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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] Escape the Place [working title] (alpha v00.1)

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Posted: 21st Feb 2019 03:59 Edited at: 24th Apr 2019 07:36

eggdog media (sbegley001)

GameGuru Forum Thread

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TGC Forum Exclusive: Xplosys Edition
(In honor of all the Awesome Chapter Launcher that xplosys released (read: gave away!) and his efforts in helping me out.


You awake in a derelict room. Your head feels foggy and your awareness is thin - some more sleep sounds like heaven. However, the hard, mattress-less, and vaguely blood-stained metal bed you awoke on is less than inviting, and any conventional wisdom would lead you to get the heck out of here. So that's exactly what you're going to do. Your phone, wallet, and keys are no where to be found and you spy nothing that would make a suitable weapon in your immediate vicinity. Oh well, at least you still have your clothes.


A short, 3 level survival horror game I'm putting together - inspired by the early Resident Evil games and Uzi Idiot's wonderful Retro Screen shader. This demo is the fully playable (albeit unpolished) 1st level. Looking for some feedback before I finish her up and proceed to build the other two levels.


= incomplete
= in progress
= finished[/color]

Level 01
Level Design
Level Layout
Light Placement
Enemy Placement
Mechanics In Place

Level 02
Level Design
Level Layout
Light Placement
Enemy Placement
Mechanics In Place

Level 03

HUDs and Menu Screens
In Game HUD
Start Menu
Win Screen
Lose Screen

Play the free demo and shoot me that sweet, sweet C&C

V001.0 Road Map

- Build Levels 2 "The Tube" and 3 "The Complex"

Confirmed Bugs (to be fixed in v00.33)

- Blocking Doesn't Work, but was never really important

Change Log:


- Updated launcher (courtesy of xplosys)


- Fixed - Player Wounded Speed Regenerates After Healing
- Fixed - Ambient Light Level Intitialization Works Properly


- Fixed - "Click to Start" Hud doesn't display in MANIAC MODE
- Fixed- Yes/No options in the "Are you sure?" box when overwriting a saved game are invisible until hovered over
- Fixed- Boss Not Spawning


- Now Packaged with DirectX 9
- Exclusive Game Launcher
- Fire Axe Adjusted
- AI Is Smarter
- Modified Weapon Icons
- Instruction/Direction Huds
- Health Hud
- Descriptive Pick Up Huds
- Boss Modified
- New Themed Menu Screens
- Slight Redesign
- Texture changes
- Darkness/Ambience Adjustments
- All Pickups Flash
- Revised Audio and Player Sounds
- Player Sprint Adjusted
- New Cursor
- Ceilings Now Have Their Own Texture
- Fixed - Post Effect Shader


- Fixed - Hud Scaling


- Fixed - Invisible Enemies
- Fixed - Skybox Issue
- Fixed - Wooden Door Breakable

This thread or email me at:
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Posted: 21st Feb 2019 14:59
this looks pretty cool, i'm going to try this out
hi, i'm a random guy who's making random games with random game engines for random reasons
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Posted: 21st Feb 2019 22:01
@ sbegley001 Same here, looks interesting. Will check out the demo
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2019 02:56 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2019 16:54
Awesome guys let me know what you think! Unfortunately a few issues have been reported:

Invisible Enemies (bond1 shader problem?) Fixed
Super Bright + Skybox Not Loading Fixed
Wooden Door is Breakable (oops) Fixed
Huds are not scaled (oops again) Fixed

Please let me know if you experience any of these! Any tips on how to fix them would be appreciated as well.

I heard from Dark Lord on the discord that deleting the bond1 shaders fixes the issue but they are so ugly now Any idea why they arent working for some people?

Thanks for checking it out
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2019 06:10 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2019 08:06
v00.21 is up now - if you have version one I strongly encourage you to try this one instead
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2019 22:42 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2019 22:44
An excellent video of youtube user ProofreadFire giving it a playthrough

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2019 03:46
Congrats on the good review. It's obvious you've put some work into the game so far.

