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Newcomers AppGameKit Corner / How would you split a screen for a menu or tile selection.

Bob Sherman
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Joined: 15th Jul 2016
Posted: 13th Jan 2019 08:10
I've tried many different things, but I'm working on a map editor and I need to split the screen for my menu and tile selection. Please help.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2019 19:43
Blendman has made some windows like controls that would be very useful for you i think.
I know he has a dedicated thread somewhere but if you download his 3D editor you will see where he implements the controls
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2019 20:55 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2019 20:59
One of the simplest ways of having a menu
is to use sprites for each item
for example if you have a playSpr

Splitting the screen would just be a matter of having sprites to one side of the screen
and having your map editor on the other side.

you could also use SetSpriteVisible(playSpr,0) to turn the sprites visibility off aswell

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