2018 to stick to one thing at a time

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