Some things I liked were...
- use of the shader, it worked well with the simple environment.
- the level of darkness was good as was the light placement.
- the wiring puzzle.
- using doors in different states, some broken, some left open, etc.
- music and sound was great

Some things that need work...
- key placement/use of keys. Think of more inventive ways to provide access besides doors and keys.
- the BOSS is just too big, walking and reaching through ceilings and walls. He would work well in a much more open environment.
- menus of course. I know that's something normally done last but since you're presenting this, you may want to consider it now.

I think three levels is a good idea and limit for this engine, and if they're good levels then you've got a win. The only other thing I can add is keep polishing.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2019 06:47 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2019 08:56
Thank you for your praise and criticisms xplosys If you could leave me a rating on that would be a huge help to me, although I totally understand if you don't have/want to create an account. I hope you don't mind that I posted your review (in its entirety) on the games page. If you do, just let me know and I'll take it down immediately

Yes I absolutely love Uzi Idiot's retro screen shader! Unfortunately it doesn't seem to reinitialize when Load Game is used instead of New Game...which is a bummer but I am hoping a solution isn't too difficult to achieve. I worked very hard on the atmosphere in this and although I don't think its quite there yet, it is definitely starting to reach final form Im very glad you enjoyed it.

on keys
Yeah definitely need to work on the key thing. You can probably tell its my go to method of providing/blocking access to the player but I will definitely replace some keys with different mechanics or objects.

on boss too big
Yes it is quite ugly the way he glitches through scary though! You think he cant fit...but then he does haha. I'll figure something out about that. Might move him to be the boss for the second level as that one is going to be set in an abandoned subway. Much more room for activities there

on menus
I wholeheartedly agree. I just threw a quick and dirty loading screen together to at least lay some background on the player, but some simple quick and dirty mock ups would go a long way in contributing to the feel and atmosphere of the game as a package. Boy I do love those old default fpsc menus though So nostalgic...

Really appreciate you taking the time to give it a try and leave me some valuable feedback, it means a lot coming from you xplosys. This thread will be regularly updated as I progress with development, feel free to pop in and criticize anytime
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2019 20:51
@ sbegley001 Hey I played the demo, and must say it's looking good so far Nice atmosphere & good layout.
I really like your scripts for the player wobble and such. Nice touch/effect. While I do like the Retro shaders Uzi
just made, it didn't go so well with my machine. I had to turn it off to be able to play the demo ( everything was way to dark on my end)
After that all went well. I still have to finish the "whole" game, I'll let you know how it goes

Now my gripes & complaints. Yes, change the hud for the "loading" screen. Kinda ruins the whole setup that follows.
Had a really hard time finding keys & things, still not sure if I found everything I was suppose to ( maybe the "Item Flasher" shader would help? )
Boss way too big, you know that already. Player dies too easily ( at least I
Make a custom menu ! Lol

Hey, looks good so far so keep it up and finish this bad boy ! Lol

My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2019 21:22
ncmako said "( everything was way to dark on my end)"

Back when FPSC allowed the player to change the brightness, it was a complaint that it would ruin the creators intended atmosphere when players just turned it up, but we found a way to limit that and it worked well. No two monitors are alike, and if it's still possible to allow a limited range of brightness through scripting, I would recommend you do so.

ncmako can advise further on the scripting part.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2019 00:17 Edited at: 24th Feb 2019 00:36
@ncmako thanks for playing and thanks for the compliments Those are wonderful gameplay and player scripts aren't they? All credit for that goes to Mriganka and can be found in his most generous thread.

Yes I noticed the darkness issue on a couple machines I was able to test on and I agree with xplosys - some sort of brightness selector screen would go along way! The atmosphere Im going for is defintely a finely balanced one. A little too much ambience and the atmosphere is ruined, a little too much darkness and its WAY too dark and nearly unplayable.

Please do let me know if you manage to finish it Dont forget to save often!

Agreed Im going to ditch the stock screens and hud in the next update (v00.3) along with a few other changes including:

- some texture changes
- more reliable post effect courtesy of Dark Lord(discord)
- slightly different pickups placement
- replacing one key with a different mechanic
- brighten flickering flashlight
- yes, apply the itemflash shader to the health pack i missed lol

Thinking about also applying one to the safe since the ammo is practically necessary to proceed, what do you guys think?

@xplosys Very good idea, and would love to hear your thoughts on this matter ncmako! Im thinking along the lines of maybe player starts immobile with a vignette hud and the options of 3 brightness settings: very dark, dark, and not so dark. Select with 1, 2, or 3 and vignette vanishes and player becomes mobile. Ill see what I can mess around with while I wait for ncmakos valuable input

After these changes are complete I will consider this alpha version "complete" at v00.3 and proceed to put the rest of the game together
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Posted: 24th Feb 2019 01:34
I can tell that you're somewhat of a writer by your intro and posts. Keep in mind that, as you develop the story line and plot of your remaining levels, you will want to go back to your earlier levels and create those hints or, set-the-stage for those things that will follow. If done correctly, the first level may be the last one you complete.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2019 16:48
@ sbegley001 Yes, adding the Item Flasher shader would help a lot for finding hard to find items...etc
As far as adding a "brightness" script is simple. Not too much, as that would ruin the atmosphere, as I really like
those dark long hallways with the flickering light at the ends with the player wobble effect
Do you have any preferences for the ambience adjustments ??? When the game first starts or prior to starting ???
I will have to script something if "prior" to game starting and test out Not really sure yet which would work better.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2019 22:14
Thank you @xplosys, great advice. I do have a subway map that hints at level 2 but I need to move it to be more visible
Dont worry, I will definitely be polishing and revisiting the level before completion. Im just considering this alpha a success after these changes are implemented successfully. Beta will swing around when I have all three levels functional, and will likely only be available to forum members(here and gg) for testing since I plan to charge a meager sum for the complete game

@ncmako I do have the itemflash applied on all pickups except the health back in the basement area. Im concerned none of the pickups are flashing for you at all, is this the case. If so yay, another shader issue lol

As far as the ambience thing, I was thinking a brightness selector once the game starts? Like 3 different fullscreen pictures show the differing ambience

1. Immobilize player, throw up a fullscreen hud
2. Player makes brightness decision with 1,2, or 3
3. Change ambience and hud to match selection
4. Player confirms with Enter
5. Remove hud, player mobile

Yeah pretty complex I know...been messing around with not much success yet lol.

Actually probably way simpler to just tie different ambience settings to, say, the + key for ambience = 5 and the - key for ambience = 0? Yeah wow why did that take me so long, thats probably the way to go. Less showy but way easier and just as functional. Thanks for the brain wave haha
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Posted: 25th Feb 2019 10:25
@ sbegley001
Quote: " none of the pickups are flashing "

Make sure they are dynamic first, then make sure you have a D and D2 texture for them.
Here is the original link to it from Bond1
Yes, go with a simpler solution if you have one for the ambience setting. Just a little bit, 5 to 8 ambience should do it
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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Location: You know that space between a dresser and the floor ? Yeah, that's where
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Posted: 25th Feb 2019 17:24
Ah I mean that, with the exception of the health pack in the basement area, they are flashing for me and for the youtubers Ive seen play it, are they not flashing for you at all on your machine?

Thanks ncmako
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Posted: 25th Feb 2019 23:36
Couple screenies of rudimentary menu screens

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Posted: 26th Feb 2019 23:08
@ sbegley001
Quote: " are they not flashing for you at all on your machine? "

Well to be honest, I'm not sure. Since I didn't noticed any flashing I just assumed they were
not working? I will have to look again and see if I find any. They might be working
I'll let you know.
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Posted: 27th Feb 2019 01:30
Thanks ncmako, let me know Make sure you have version 00.21 (v0021)
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2019 20:38
I've been very hard at work on this huge and "final" update to the alpha version - I'm excited to say its nearly complete and being released later today! This update aims to complete the alpha version demo of Escape the Place so we can move into constructing the rest of the game

Update Features Include
- Instruction/Direction Huds
- Health Huds
- Descriptive Pick Up Huds
- Boss Modified
- New Themed Menu Screens
- Slight redesign
- Texture changes
- Darkness/Ambience adjustments
- All pickups flash
- Press Enter to Pick up Items
- Revised player sounds

- Post Effect Shader Fixed
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2019 01:18
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2019 13:44
@ sbegley001 Had a chance to play entire demo and all the "item flasher" shaders DO work ( V021)
So no worries on that one I did have the ambience set to 8 so I could maneuver and find things.
There you go, your last hud pic there ( ESC) looks good
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Posted: 4th Mar 2019 11:39
Awesome thanks for checking Im always worried about different machines experiencing different problems

Dont blame you on the ambience, ambience is adjusted(read:better lol) in the new update hopefully coming out tomorrow

Thanks I hope you will give it another go when the update drops. Ill post here when it does, of course
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Posted: 5th Mar 2019 20:31
in case you miss it, jackscepticeye just played your game, it didn't really go well for him but still congrats
(he plays yours last)

life's one big game
spec= i5 4ghz, 16gb ram, Nvidia 1070ti gpu
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Posted: 7th Mar 2019 00:52 Edited at: 7th Mar 2019 00:53
Wow that's awesome! So many subscribers

Wish I wouldve got this update Im working on out before he played it! Lol ah well, any publicity is good publicity...right?
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Posted: 10th Mar 2019 13:17
Version V00.3 is out! Let me know what you guys think!

Check it out here:
Confirmed Bugs (to be fixed in v00.31)(ETA 3/10/2019):

- "Click to Start" Hud doesn't display in MANIAC MODE
- Yes/No options in the "Are you sure?" box when overwriting a saved game are invisible until hovered over. Just move your mouse over the right side of the box and they will highlight.

Change Log:


- Now Packaged with DirectX 9
- Exclusive Game Launcher
- Fire Axe Adjusted
- AI Is Smarter
- Modified Weapon Icons
- Instruction/Direction Huds
- Health Hud
- Descriptive Pick Up Huds
- Boss Modified
- New Themed Menu Screens
- Slight Redesign
- Texture changes
- Darkness/Ambience Adjustments
- All Pickups Flash
- Revised Audio and Player Sounds
- Player Sprint Adjusted
- New Cursor
- Ceilings Now Have Their Own Texture
- Fixed - Post Effect Shader
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Posted: 10th Mar 2019 22:15
Fixes are here

- Fixed - "Click to Start" Hud doesn't display in MANIAC MODE
- Fixed- Yes/No options in the "Are you sure?" box when overwriting a saved game are invisible until hovered over
- Fixed- Boss Not Spawning

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Posted: 11th Mar 2019 04:45 Edited at: 11th Mar 2019 04:48
Some more screenies and a couple fixes from the release Xplosys Edition not shown - you'll have to play that one yourself to see it ( download in original post ^ )

- Fixed - Player Wounded Speed Regenerates After Healing
- Fixed - Ambient Light Level Intitialization Works Properly

Somebody play it and give me some feedback! I need to know if there is any other bugs and what was a bad design choice lol

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Posted: 12th Mar 2019 01:56
The ambience is better now. Have you considered "Loading..." text down by the loading bar? Or perhaps a more visible loading bar? It's not that prominent and peoples attention is normally up on the story text. The text will help draw their attention down to the bar once they've finished reading the text.
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Posted: 12th Mar 2019 06:43 Edited at: 12th Mar 2019 06:43
Thanks I didnt realize my screen was so bright compared to others lol. You can also press + to cycle through ambience options too I probably should notify players of that more obviously than the tab to see controls hud...

Quote: "Have you considered "Loading..." text down by the loading bar? Or perhaps a more visible loading bar?"

Thats a good idea, I was going to make it more white but I spaced it haha. I think a "loading..." text would be good and I could do it easily with a button. Thanks for the advice and let me know if you manage to beat it I know its not easy but there is a health pack for full health after every confrontation
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Posted: 14th Mar 2019 00:19 Edited at: 14th Mar 2019 00:23
Sneak peak at xplosys edition. Trailer for main game will come out with v1.0
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Posted: 14th Mar 2019 20:06
@ sbegley001 Really starting to take shape now, the huds look great, ambience is a nice tone.
Keep it up !
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Location: You know that space between a dresser and the floor ? Yeah, that's where
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Posted: 15th Mar 2019 01:26
Thanks ncmako! Will do Might be a few days til I have some more screenshots, building level 2 "The Tube" right now.

Ill probably make a thread about it soon, but do you know of anyway to achieve ragdoll with bond1's freaks snd abominations? Ive even tried replacing the lobotomy skeleton with the ai.x skeleton and still no dice...
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Posted: 16th Mar 2019 18:09 Edited at: 16th Mar 2019 18:10
Made a quick walkthrough/speedrun of Escape the Place - If you are having trouble fighting enemies, finding items, or progressing the game, this is for you.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2019 07:28

Started back at college this month, but still dedicated to Escape the Place!

Level 2 "The Tube" is very much a work in progress, but it's starting to come together. Brought a couple teaser screenies for you guys

official devlog

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Posted: 24th Apr 2019 21:45
sbegley001 Is that a flooded subway in the last pic I see ? Nice
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
Location: You know that space between a dresser and the floor ? Yeah, that's where
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Posted: 24th Apr 2019 22:43
Ncmako yes it is lol its really surprising how difficult an environment that is to make both interesting AND believable. In level 2, you find out where the monsters are coming from
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Posted: 30th Apr 2019 06:51
Downloading right know. I'll play it later in the day.
Out of curiosity, where did you got those black filing cabinets ?
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Posted: 30th Apr 2019 08:08
Awesome Kaelyss! Let me know what you think, especially criticisms

The black filing cabinets are from the Post Apocalyptic Model Pack 1 (i think)
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Posted: 1st May 2019 08:07 Edited at: 1st May 2019 08:12
I wasn't able to finish it unfortunately... a glitching dogman killed me in that long corridor.
Oh well, I will try harder, don't worry.

There's a few things I disliked in the demo :
I found the character to be way too slow. It gets tedious real quick during combat, especially when we try go backwards to avoid being hit by enemies. Most of the time we get injured because we're too slow to dodge their attacks.
Also, will a flashlight be given to us at some point of the story ? Navigate in all this darkness isn't very easy I must say. I got lost after having found a locked door. I wondered what I was supposed to do, so I backtracked until I saw light coming from a room (the one with the wire puzzle) in a part of the same corridor that I didn't saw before, because it was plunged in darkness. I think you should put small lights near places of interest, to give the player an idea where to go next. You should raise the ambience from 0 to something around 5, maybe ?
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Posted: 1st May 2019 20:42 Edited at: 1st May 2019 20:44
Thanks for trying it out Kaelyss! Yeah, abeit "complete" its still an alpha for sure :s

Character movement script is being changed to get rid of plrspeedmod except for when wounded, i believe the wounded and stamina depeleted movement speeds is causing a conflict somewhere so Im sorry about that.

The Dogman's actual hitbox seems to be located by his pelvis for some reason, so the Axe range is too low to hit without being hit by him also. I got around this by saving before fighting him and trying until i didn't take much damage. Still, though, it is if not broken, definitely not working as intended.

I still had no issues completing the game, and I've completed it on Maniac Mode, but it is hard. Saving alot is recommended. Check out my video walk through above to see how I tackle the fighting.

Also, though there is lights near every place of interest, the player has to pickup the flashlight on the floor by the second locked door you encounter, at the end of the long dark hallway. It has the item flash shader, but seems rather dim on some peoples devices. it is on top of the piece of cardboard on the floor. Will make it stand out more in the future.

The ambience controls, as stated in the crappy hard-to-read Tab menu, is pressing + key to cycle through the 4 different ambience options.

Thank you for the valuable feedback and hope this helps!
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Posted: 7th Jun 2019 16:20
Okay, i went to the page and looked at the system requirements and saw that it said that you can use windows 9 to play the game, as far as i know, windows 9 doesn't exist, can you fix that
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Posted: 11th Jun 2019 07:17
Hey, sbegley001 are you using my scripts for your movement system? If so, I forgot if I updated the scripts here but I made a version where the headbobbing error is fixed. In the older version, the head bobbing would be normal but would be an up and down thing only when looking at a perpendicular direction. You just have to change the camera offset x to y. It shortens the script and makes it way more efficient.

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